Although e-bikes first appeared in the 90s, cheaper options and longer-lasting batteries are breathing new life into the concept.
International trade remains in the doldrums and requires new vitality.
Therefore, the construction of the school institutional culture will inject new vigor into the school moral education.
Seeking difference is one kind of creative thoughts. It can pour the new vigor into selecting and writing news.
How to instill vitality in the teaching of gouache painting from nature is a question teachers should consider.
We can foresee that the personalized distance learning model would breath into energy for web distance education.
They helped breathe new life to rock and roll right when it was needed during the 1970s.
To infuse an old, abandoned warehouse district with the vibrancy of a new neighbourhood - one building at a time.
Made of the finest in organic ingredients, lip Calm not only protects your lips from weather, it rejuvenates your spirit.
There are several projects on the burner to inject new vitality into the town.
Hopefully, the introduction of teaching metaphor to English language teaching injects some new life to current English language teaching in our country's collage education.
We welcome any Suggestions, requests, or comments on collaborations. Let's breathe new life into our living space together!
Chaos Theory shines by breathing new life into the classic story concept of a man frustrated by his life.
He'll bring a new approach to it and that particular song will finish up half and half, Lennon and McCartney.
In Spring 2010, a major renovation and rebrand was launched to rejuvenate the venue and reinvigorate the brand.
The TANJUNG SEPHEART PROJECT is an artistic collaboration project hoping to breathe new life into the sleepy, 100-year old fishing village of Tanjung Sepat.
While utilization and management of current documents have activated archives management, it has also aroused hot debates in the archive field.
The third generation mobile will add new vitality to telecom with high-quality services, new service and function provisioning, and high flexibility.
Find ways to inject new life into your relationship via activities that have no purpose other than to say, "you matter."
As the play has been showing for so long, it now needs to be refreshed with some new details in the style of production or a change of actors.
Brussels is pleased by the establishment of a new ministry for European affairs, but more may be needed to reinvigorate Turkey's largely stalled EU membership talks.
Its appearance gave rise to a visual experience different from the past, changing our habits and accustomed to the past, the art of aesthetic concepts, in order to inject new vigor into the arts.
Based on that, discussion is made on how to make use of vision design or improvement of aesthetics means to improve city image so as to improve attractiveness and vigor of the city.
People should keep the block's space in order so as to better understand its traditional culture. And it can be filled with new energy through reuse from modern life.
In the light of Skopostheorie, this thesis approaches its application in practice and puts forward the translating methods with a hope to shed some new light on the translation of product directions.
In the light of Skopostheorie, this thesis approaches its application in practice and puts forward the translating methods with a hope to shed some new light on the translation of product directions.