• 同时脱硫洁净技术概况进行综述

    This paper have a review on the general situation of clean coal technology for simultaneous desulfurization and denitrition.


  • 同时简介了中国洁净技术开发推广计划基本框架技术内容。

    At the same time, the fundamental frame and technologies of the Clean Coal Technology Development and Spread Program in China are also described briefly.


  • 技术洁净技术之一,是改变燃烧方式一项重要措施

    Coal briquette is one of clean coal technology, which is an important measure to change the way of coal combustion.


  • 空气重介流化床干法工艺一项具有重大经济价值洁净技术

    The dry cleaning of coal with ADMFB is a cleaning technique of coal with great economic value.


  • 联合循环发电技术作为一种先进洁净技术大大提高能源利用率。

    Combined cycle is an advanced technology for clean and highly efficient utilization of coal.


  • 理论框架下,对鄂尔多斯洁净煤技术传播进行比较系统研究

    According to this new model, this paper makes a systematic study of the communication of CCT in Ordos city.


  • 本文选择全国产第一大市——鄂尔多斯进行洁净煤技术传播研究

    This paper studies the communication of CCT in Ordos city, for the output of coal in Ordos city is biggest in Chinese city.


  • 增压流化床联合循环PFBC-CC发电技术一种新型洁净技术

    Pressurized fluidized bed combustion combined cycle(PFBC CC) power generation is a new clean coal technology.


  • 网站洁净技术论坛,供广大技术人员专家自由发表意见,沟通信息

    A clean coal technology forum is set up in net for exchange opinion and information between experts and technical workers.


  • 另外美国还准备洁净技术推向国际市场从而强化美国企业国际竞争力

    In addition, clean coal technology will be put into international market for increasing the enterprise competition ability of US.


  • 本文主要介绍各种洁净技术重点介绍了洁净洁净煤技术进展。

    The article introduced all kinds of clean coal technology, and emphatically introduced the progress on the clean section coal and the clean blend coal technology.


  • 最近海上风能发电厂补贴了提高洁净技术至少15年后才能投入使用

    Subsidies have recently been boosted for offshore windfarms, while clean coal is at least 15 years from being viable.


  • 通过分析大气环境污染概况,认为推广洁净技术防治大气污染的有效途径。

    In Present paper, atmosphere pollution caused by coal was analyzed, and the clean coal technology was considered one of the most effective measures on controlling pollution.


  • 洁净技术(CCT)一项系统技术集成,客观需要国际交流合作分享推广经验

    As a system of technology integration, clean coal technology (CCT) consequentially needs international exchanges and cooperation to share and promote the experience.


  • 只有加强洁净技术研究降低商品含硫量, 才能根本上减轻中硫对电力生产的不利影响

    Decreasing sulfur content of coal through to strengthen clean coal technology research and development that is the basic route for decreasing the influence.


  • 表明空气重介流化床干法技术推广洁净煤技术具有全球性意义国内外将广泛应用前景

    It is shown that this technology mentioned has global meaning for promoting coal-clearing technology so there is a bright future in application.


  • 此外美国公司FutureFuels最近签署了协议,获准美国一家工厂应用中国的一项洁净技术

    Moreover Future Fuels, a US company, has recently signed a deal that will allow it to apply a Chinese clean coal technology at a new plant in the US.


  • 文章介绍了各项洁净技术主要技术特征应用领域以及世界各国目前洁净煤技术方面的研究进展

    The article introduces the main technical characteristics and the application fields of clean coal technology, and it also presents the research progress on clean coal technology in many countries.


  • 针对现有洁净技术评价存在问题提出基于经济-能源-环境(3e)分析建立一种新的宏观技术评价模式

    Focusing on the problem of the evaluation of clean coal technology, a new macroscopic evaluation model was proposed and set up based on the analysis of economy-energy-environment (3e).


  • 中国的洁净技术贯穿开发利用的全过程,主要包括炭加工、炭高效洁净燃烧、转化污染控制四个领域

    The integrated co-production system of coal conversion with coal gasification as the basically technology is considered to be a very complicated system engineering.


  • 洁净煤技术评价指标体系的建立标志着对洁净煤技术进行评价的良好开端科学客观地评价洁净煤技术奠定坚实基础

    It lays a solid foundation for CCT assessment at scientific and objective condition. Also it indicates a good beginning for CCT evaluations.


  • 根据提议中的协议2015年底前,欧盟援助中国建设电厂示范方面的技术,一是捕捉封存,二是洁净

    Under the proposed agreement, the EU would assist China to build by 2015 a new power station to demonstrate technologies both for carbon capture and storage and for clean coal.


  • 整体气化燃气-蒸汽联合循环(简称IGCC)洁净转化技术高效联合循环系统相结合的发电技术

    The integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) is a promising electrical generation system which combines a clean coal transformation technique with a high efficiency combined cycle system.


  • 介绍了生物技术洁净领域几个方面应用以及研究现状成果

    Application of biotechnology to some fields of clean coal is reviewed. Its research situation and obtained results are also introduced.


  • 部分空气气化联合循环发电一种气化技术循环流化床技术结合起来的洁净发电技术

    Partial gasification combined cycle generation system of coal is a clean coal technology associating coal gasification with circulation fluidized bed technology.


  • 第二增压流化床联合循环发电技术2GPFBC-CC)当前具有应用前景洁净发电技术之一。

    The second generation pressurized fluidized bed combustion combined cycle (2G PFBC-CC) is one of the promising clean coal technologies.


  • 说明了我国能源中的地位我国洁净中的首选技术,其可带来巨大环保和经济效益;

    The article expounds the coal occupies important status in our country's power and the type-coal is the first technology of clean coal.


  • 说明了我国能源中的地位我国洁净中的首选技术,其可带来巨大环保和经济效益;

    The article expounds the coal occupies important status in our country's power and the type-coal is the first technology of clean coal.


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