• 医师王学晶建议,市民在沙尘暴天气尽可能在室内关上门窗

    Doctor Wang Xuejing advises that, when possible, people should stay indoors and close the Windows during sandstorms.


  • 同时依据诊断分析结果,简要给出了宁夏沙尘暴天气预报着眼点。

    At the same time, we got the outline for forecasting the sandstorm in Ningxia based on the result of diagnostic analysis.


  • 中国每年遭受的强沙尘暴天气50年代5增加到了90年代的23次。

    Every year China suffered strong sandstorm weather increased from 50 s five times in the 90 s of the 23 times.


  • 沙尘暴天气呈现频次发生时间提前、发生期时间强度影响范围广等特征

    Such dust storm weather has the new characteristics below: higher frequency, stronger intensity, larger influence areas, earlier occurring time, and longer lasting time.


  • 例如由于人们乱伐沙尘暴天气增多有的人为了牟取暴利大量捕杀野生动物

    For example, because of people's disorderly cut casually, sandstorm weather multiplied and others for exorbitant profits, a lot of killing wild animals.


  • 主要分析了青海春季沙尘暴空间时间演变特征异常大气环流海温沙尘暴天气影响

    The spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of spring sandstorm in Qinghai province and the impact of abnormal circulation and sea temperature on sandstorm weather are analyzed.


  • 实用新型涉及一种用于采集沙尘暴天气、扬沙天气、浮尘天气空气中颗粒物的沙尘暴采样器。

    The utility model relates to a dust storm sampler, which is used for collecting grains in dust storm whether, sand blowing whether and floating whether.


  • 通过分析认为,一次发生纬向环流中的沙尘暴天气主要影响系统是蒙古西部低压地面冷锋

    This is a sandstorm weather that happened on zonal circulation and affected by heat low and surface cold front in west Mongolia.


  • 沙尘暴天气经常影响交通安全造成飞机不能正常起飞降落使汽车火车车厢玻璃破损、停运或脱轨。

    Sandstorm weather often affect traffic safety, causing the plane could not normal take off or land, make the car, train carriages derailed lines or damaged, glass.


  • 根据地面冷空气入侵陕西路径分析,将造成陕西沙尘暴天气冷空气路径分为西路西北路、北路

    According to path analysis upon the invading cold air on surface, the cold air paths causing heavy sand storm processes in Shaanxi are divided into the west, the northwest, and the north way.


  • 出现沙尘暴天气狂风的沙石、浮尘到处弥漫,凡是经过地区空气浑浊呛鼻呼吸道等疾病人数增加

    Appear when sandstorm in the sand, floating dust storm wrapped by district, who was filled QiangBi fan, air turbid eyes, respiratory diseases increased.


  • 黄土样品分析结果粉尘气溶胶样品离子分析结果对比表明方法对于探讨粉尘起源以及沙尘暴天气的研究具有重要意义。

    The comparison between the analysis results of the loess samples and the dust aerosol samples shows that this experiment method is very good to do dust source and sand dust storm researches.


  • 通过中国沙尘暴预测预警服务系统”的运行与监测,大大地减少降低天气气候极端事件的危害,达到沙尘暴天气有效防御

    By using the sandstorm prediction and warning service system, the weather and climate extreme events are decreased and it is effective to prevent the dust weather.


  • 沙尘暴出现日数变化特定气候变化反映,同时下垫条件的持续恶化造成浑善达克沙地西部沙尘暴天气持续增加的重要原因

    The result shows the specific reflection of the climate change and the lasting depravation of underlying surface in this region is an important reason.


  • 利用196 1 ~ 2 0 0 0年柴达木盆地11个气象站沙尘暴观测资料分析了柴达木盆地沙尘暴天气时空分布特征

    Based on the 1961-2000 observational data of 11 weather stations in Chaidamu Basin, the time-space distribution characteristics of sandstorm weather in Chaidamu Basin are analyzed.


  • 潮白河流域密怀山前地区处于古北口—天竺东北信风带 ,自然人为因素导致风沙化环境渐趋强烈 ,成为首都沙尘暴天气就地源区之一

    Natural and man made factors make sand blown by wind environment, one of sourse regions of sand getting up on the spot during capital sand dust devil weathers, worse and worse.


  • 这种天气袭击大庆哈尔滨沙尘暴随后袭击绥化

    The weather is hammering Daqing and Harbin, and Suihua will be hit by the sand storm later.


  • 此外,新疆东部内蒙古西部甘肃西部浮尘天气,局部地区沙尘暴

    Eastern Xinjiang, western Inner Mongolia and western Gansu will also be blanketed by floating dust with other regions suffering sandstorms.


  • 森林在哪里消失,沙尘暴就在哪里发生,天气变得炎热而干燥,整个地球会变成一个沙漠大量动植物会消失,没有地方再庄稼,生活会变得很艰难,人类因为破坏森林的活动将受到惩罚。

    The whole earth will become a big desert. A lot of plants and animals will disappear.Crops will not grow anywhere.


  • 但是问题气候变化使澳大利亚沙尘暴那种天气更加普遍

    The point, however, is that climate change will make events like that Australian dust storm much more common.


  • 全国气象中心预测接下来24小时内中国西北地区面临沙尘天气新疆南部内蒙古西部遭受沙尘暴

    The NMC also forecast dusty weather for northwest China over the next 24 hours. Southern Xinjiang and Western Inner Mongolia will be hit by sand storms.


  • 糟糕了。也讨厌沙尘暴任何天气还要坏。

    That's too bad. I hate sand storms too. It can be worse than any kind of bad weather.


  • 驿马信使的邮差骑士面临恶劣天气比如暴风雪沙尘暴还有野生动物和强盗的袭击。

    Pony Express riders had to ride through dangerous weather, such as snowstorms and sandstorms. They also faced wild animals and bandits.


  • 沙尘暴我国冬春季节发生一种灾害性天气现象,对作深入研究有利于业务预报的进展。

    The dust storm is a disaster weather phenomenon which often occurs in spring and winter in north of China.


  • 沙尘暴我国北方地区春季常见灾害性风沙天气现象

    The sandstorm is a kind of disastrous dusty wind weather phenomenon.


  • 作者从干旱气候背景环流状况沙尘、沙尘路径天气系统方面进行分析,并集中对引发强沙尘暴的蒙古气旋进行了诊断分析。

    This study was conducted in the aspects, such as, dry climatic background, circulation conditions, possible sand-dust sources, paths of sand transportation, and synoptic systems.


  • 作者从干旱气候背景环流状况沙尘、沙尘路径天气系统方面进行分析,并集中对引发强沙尘暴的蒙古气旋进行了诊断分析。

    This study was conducted in the aspects, such as, dry climatic background, circulation conditions, possible sand-dust sources, paths of sand transportation, and synoptic systems.


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