• 法律形式保护种族主义的种族隔离制度依然存在着

    The apartheid system which enshrined racism in law still existed.


  • 会计监督职能是以法律形式肯定

    The accountant monitoring function is authorized by the law.


  • 法律文书法律形式予以确认已成必要

    This paper points out the necessity of affirming legal instruments in legal form.


  • 法律形式编织一个一致系统整体

    Scientific jurisprudence weaves all these various forms of law into a consistent and systematic whole.


  • 几乎每个国家自己法律形式管控人们

    Almost every country in the world has some form of rule or law in order to organize and control its people its people.


  • “经费”使用管理伴随着一定法律形式产生了。

    Therefore, the usage and management of this money have produced with certain law styles.


  • 从而,寻求一些可以正式制度——法律形式存在措施

    In that process, the article tries to find out some formal measures that can be in existence as legal regulations.


  • 国有独资公司创立正是这种变革成果采取法律形式

    The creation of a wholly state-owned Company is the outcome of such changes and a legal form.


  • 同时“必有”,税收必须以国家法律形式固定下来

    In the meantime "have a tax to there is method necessarily", revenue from tax have to be settled down with national law form.


  • 之后法语成为了该省商业以及教育中使用语言并且通过法律形式得到确认。

    Subsequent legislation has ensured that French is the language of business and of education in the province.


  • 技术合同作为技术成果商品化法律形式有着特定范式内容要求

    As a legal form of commercial use of scientific discoveries, the technological contract has its specific canonical form, contents and requirements.


  • 之所以这样是因为资产负债表反映交易实质不是交易的法律形式

    This is done so that the balance sheet reflects the substance of transactions rather than their legal form.


  • 这些都是法律形式重要组成部分过程中分散数据交换使中央网际网路

    These are laws which form part and parcel of the process of decentralized data exchange so central to the Internet.


  • 十一月份公投选举中加州人会就是否要废止以法律形式加固该州气体排放削减计划投票。

    In November's elections Californians will vote in a referendum on the repeal of the law underpinning the state's planned emissions cuts.


  • 20世纪初法国法律形式明确了“政教分离”原则,进一步将公共生活私人生活区分开来。

    The republics of the 20th century codified the separation between church and state, which led to a broader distinction between private and public life.


  • 法律实体存在最低限度自然法外在道德”,法律形式道德性合技术性的统一

    The existence of law entity regards "the natural law of the lowest limit" as its "exterior morality". Legal provisions is unification of morality and technology.


  • 笔者认为行政判例行政法学研究领域重要组成部分更是司法实践必不可少法律形式

    The author believe that precedent administrative case is an important part in the study area of administrative law as well as the necessary form of law in justice practice.


  • 民用航空运输中,运输服务交换经济内容,而航空运输合同则是其必然要采取法律形式

    In civil aviation transportation, the exchange of transportation service is the economic content and the contract for aviation transportation is the necessary form of law.


  • 同时,《煤炭法进入修改程序,修改基本目的煤炭资源整合成果法律形式固定下来。

    In the same period, the law of coal started the revision process, the objective of which was to write the achievements of the coal resource integration into law.


  • 植树节”则一些国家法律形式规定宣传森林效益动员群众参加造林为活动内容节日

    While "Arbor Day" is the day that some countries in the form of law to promote the benefit of forest, and mobilize the masses to participate in afforestation.


  • 大部分国家都已男女平等政策法律形式固定下来,妇女权益的保护性规定散见于部门法中。

    Most countries has a policy of gender equality in legal form, protection of the rights of women are also scattered in various sectoral laws.


  • 外资参与法人乌兹别克斯坦境内可以在不违背国家法律条件下建立任何组织-法律形式法人组织。

    The legal person involved in foreign investments can set up legal person organization of any organizational-legal form without breach of national laws within the territory of Uzbekistan.


  • 企业应当按照交易或者事项的经济实质进行会计确认计量报告交易或者事项的法律形式为依据。

    An enterprise shall recognise, measure and report transactions or events based on their substance, and not merely based on their legal form.


  • 所谓实质重于形式原则就是要求企业进行会计核算时应当以交易或事项经济实质不是以它们的法律形式依据

    Substance over form principle requires enterprises should not be basis of legal form but of economic substance of exchanges in the course of accounting calculation .


  • 相应公共利益应当具有以例举与概括式相结合特点法律形式通过一定条件下“博弈”程获得实现方式

    Corresponding with this, public interests should be realized by type legal form of and giving an example the way of course of "playing chess" under certain condition...


  • 上述法律形式虽然特点药品安全保护协同作用,其中,刑事保护虽然具有补充性,但药品安全有最后保障作用。

    These forms for protection have different characteristics, but they act in synergy for the protection of drug safety. In addition, the criminal law is the final line of defense for the drug safety.


  • 针对特殊目的信托特殊目的公司法律形式笔者提出应当设立、机构设置行为规范方面加强特殊目的机构内部控制

    As for two different types of SPV including SPT and SPC, the writer supposes to enhance the internal control by three aspects, including establishment, corporation governance and the rules of conduct.


  • 针对特殊目的信托特殊目的公司法律形式笔者提出应当设立、机构设置行为规范方面加强特殊目的机构内部控制

    As for two different types of SPV including SPT and SPC, the writer supposes to enhance the internal control by three aspects, including establishment, corporation governance and the rules of conduct.


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