• 泡泡香味蜡烛不够了。

    Bath bubbles and scented candles will simply not do.


  • 可能由于刺激性物质引起的,例如洗衣泡泡

    It may be caused by irritating substances (such as laundry soaps or bubble baths).


  • 有的喜欢泡泡有的喜欢喝带泡沫的饮料。

    Some like to bathe in bubbles; others to drink them.


  • 只想关掉所有,洗泡泡然后幻想爱情

    I just want to turn all the lights off and take a bubble bath and think about love.


  • 好好地洗个泡泡或是热水澡,这可是克莉丝汀。肯诺维斯的充电秘诀

    Take a long hot bath - with lots of bubbles - or soak in a hot tub. That's what Kristin Chenoweth does to recharge.


  • 开始一个大大爱的泡泡大家都能的浪漫的事那样

    They started off in a nice big bubble bath, which is about as romantic as you can get.


  • 我们超级防泡泡适合那些喜欢泡泡但是无法忍受香味的人群。

    Our "Super Sensitive" bubble bath is for those who like to take bubble baths but cannot tolerate any fragrance.


  • 喜欢加州宝贝泡泡因为它们很好,而且对于敏感皮肤安全

    I love the California Baby bubble baths because they have great scents that are safe for my sensitive skin.


  • 性质极度温和的,散发樱花的清新细致香气,可作泡泡浴使用

    Used as a foaming bath, it transforms into a rich and smooth foam, releasing the delicate and captivating Cherry Blossom fragrance. Contains a cherry extract from Luberon, France.


  • 独特设计客人既可一面享受泡泡,亦可一面欣赏窗外繁华闹市的景致

    Specially designed bathtub maximize the pleasure for the guest to enjoy a bubble bath together with the view of the bustling city outside the window.


  • 天气干旱供水实行配给制,盘子堆积如山晚宴洗车泡泡这样的耗水活动有所收敛。

    Water rationing during the dry spell put a damper on activities from dish-intensive dinner parties to car washes and bubble baths.


  • 如果这个最初填充一个泡泡协助洗澡,这会如何影响模型结果

    If the person used a bubble bath additive while initially filling the bathtub to assist in cleansing, how would this affect your model's results?


  • 享受甜美的蜜糖泡泡之后发现肌体舒畅通透,酸痛,还能增强肌肤免疫功能

    After enjoying sweet honey bubble bath, you will have a comforted body without sour pain and enhanced skin immunity.


  • 富含清新的甜以及大豆蛋白营养成分,柔软宝宝娇嫩的肌肤泡泡宝宝洁净舒适

    Enriched with refreshing Sweet Orange oil and nourishing Soy Protein to soften baby's precious skin, our sudsing bubble bath will leave your baby clean, comfortable and cooing.


  • 浪漫泡泡:想想你的爱人温暖的里被泡泡包围着的感觉,想到更好的时刻吗?

    Take a Romantic bubble Bath: What could be better than you and your partner in a hot tub surrounded with bubbles?


  • 生命中的那个女孩送一些泡泡香皂露吧,这会让变得更漂亮,她应该放纵一下自己

    Bubble bath, soaps and scented lotion all show the prettiest girl in your life that you think she deserves to pamper herself.


  • 到哪儿都戴着——上幼儿园,星期天上主日学校甚至睡觉时候只有游泳泡泡取下。

    She wore them everywhere-kindergarten, 8 Sunday school, even to bed. The only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a 9 bubble bath.


  • 段时间事情可以是泡泡或者下来这样简单的小事,可以是去健身房锻炼或者周末出行这样的活动。

    This might be as simple as having a bubble bath or sitting down with a cup of tea, or going on a trip to the gym or a weekend away.


  • 走到哪儿都戴着它它——上幼儿园星期天上主日学校甚至睡觉时候只有游泳泡泡取下。

    She wore them everywhereKindergarten, 8)Sunday school, even to bed. The only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a 9)bubble bath.


  • 一天节日狂购,好好的个节日泡泡一个非常好的方法紧张,可以舒适酸痛肩膀背部以及疼痛的双脚

    After a hectic day of holiday shopping, a long soak in our holiday Bubble Bath is a great way to wash away stress and soothe aching shoulders, back and feet.


  • 我们建议这样做:一个流感泡泡热水澡降低体温减轻肌肉疼痛然后感冒流感按摩油轻柔按摩放松身体

    Here's the routine we recommend: Start with a warm soothing Colds & Flu Bubble Bath to help lower temperature and ease muscle aches. Follow with a gentle Colds & Flu Massage to relax the body.


  • 听者印象中,沙黛的关切温柔的行进并不在于成为听觉上的次“泡泡”;它们在于履行一个承诺 ——力求清晰避免无病呻吟。

    Listeners get the impression that her care and her gentle pacing aren’t about being your audio bubble bath; they’re about making good on a promise to be as clear as possible and not futz around.


  • 听者印象中,沙黛的关切温柔的行进并不在于成为听觉上的次“泡泡”;它们在于履行一个承诺 ——力求清晰避免无病呻吟。

    Listeners get the impression that her care and her gentle pacing aren’t about being your audio bubble bath; they’re about making good on a promise to be as clear as possible and not futz around.


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