Spurrier later admitted that he had been certain of the superiority of French wine and had done his best to tilt the contest in their favor.
Leaders of the French wine industry were outraged at the results, and the French press was both slow to respond and dismissive of the event.
Although it has always been very hard to sell French wine in the US, one particular brand is really going against the trend.
They then contribute to the formation of these undesirable chemicals in some North American and French wines.
He had brought a bottle of French wine, something he did not know my parents could not appreciate.
The next need was easier to arrange—Ravel's favorite French wines would accompany him in his travels.
At the other end of the price range, a new generation of wealthy Japanese savored imported French wines at lavish restaurants.
Named after a nearby publishing house, Salon Gallimard is a cozy room in which to enjoy tea or a glass of French wine.
Tasty morsels, 8 kinds of French wines, chi-chat and lucky draw.
ABSTRACT: People tend to first think of Bordeaux and Burgundy at the mention of French wine.
The French wine industry – the world's biggest – is no slouch at promoting a sons-of-the-soil, family enterprise image.
They don't have the same luxury cachet as French labels, and they can't or won't compete for the 6-and-under market.
Subjects covered include: French Wines - how to pair food and wine, Cooking classes, Restaurant Service, Organisation and staff management.
What makes French wine with a high reputation in the market while a low sale at the meanwhile? How does this paradox happen?
However, the vine's intolerance of the highly calcareous lime based soils typical of French wine growing regions saw its quick fall from popularity.
Unlike the flavor of a perfectly aged pinot, Reclari says, the factors at play aren't overly complicated.
ABSTRACT: French wines account for a large proportion in imported wine market of China, while a good many customers find it difficult to name the French wine regions on the label.
Bordeaux is an important part of French wine regions. This article covers the history, the main varieties and value of Bordeaux wines.
Many people dream of a time when they can bask in the glow of the setting sun on a boat floating along the La Seine River in Paris;
ABSTRACT: If 2013 was a wretched year for French wines, why are some pricier than in 2012?
ABSTRACT: Bordeaux is an important part of French wine regions. This article covers the history, the main varieties and value of Bordeaux wines.
Because unscrupulous restaurateurs often passed off ordinary French wine as coming from famous chateaux, such wineries began branding their corks to identify their wines.
With China's wine imports already taxed at about 50 per cent of value, French wine fans had better stock up in case the wine wars are only just beginning.
For those east of a line that zig-zags down from eastern Lake Erie to the Rio Grande in west Texas, drinking French wine or a local product lessens emissions from shipping.
pitted Californian wines against prestigious ones from France.
Chinese passenger broke the spending record at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport during the past Christmas Eve when he spent EUR46423 on bottles of French wine.
The most famous and one of the oldest wine producing countries in the world, and Pieroth wines has a long history of discovering the finest French wines.
在1714年上演的名为“The Winder”的喜剧中,一个角色抗议道:“尽管我喝过波尔多、香槟、勃艮第和其他法国葡萄酒,但是先生,我依然爱我的祖国。”
In a comedy called “The Winder”, staged in 1714, one character protested that “I have been drinking Claret and Champaign and Burgundy and other French wines, Sir, but I love my country for all that.”
A much-despised, enormously popular drink called "grocers' claret" was born, with the result that, between 1859 and 1878, sales of French wines, largely from Bordeaux, rose sixfold to 36m bottles.
A much-despised, enormously popular drink called "grocers' claret" was born, with the result that, between 1859 and 1878, sales of French wines, largely from Bordeaux, rose sixfold to 36m bottles.