• 这个团体准备请求议会修改法律

    The group intends to petition Parliament for reform of the law.


  • 这些改革废除种族歧视法律

    These reforms will abolish racially discriminatory laws.


  • 有关赌博法律最近变得更加严厉。

    Laws on gambling have tightened up recently.


  • 按照法律终身监禁定义60

    Life imprisonment is defined as 60 years under state law.


  • 种族隔离法律南方最为强硬

    Jim Crow laws were strongest in the south.


  • 法律疏于照管儿童处罚措施

    The law imposes penalties for the neglect of children.


  • 法律规定进口货物必须如实标明

    The law mandates that imported goods be identified as such.


  • 法律变化中的观念常常反应迟缓

    The law is often tardy in reacting to changing attitudes.


  • 法律可能有点问题

    It could be a bit problematic, legally speaking.


  • 不能通过法律手段强制偿还

    A gambling debt is not legally enforceable.


  • 即将实施的法律荒唐至极

    The new laws coming in are utterly ridiculous.


  • 这些行动违反欧洲法律

    These actions are in contravention of European law.


  • 这些法律导致美国燃料消耗降低

    The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the U.S.


  • 政府通过了允许警察窃听电话的法律

    The government passed laws allowing the police to tap telephones.


  • 持有版权制止盗版的唯一法律手段。

    Holding copyright provides the only legal remedy against unauthorized copying.


  • 医生希望现行法律执行能更严格

    The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws.


  • 法律规定每个人都信仰宗教权利

    The law states that everyone has the right to practise their own religion.


  • 法律规定关闭资金长期短缺银行

    It is required by law to shut down banks which it regards as chronically short of capital.


  • 何谓猥亵最终法律裁决。

    The law is the final arbiter of what is considered obscene.


  • 法律即将取代现行法规

    New laws will soon replace existing legislation.


  • 现在的情形,法律是难以执行的。

    The law as it stands is unworkable.


  • 法院裁定这些标准英国法律有效

    The court ruled that these standards have force in British law.


  • 这部法律加强了滥用枪支惩处

    The new law toughens up penalties for those that misuse guns.


  • 根据联邦法律规定他们不准拥有枪支

    They are proscribed by federal law from owning guns.


  • 法律规定必须系安全带

    The wearing of seat belts is required by law.


  • 法律规定监禁最长

    The law provides for a maximum of two years in prison.


  • 法律获得广泛赞同

    The new laws have gained widespread acceptance.


  • 那些法律适用了

    Those laws no longer pertain.


  • 那些法律适用了

    Those laws no longer pertain.


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