• 所以今日你们——沉默大多数”的北美同胞们,你们支持

    So tonight, to you, the outstanding silent majority of my fellow Americans, I ask for your support.


  • 尼克松南方战略公交车事件的态度沉默大多数吸引力马上为他赢得了选举资本。

    Nixon's Southern strategy, his challenge to court-ordered busing and appeal to the silent majority, paid immediate electoral dividends.


  • 尼克松沉默大多数”(即普通美国民众)一边抗衡精英分子,自己迫不得已的事包装成出于自己的正直品质

    Nixon made a virtue of his squareness by siding with America’s “silent majorityagainst the elites.


  • 关注这些潜在隐式活动网站所有者将能够深入地理解那些沉默大多数喜好利用这些数据他们将能够未来搜索作进一步优化

    By listening to these implicit actions, website owners can gain new insight into the preferences of the silent majority; by leveraging the data, they can optimize results for future searchers.


  • 然而主流文化运动矫枉过正,尼克松发现自己成为了“沉默大多数”,于是开始抱怨起令他自己忧心不已的(新派的)精英们:近来大家熟悉学术界新闻界好莱坞的肇事元凶们。

    Then the counterculture overreached, Nixon found his "silent majority", and railed against his own bugbear elites: the now familiar culprits in academia, Hollywood and the press.


  • 虽然大多数而言,正在谈话中的个人若陷入时的沉默会让人不舒服,但那也是能帮助及时学会掌握舒适感的方式。

    Although for most of us, an extended silence between two people engaged in a conversation can be uncomfortable, it's something you can learn to become comfortable with in time.


  • 周围女孩子也应该感到羞耻,尽管她们大多数强制保持沉默

    Instead, the girls walk around feeling the shame and most of them are forced to remain silent.


  • 多数遭受损失的客户保持沉默其中一些损失高达数千万美元

    Most moneylosers are staying silent, including some who have lost tens of millions of dollars.


  • 就像大多数F.O.B.s——比尔朋友——一样,这个透露姓名,以婚礼沉默誓言起誓。

    Like most F.O.B. 's - Friends of Bill - the person did not want to be quoted by name, swearing by the wedding's code of silence.


  • 来自《连线杂志艾米丽•德赖弗斯表示大多数人的沉默工资透明主要阻力

    There are major forces at work protecting the trend of silence when it comes to salary transparency, says Emily Dreyfuss at Wired magazine.


  • 现在新浪已经无法控制自己网络环境大多数普通用户似乎选择沉默

    Now that SINA has been unable to control their own network space. Most ordinary users also seem to choose silence.


  • 沉默寡言性格使斯莱·穆尔大多数同事都不知道内心真实的想法,人们私下里说野心勃勃。

    Sly Moore's taciturn demeanor kept her inner agenda unknown to most of her colleagues, though it was whispered that she possessed a very strong ambitious drive.


  • 鉴于之前他们对村长钱云进行了大量长篇累牍报道,所以,大多数中文媒体所表示出的沉默让人印象深刻。

    The silence of most Chinese media was striking given their extensive coverage of the aftermath of the death of the village leader, Qian Yunhui.


  • 如果想不出要说什么保持沉默;糟糕言论是世上大多数焦虑的根源。

    If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all; most of the worries of the world are simply the consequences of ill-spoken words.


  • 因为大众也就是文本中的群体形象本身沉默大多数首先他们虽然大多数形式存在文本之中,躲藏面目清晰、个性鲜明典型形象身后。

    The group image in a text is the silent majority. First of all, although they exist in the texts as the most form, they hide in the typical image that has clear face and distinctive character.


  • 明显,这不是大多数税务犯罪所具有因素但是它却是促使陪审团不再保持沉默,认定被告犯有税务犯罪所必要。 收藏。

    This is obviously not an element of most tax crimes, but is necessary to overcome the reticence of juries to convict individuals tax crimes.


  • 大多数别人率先打破沉默迈出一步后会感到轻松自如,因此无疑将会得到热情回应

    Most people are relieved that someone else has broken the ice and taken the first step. You will undoubtedly be greeted with an enthusiastic response.


  • 组织沉默企业普遍存在的一种现象组织中的大多数成员面对组织中存在问题发表看法,有意保留自己观点的行为。

    Organizational silence is a common phenomenon in enterprises, which means that most employees don't speak up their opinions when facing the problems in enterprises.


  • 我们沉默只是因为我们中的大多数来说,社会行动引起亢奋不过逃离个人化方式,不过这个惧怕人类空虚命运世界上又一个面具。

    We were silent because the exhilaration of social action seemed to many of us just one more way of escaping the personal, of masking for a world that dread of the meaningless which was man's fate.


  • 批评家尼克松对美国人民冷漠疏远相信自己一种神秘方式大多数美国人——沉默美国人,美国中产阶级美国中年人有联系

    His critics call him remote and heartless, but Nixon believes that he is linked in a mysterious way to the great America majority-the silent America, the middle America, and the middleaged.


  • 他们大多数沉默寡言、相当怪僻和孤独的人,但尽管这些共同特点,他们之间却不那些被赶走一群那样彼此相似。

    Most of them are somewhat odd, uncommunicative, solitary fellows, really less like each other, in spite of these common characteristics, than the hosts of the rejected.


  • 在对审判中大多数时刻保持沉默,偶尔结结巴巴地为自己日记辩护几句。

    At his trial, Mr Yao was mostly silent, managing only to stutter that the words in his diary did not represent his views.


  • 做出决定一般比较困难不过好事大多数能够胜任管理层求职者通常都睿智的思维,可以在公布消息沉默是金之间做出合理选择

    The decision is rarely easy, but the good news is that most candidates who are qualified for leadership roles are also insightful enough to make the right choice about whether to speak up or stay mum.


  • 做出决定一般比较困难不过好事大多数能够胜任管理层求职者通常都睿智的思维,可以在公布消息沉默是金之间做出合理选择

    The decision is rarely easy, but the good news is that most candidates who are qualified for leadership roles are also insightful enough to make the right choice about whether to speak up or stay mum.


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