I might get up, but if I got up and looked at it, ten to one I shouldn't be able to say for certain; because once a thing's done, no one ever knows how it happened.
Often, when the grocery store is empty and all you can hear is the buzzing of flies, I think of that young man whose name we never knew and whom no one in town ever mentioned again.
But my parents shipped me off to my grandparents' house in Oregon over spring vacation, somehow suspecting that if I was left at home unattended, I would wreak havoc.
Accountability: I've been on a number of engagements where the queue manager configurations we built one day were changed the next and nobody knew who did it or why.
"For weeks later, I kept 5000 food packets ready at hand as one no-one knew when the need would arise," Prabhakaran says.
I know! -... you can't even drive in that neighborhood without people being... how - why?
All the people that are close to me knew what my family was preparing, but no one 'betrayed' them... And I haven't doubted anything.
Because I do not want to say, no one will understand what I was thinking, I do not want them to know what I think.
My Lord, no one knows what tomorrow shall bring. And it is probable that tomorrow I shall have gone to my ancestors.
But what I didn't know, and nobody could possibly have known, was not what was going on at the moment that you were looking at, but what was going to happen at the next moment.
I think that might be the reason - no one knows what all their reasons were.
I think this news came completely out of nowhere. Nobody knows what's going on and what, how long he's gonna be gone for.
I have, little by little, created a fog around me and my life. And now nobody knows for sure who I am or what I do.
I can know it because nobody offers me a role like a doctor or a lawyer.
Mother said, that night I cried to refuse not to sleep, my parents how I was straining coax me crying, no one knows why.
The one thing that I do know is, it doesn't matter what any one of them might tell you-nobody wants to be alone.
No one knows what will happen, that's why I prepare to finish the fight inside 12 rounds.
I have dreamed a dream and no one can tell me what it means. I have heard that YOU can understand dreams to tell the meaning of them, Pharaoh said to Joseph.
"He relegated me to the French B team and I felt very embarassed by this, " said the striker. "Nobody understands, no one knows what France B is… you play in a small stadium with few people watching.
'why don't somebody tell him all about me?' she said. 'it was only forty miles off - why hasn't it reached here? Somebody must know!'
When I looked over the medical chart, I noticed that the patient, in his early 60s, was receiving an intravenous antibiotic every day. No one seemed to know why.
There were many times we were asked what a particular group should do, and the response was always the same: "I don't know, and in fact no one knows yet what works in VR."
"Longer than always" is a long, long time, but far beyond forever you 'll be mine. I know I never lived before, and my heart is very sure, no one else could love you more.
"Longer than always" is a long, long time, but far beyond forever you 'll be mine. I know I never lived before, and my heart is very sure, no one else could love you more.