• 普瑞尔后来承认确信法国葡萄酒优势最大努力使竞争朝着有利于他们的方向倾斜

    Spurrier later admitted that he had been certain of the superiority of French wine and had done his best to tilt the contest in their favor.


  • 法国葡萄酒行业领导人对这一结果感到愤怒,法国媒体对此反应迟缓事件也不屑一顾。

    Leaders of the French wine industry were outraged at the results, and the French press was both slow to respond and dismissive of the event.


  • 尽管法国葡萄酒美国一直很难,不过有一个牌子一枝独秀

    Although it has always been very hard to sell French wine in the US, one particular brand is really going against the trend.


  • 部分北美法国葡萄酒此类使人不悦化学物质就是如此产生的。

    They then contribute to the formation of these undesirable chemicals in some North American and French wines.


  • 法国葡萄酒,他并不知道父母并不喜欢这玩意。

    He had brought a bottle of French wine, something he did not know my parents could not appreciate.


  • 威尔第二需求好解决得多,喜欢的法国葡萄酒畅行无阻。

    The next need was easier to arrange—Ravel's favorite French wines would accompany him in his travels.


  • 价格范围一端一代日本富豪奢华餐厅里品位着进口法国葡萄酒

    At the other end of the price range, a new generation of wealthy Japanese savored imported French wines at lavish restaurants.


  • 附近出版社沙龙高仁尼舒适房间享受一杯法国葡萄酒

    Named after a nearby publishing house, Salon Gallimard is a cozy room in which to enjoy tea or a glass of French wine.


  • 精美的佐酒小吃,8法国葡萄酒,一群等待结识的朋友外加幸运抽奖

    Tasty morsels, 8 kinds of French wines, chi-chat and lucky draw.


  • 摘要提到法国葡萄酒人们首先想起总是波尔多勃艮第产区酒。

    ABSTRACT: People tend to first think of Bordeaux and Burgundy at the mention of French wine.


  • 法国葡萄酒产业虽然全球最大的,但并不擅长宣传土生土长家族企业形象

    The French wine industry – the world's biggestis no slouch at promoting a sons-of-the-soil, family enterprise image.


  • 他们没有法国葡萄酒那样奢华品牌无法不会进入6美元以下的低端市场

    They don't have the same luxury cachet as French labels, and they can't or won't compete for the 6-and-under market.


  • 内容包括法国葡萄酒如何食品酒类烹饪餐厅服务组织人事管理

    Subjects covered include: French Wines - how to pair food and wine, Cooking classes, Restaurant Service, Organisation and staff management.


  • 是什么原因导致法国葡萄酒市场中享有极高声誉,却在销售中呈现颓势的悖论现象呢?

    What makes French wine with a high reputation in the market while a low sale at the meanwhile? How does this paradox happen?


  • 然而葡萄高度石灰土壤石灰产区法国葡萄酒典型不容忍现象看到快速没落

    However, the vine's intolerance of the highly calcareous lime based soils typical of French wine growing regions saw its quick fall from popularity.


  • “不陈年一种法国葡萄酒),”莱克拉里,“影响因素并不是非常地复杂。”

    Unlike the flavor of a perfectly aged pinot, Reclari says, the factors at play aren't overly complicated.


  • 摘要法国葡萄酒国内进口市场上占绝大比例,但是看懂法国很多消费者来说还是个难题

    ABSTRACT: French wines account for a large proportion in imported wine market of China, while a good many customers find it difficult to name the French wine regions on the label.


  • 波尔多法国葡萄酒产区重要组成部分,这边文章将简要介绍波尔多葡萄酒历史、构成及其价值

    Bordeaux is an important part of French wine regions. This article covers the history, the main varieties and value of Bordeaux wines.


  • 坐在巴黎赛纳游艇上,沐浴金色日光,尽享法国葡萄酒和法式美食是很多梦寐以求唯美画面。

    Many people dream of a time when they can bask in the glow of the setting sun on a boat floating along the La Seine River in Paris;


  • 摘要如果2013年法国葡萄酒来说一个悲惨年份为什么一些酒的价格比2012年更贵呢?

    ABSTRACT: If 2013 was a wretched year for French wines, why are some pricier than in 2012?


  • 摘要波尔多法国葡萄酒产区重要组成部分,这边文章将简要介绍波尔多葡萄酒历史、构成及其价值

    ABSTRACT: Bordeaux is an important part of French wine regions. This article covers the history, the main varieties and value of Bordeaux wines.


  • 因为有些不择手段餐馆经常一般法国葡萄酒充当著名庄园,各大庄园酒开始再木塞上印上品牌区别他们的酒。

    Because unscrupulous restaurateurs often passed off ordinary French wine as coming from famous chateaux, such wineries began branding their corks to identify their wines.


  • 随着中国已经进口葡萄酒征收大约50%关税,爱好喝法国葡萄酒的人最好多存些货,或许这场葡萄酒战争刚刚开始

    With China's wine imports already taxed at about 50 per cent of value, French wine fans had better stock up in case the wine wars are only just beginning.


  • 东岸运输线美国东部伊利湖蜿蜒德克萨斯州西部格兰德河法国葡萄酒或者本地酒能运输过程中减少排放

    For those east of a line that zig-zags down from eastern Lake Erie to the Rio Grande in west Texas, drinking French wine or a local product lessens emissions from shipping.


  • 斯珀里尔曾领导1976年一场名为“巴黎的裁决”的备受争议的品酒大赛,在那场比赛中,美国加州的葡萄酒知名法国葡萄酒曾同台对决。

    pitted Californian wines against prestigious ones from France.


  • 圣诞节前夜,一位中国旅客巴黎戴高乐机场商店一口气买了价值达46423欧元的法国葡萄酒,创下在戴高乐机场一次购物花钱纪录

    Chinese passenger broke the spending record at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport during the past Christmas Eve when he spent EUR46423 on bottles of French wine.


  • 世界最有古老之一葡萄酒生产国,碧洛葡萄酒有着悠久发掘最好法国葡萄酒的历史。范围从口感好的经济型到所有最有名的法国酒庄。

    The most famous and one of the oldest wine producing countries in the world, and Pieroth wines has a long history of discovering the finest French wines.


  • 1714年上演名为The Winder”的喜剧一个角色抗议道:“尽管波尔多香槟勃艮第其他法国葡萄酒但是先生,我依然爱祖国。”

    In a comedy calledThe Winder”, staged in 1714, one character protested that “I have been drinking Claret and Champaign and Burgundy and other French wines, Sir, but I love my country for all that.”


  • 倍受蔑视、又极其大众化饮料零售红酒诞生了,随之而来的结果:1859到1878年间,法国葡萄酒(主要来自波尔多)的销量增长了六倍,达3600万瓶之多。

    A much-despised, enormously popular drink called "grocers' claret" was born, with the result that, between 1859 and 1878, sales of French wines, largely from Bordeaux, rose sixfold to 36m bottles.


  • 倍受蔑视、又极其大众化饮料零售红酒诞生了,随之而来的结果:1859到1878年间,法国葡萄酒(主要来自波尔多)的销量增长了六倍,达3600万瓶之多。

    A much-despised, enormously popular drink called "grocers' claret" was born, with the result that, between 1859 and 1878, sales of French wines, largely from Bordeaux, rose sixfold to 36m bottles.


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