• 那些类型宗谱者是没有同情心折磨他人获得乐趣

    Those with this type of genealogy have no compassion and derive pleasure from tormenting others.


  • 也许并不惊讶一个虚情假意推销员了一些愚蠢而没有同情心的

    You might not be surprised if a greasy salesman said something crass.


  • 未来计划不周的压力来源于没有同情心父亲的登门,担心费利西蒂没有认真地对待生活

    The pressure of not having her future planned out is compounded by a visit from her unsympathetic father, who fears Felicity isn't taking her life seriously.


  • 不要鳄鱼随和外表蒙骗住了,”索耶,“鳄鱼这种动物酒醉之后寻寻开心的恶作剧之徒是没有同情心。”

    "Don't let an alligator's easygoing appearance fool you," Sawyer said. "These creatures have no empathy for drunken pranksters looking for fun."


  • 实际上某一些愚蠢没有同情心的话——只是他们所作所为之一——反而觉得他们虚情假意的推销员

    In fact, saying something crass would be one of the things that made you think they were a greasy salesman.


  • 尽管这样的形容魔鬼但是魔鬼还是只是一个没有同情心我们现在所进行的法庭审判没有任何关系。

    Even with someone like him who has been described as a monster, it's irrelevant if he is an unsympathetic character or a monster.


  • 奥特没有参与这项研究参与最早一些研究,这些研究表明阅读文学作品可以增强人们他人同情心

    Oatley was not involved in the new research, but worked on some of the first studies to suggest that reading literature can boost people's empathy for others.


  • 如果没有同情心这个技能这个技能不是遗传而是通过学习获得的,是复杂的。

    And if you don't have the skill of empathy, which is not genetic it's learned skills, very complicated learned skill.


  • 问卷问题包括是否孩子各种方式“因与众不同而突显”,包括缺乏同情心没有最好朋友别的孩子欺负。

    It asks such questions as whether the child "stands out as different" in a number of ways, including lacking empathy, lacking best friends and being bullied by other children.


  • 抛弃小说新手常走老路,没有采用同情心洋溢半自传体,这本身就值得称道

    That she departs from the route of sympathetic semi-autobiography used by most first-time novelists is itself worthy of praise.


  • 如果没有同情心人们会从自身利益出发,而不会顾及他人状况感受

    Lacking empathy, people act only out of self-interest, without regard for the well-being or feelings of others.


  • 没有任何事可以比可爱动物激发同情心帮助结交笔友

    Nothing like the death of a cute little animal to stir passions and generate pen PALS!


  • 随着事件风险越来越大,没有接受教育培训艾琳得用才智天生的同情心劝服小镇居民,让他们不要做局外人,应参与这起事件中。

    As the stakes get higher, the uneducated and untrained Erin must use her considerable wits and genuine empathy to the affected townsfolk to stay not only ahead, but in the game.


  • 不是他们没有同情心没有意识到提起问题

    That's not to say they aren't sympathetic, aware, or don't talk about the issues you bring up.


  • 一刻我们没有功夫注意自觉不足引起苦楚,更不必说,同情心回应它们

    In that moment, we don't have the perspective needed to recognize the suffering caused by our feelings of imperfection, let alone to respond to them with compassion.


  • 但是就连显示同情心漫画不准确之处:如果全世界美国领事处的办事方式漫画那样友好(签证官也是站着,与申请者之间没有玻璃隔层),那么申请签证的学生会非常高兴。

    But note that even this sympathetic cartoon is ill-informed: student visa applicants would be delighted if the arrangements in American consulates around the world were as friendly as in the cartoon.


  • 西方人认为这种情况下没有同情心或者更恶劣对摔跤受伤者幸灾乐祸因为此人不受欢迎

    A Westerner would interpret laughter in such a setting as a sign of either insensitivity4 or, worse, pleasure that the person falling had hurt himself/herself because that person was disliked.


  • 尽管我们一些亲属有些令人讨厌,没有同情心他们仍然很必要因为认为血浓于水

    Though some of our relatives are unattractive and unsympathetic, they are still necessary to me because, I think, blood is thicker than water.


  • 别人痛苦没有同情心

    She has no feelings for the suffering of others.


  • 无所顾忌甚至可以说没有同情心只是展示世人一面因为能使人害怕让人尊敬我

    I lack scruples and some would even say compassion. But that's just the image that I present to the world because it elicits fear and respect.


  • 剧团群舞队的演员中有最可爱富有同情心小姑娘交上了朋友因为嘉莉身上没有发现任何她望而生畏东西。

    One of the sweetest and most sympathetic little chorus girls in the company made friends with her because in Carrie she found nothing to frighten her away.


  • 能够感觉得到很多接近表现的悠闲快乐的背后,并没有任何温暖的、富于同情心友谊

    She could feel that there was no warm, sympathetic friendship back of the easy merriment with which many approached her.


  • 善良人类区别动物重要品质之一没有善良,人类将会私自冷漠没有同情心动物无异。

    Kindness is one most important quality for human being distinguish from the animal. Without kindness, the human being will selfish, indifferent, no sympathy and have no difference from animal.


  • 本意来讲,并不是他们的婚姻没有一点同情心但是轻重缓急

    I am not intending to be completely without compassion for their plight, but there is a matter of scale to consider.


  • 母亲也许会同情心,可是从来没有作过家里人的

    And while her mother might have been sympathetic she would never have stood up to the head of the household.


  • 母亲也许会同情心,可是从来没有作过家里人的

    And while her mother might have been sympathetic, she would never have stood up to the head of the household.


  • 那么同情心那么漂亮,让妻子惊讶得昏头昏脑,没有姓名

    She rushed in bareheaded, carrying him in her arms, with his knee all beautifully bandaged, and was so sympathetic and beautiful that my wife was too dazzled to ask her name.


  • 那么同情心那么漂亮,让妻子惊讶得昏头昏脑,没有姓名

    She rushed in bareheaded, carrying him in her arms, with his knee all beautifully bandaged, and was so sympathetic and beautiful that my wife was too dazzled to ask her name.


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