• 多瑙的支流鲁特形成摩尔多瓦边界

    The Danube is joined by the Prut River, which forms the border with Moldova.


  • 支流,也是育空流域最早开发出来的田园

    The Pelly River is a Yukon tributary and site of the territory's first homestead.


  • 无数溪流大部分是戈达瓦里支流汊灌溉着片肥沃土地

    This fertile territory is watered by numerous small rivers and limpid streams , mostly tributaries of the godavery.


  • 阿拉瓜里支流(以及它们邻近冲积平原)触手一样幅风景画中四处伸展

    Small streams (and their adjacent floodplains) of the Araguari River extend like fingers throughout the landscape.


  • 水位达到海拔1459英尺(445)时,两个湖泊湖水可以流入红河的支流雪耶里

    At a height of 1, 459 feet (445 meters) above sea level, both lakes spill into a Red River tributary, the Sheyenne River.


  • 上游不远处,有个小型海狸水坝50年来首次被记录三个水坝之一,拉马的支流沼溪就有六个海狸水坝。

    Just upstream is a small beaver dam, one of three? The first DAMS documented on the river in 50 years.


  • 克雷格亥现在记性时好时坏,不过如果最多灵感一准儿会快速而又清晰地回答鲑鱼河的支流

    Craighead's memory fades in and out these days, but if you ask him which river inspired him most, his answer is quick and clear: the Middle Fork of the Salmon.


  • 例如,1980年海伦火山爆发,导致哥伦比亚支流产生泥石流现象。

    The 1980 volcanic eruption of Mount Saint Helens, for example, sent mud and debris into several tributaries of the Columbia River.


  • 目前幼发拉底无法养活哪些沼泽地供水支流,”继续说:“为了自己生存那里的居民已经开始自己挖了。”

    "The current level of the Euphrates cannot feed the small tributaries that give water to the marshlands," he continued. "the people there have started to dig Wells for their own survival."


  • 几乎所有冲突都针对约旦及其支流,因为它们数百万供应饮用洗浴耕作

    Of those, practicallyall were over the Jordan River and its tributaries, which supplymillions of people with water for drinking, bathing, and farming.


  • 印第安人指控说,沿纳波亚马逊一个支流人们患上不明原因疾病

    Indians charged that alongside the Napo River, a tributary of the Amazon, people fell ill from unknown diseases.


  • 2003年七月一天渔民在申南河的支流撒网捕鱼发现了帕兹尸体

    On a July day in 2003, a fisherman was casting the North Fork of the Shenandoah River when he found Paz's body.


  • 汹涌澎湃密西西比穿过了遍布支流沼泽低洼沙洲广阔亚热带地区,由北向注入墨西哥湾

    The mighty Mississippi flows south and trails into the Gulf of Mexico through a vast, subtropical landscape of rivers, marshes, and low-lying barrier islands.


  • 同时,以英语为母语的殖民地开始沿着密西西比支流西部拓荒。

    At the same time, English-speaking colonists were moving west to settle along the tributaries of the Mississippi.


  • 内斯托(名康内斯托加)流经兰卡斯特萨斯奎哈纳河的支流

    The Conestoga River (also referred to as the Conestoga Creek) is a tributary of the Susquehanna River that flows through the center of Lancaster County.


  • 鲍威尔田纳西地区一条支流1996年由于煤矿开采遭到破坏。除了其他鱼类受到影响外,黄石鮰的数量也在急剧下降

    The Powell River, atributary of the Tennessee, was devastated in 1996 by spills ofcoal-mine sludge, which, among other things, drastically shrank therange of the threatened yellowfin madtom.


  • 过去主要支流流入默里水量1892年有记录以来最低的。

    Volumes flowing into the Murray from its main tributaries over the past two years were the lowest since records began in 1892.


  • 汨罗江主要支流昌江、纸马、木瓜、黄金洞。

    Miluo river's main tributaries of a river-chang, paper ma river, the cars on the river, Tung Chung river, papaya river, gold holes.


  • 事实上就像联合国开发计划署报告所披露那样纳米比亚博茨瓦纳乔贝(赞比西支流)岛屿争端上已化干戈为玉帛,二者均接受了国际法院的仲裁。

    Indeed, as that UNDP report came out, Namibia and Botswana amicably accepted an international court ruling over an island in the Chobe river, a tributary of the Zambezi.


  • 如今关于刚果恐龙证据,仅仅只有一张毫无说服力的1981年发布照片,照片是一个怪物漂浮刚果支流泰莱上。

    A photo released by a 1981 expedition of the monster floating in Congo's Lake Tele has been largely discredited.


  • 2009年11月28日Manaquiri附近亚马逊支流,Manaquiri渔民划着小舟通过满是鱼类尸体道。

    36a fisherman paddles his canoe through dead fish along Manaquiri River, a tributary of the Amazon, near the city of Manaquiri, November 28, 2009.


  • 过去5混乱时期,土耳其叙利亚伊朗建设了许多新的水坝水库这些水坝和水库分享幼发拉底支流

    During the last five chaotic years, many new DAMS and reservoirs have been built in Turkey, Syria and Iran, which share the Euphrates and its small tributaries.


  • 勘测亚马逊支流美国探险家戈登·麦克里奇曾记述凌晨3点就听见印第安人起身,深感愕然。

    Gordon MacCreach, an American explorer in these Amazon tributaries, reported that he was startled to hear the Indians get up at three in the morning.


  • 墨累及其主干支流流量1月3月创下117年来最低水平。

    The volume of water flowing into the Murray and its main tributary, the Darling, between January and March was the lowest in 117 years.


  • 阿拉圭里(Araguari river)支流(以及毗邻的冲击平原)农田中间延伸

    Small tributary streams (and their adjacent floodplains) of the Araguari river extend throughout the agricultural landscape.


  • 无论呼吁大坝原因什么,选址在哪里,我们特拉华任何支流上建大坝的想法都是愚蠢的、毁灭性的想法。

    Whatever the reason for the call, whatever the location, the idea that we should construct a dam across the Delaware River, or any tributary, is a bad one, a destructive one.


  • 今年早些时候,尽管正在干旱仍然给沃里戈(达令一个支流)农民授予新的用水

    But earlier this year, despite the ongoing drought, it awarded new water-use rights to farmers on the Warrego, one of the tributaries of the Darling.


  • 今年早些时候,尽管正在干旱仍然给沃里戈(达令一个支流)农民授予新的用水

    But earlier this year, despite the ongoing drought, it awarded new water-use rights to farmers on the Warrego, one of the tributaries of the Darling.


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