• 没有圣诞老人没有礼物什么都没有

    No Santa Claus, no presents, nothing.


  • 当然没有但是不足以证明仙人就那里。……哼没有圣诞老人

    Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there... no Santa Claus!


  • 爸爸跟我可以问问太阳报是不是这样请问您能告诉实话吗,到底没有圣诞老人

    Papa says, "If you see it in the Sun, it's so." Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?


  • 一方面,阅读其他网站没有圣诞老人奥秘互联网印钞机请检查睡眠

    On the other hand, you have read the other sites, there is no Santa Claus or the mysteries of the Internet's banknote printing machine, check your sleep.


  • 那么如果没有完美男人、也没有圣诞老人,完美女人一定开车的人。解释了为什么会出车祸

    So, if there is no perfect man and no Santa Claus, the perfect woman must have been driving. This explains why there was a car accident.


  • 来说,重要;毕竟如果没有孩子父母同意绝不会告诉孩子圣诞老人存在的,或者向他解释为什么我是无神论者

    To me, that would have been crucial; after all, I wouldn't tell a child there is no Santa Claus or why I am an atheist without a parent's permission.


  • 现实中我们似乎一直在期待的那位“英俊王子圣诞老人复活节小兔子一类——没有一个真实存在

    In reality, that "handsome prince" we seem to be promising is in good company with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunnynary a one of them seems to exist.


  • 如果句话的,那么圣诞老人确实存在那么圣诞老人这个名字没有指代任何实际的事物

    And if our sentence is true then Santa does not exist, in which case the name "Santa" does not refer to any actual thing.


  • 话说,名字意义必须所指代东西之外的什么东西。 “圣诞老人”这个名字即使没有那个幽默的老头时仍然意义。

    The meaning of a name must, in other words, be something other than the thing it refers to;then “Santa” can perhaps be meaningful even without the jolly old fellowhimself.


  • 那里除了鸟粪一个尼克松时代的、别着和平标志塑料圣诞老人之外,再没有什么东西了。

    There’s nothing up there but bird droppings and a Nixon-era plastic Santa with a peace sign scratched into his toy bag.


  • 然而现实中我们似乎一直在期待的那位“英俊王子圣诞老人复活节小兔子一类——没有个是真实存在

    In reality, though, that "handsome prince" we seem to be promising is in good company with Santa Claus and the 11 Easter bunny-12 nary a one of them seems to exist.


  • 网站的介绍中,有游客:“那么圣诞老人会怎么处置那些没有礼物呢?”

    An intro to the site asks visitors, "So what does Santa do with all the gifts nobody wanted?"


  • 孩子圣诞老人一份圣诞大礼要送给什么……你们没有烟囱?还去买

    Children, I am a Santa Claus, there is a Christmas gift for you. What... No chimney in your family? Don't buy!


  • 没有这些助手的话圣诞老人可能那么时间那么多事

    Without those helpers, Santa could never do as much as he does in such a short time.


  • 确信他们圣诞老人给予精神信心始终没有动摇。

    She has made sure that their belief in Santa Claus and the spirit of giving remains unshaken.


  • 真正问题不是圣诞老人如何一个晚上探访这么房子而是为什么一直没有探望这么多孩子

    But the real question isn't how Santa manages to visit so many houses in one night, but why he consistently fails to visit so many children.


  • 他们第一发现圣诞老人似乎并不关心哪些孩子淘气听话——探望孩子孩子听话之间没有相关性。

    The first thing they discovered is that Santa didn't appear to care which kids were naughty or nice-there was no correlation between his visits and nice-ness.


  • 他们好了爸爸过头几个孩子圣诞老人找到他们没有张忧郁无声回答

    Once they settled in, my father looked back over his shoulder and asked the children if Santa had found them yet. Three glum faces mutely gave him his answer.


  • 圣诞到了身体圣诞老人一样健康事业雪橇车一样没有阻力钞票圣诞老人包袱礼物一样无穷无尽。

    Christmas is coming, wish you healthy body like Santa Claus, a career like snowmobile without resistance, money like a Santa Claus the gift in the baggage are endless.


  • 圣诞结束后圣诞老人没有得到应有休息

    It turns out Santa Claus doesn't get a well-deserved break once the holiday season ends.


  • 或许可以爸爸圣诞雇几个看着所有烟囱,看看是否遇到圣诞老人不过即便他们没有看到圣诞老人从烟囱里下来说明什么呢?

    You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove?


  • 因为我们没有袜子圣诞老人礼物放在我们口袋里

    Because we don't have socks, Santa Claus will put gifts in our pocket.


  • 我们反抗因为我们发现他们一直我们撒谎,比如从来没有什么圣诞老人

    We rebel when we find out that they've been lying to us all along, that there isn't any Santa Claus at all.


  • 没有过,圣诞老人和他朋友小矮子做出玩具怎么会跟你在玩具城里看到的一模一样?

    Jacob, you seem intelligent. I want you to tell us what you really think of the idea of Santa Claus?


  • 但是如果愿望没有实现并不意味圣诞老人喜欢

    But I want to tell you that if your wishes don't come true, it doesn't mean Santa doesn't like you.


  • 如果愿望没有实现并不意味圣诞老人喜欢

    I want to tell you that if your wishes don't come true, it doesn't mean Santa doesn't like you.


  • 如果愿望没有实现并不意味圣诞老人喜欢

    I want to tell you that if your wishes don't come true, it doesn't mean Santa doesn't like you.


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