• 范乔基,手机制造部门虽然是诺基亚竞争优势之一未来没有可能的事公司转型过程可能出售制造业务。

    He said that Nokia's mobile-device factories offered a competitive advantage to the company, but one should "never say never" - a sale at some point may become part of Nokia's transformation.


  • 发生过去一个封闭的时间型曲线时空里的可能改变就类似说,在没有封闭的时间型曲线的平常时空中,你改变已经发生

    You can no more change events in your past in a space-time with closed timelike curves than you can change events that already happened in ordinary space-time, with no closed timelike curves.


  • 可以通过完成可能来展现你珍惜自己没有危险勇气,你值得付出的

    You can treasure your love by waging it against the rules, without dangers and courage, how do you know your love is worth loving?


  • 尽管如此可以通过完成可能的事来表达珍爱自己生命没有高风险没有回报,否则你怎生命值得延续。

    However, you can treasure your life by waging it against the impossible, without high risks and high winnings, how do you know your life is worth living?


  • 但是即使得了这些随后冒出别的生活中可能没有问题的。

    You want to correct them, but if you correct these, later another thing comes. So, you have never really a life without a problem.


  • 可以肯定如果没有今天峰会世界可能哥本哈根跨越终点线,”

    "One thing I am absolutely sure of, without today's summit the world would not have crossed over the finish line in Copenhagen," he said.


  • 通信管理局也承认如果没有新的力量,在全国范围内分享网络可能的事即使一些公司已经自发地在进行合并网络的工作。

    Ofcom admits that without new powers a Shared network across the entire country is improbable, although some companies are already taking voluntarily steps to merge networks.


  • Murphy真正就是地球月亮作为自己实验室因为可能普通实验室找到答案没有这么的实验工具

    What Murphy is really doing is using the Earth and the moon as his laboratory, because the questions he is asking can't be answered in an ordinary lab. The tools just aren't big enough.


  • 的确,别人通过邮件、其他博客和Twitter交流很重要的,查看统计数据也是很有趣的,但是必须限制这些时间因为没有内容,你的博客不可能有前景的。

    And checking statistics can be fun. But you have to limit the time you spend on those things because without the content you are going nowhere.


  • 极好的才能据说没有同伙他自己谋杀警方自然而然地发现定罪几乎可能

    His great talent, it was said, was that he could do a job of murder all by himself, without confederates, which automatically made discovery and conviction by the law almost impossible.


  • 我们发现想培养良好习惯几乎可能的事因为我们每天生活就像没有的船只能随波逐流。

    We find it near impossible to build good habits because we spend every day floating down the river of life with no OARS.


  • 如果没有好的理由想要改掉习惯几乎可能

    Without a strong reason to drive you in changing your habits, it is near impossible to do so.


  • 猫咪背部着地躺着入睡常见只小家伙证明没有什么可能。µ。

    It's not usual to see cats sleeping on their backs but this cat is proving anything is possible.


  • 一路上都会发现从未想像过东西如果当初我没有勇气尝试看来几乎可能的事如今我就还只是牧羊人而已

    Along the way, I will find something I never imagined, if I didn't have the courage to try it seems almost impossible, but now I am just a shepherd.


  • 如果我们持之以恒锻炼自己的身体没有一个强壮的身体绝对可能的事

    If we can persevere in exercising their bodies, Do not have a strong body is absolutely impossible.


  • 如果没有四十痛苦准备摩西可能做到神要

    Moses could never have done for God what God called him to do without the agony of those forty years of preparation.


  • 毕竟要是没有暗夜看到繁星夜空闪耀可能

    After all, were it not for the darkness of the night, it would be impossible to see how brightly the stars shine in the sky.


  • 尽管没有仳离大笔奉养费,同时养活三个孩子对付强度的演艺可能的事

    Juggling three kids with a high-octane career, even without a largesse of palimony, is possible.


  • 对于亲手去做来说,没有什么不可能做到的。

    Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to bo it himself.


  • 一般没有佛教信仰认为迷信,是可能

    Most people who weren't Buddhists regarded the affair as superstitious and impossible.


  • 我们必须长期削减开支没有摩托车可能

    We must cut down our budget in the long run. I don't have much money, so it's impossible to buy a motorcycle.


  • 即使没有分手后大笔赡养费,同时养活三个孩子应付强度的演艺,也可能的事

    Juggling three kids with a high-octane career, even without a largesse of palimony, is possible.


  • 如果医院你根本没有这个时间,”她:“她根本可能坐在门廊上露营蟋蟀鸣叫,她去做自己,我觉得很开心。”

    "If she was in a hospital, you don't have that time," she said. "she wouldn't have been able to sit on the porch, to camp out, to listen to the crickets."


  • 领导人可能什么得百分之百的正确不可能一点缺点错误也没有

    It is impossible for leaders to do everything one hundred per cent correctly, without any shortcomings or mistakes.


  • 认为没有参加考试可能的事

    I don't think it possible that Class Two didn't take part in the test.


  • 人类一步步过去走向未来过程中,可能的一件没有发现

    One will step by step move towards the future in the humanity from the past in the process, not the impossible matter, not to have discovered.


  • 人类一步步过去走向未来过程中,可能的一件没有发现

    One will step by step move towards the future in the humanity from the past in the process, not the impossible matter, not to have discovered.


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