• 小说里世界着的世界广阔味道得多

    Novel of the world than I live in a world wide want to have much flavor.


  • 我们许多信念来源于我们所处的环境,就是我们每天活着世界

    Many of our beliefs come from our environment, the world we live in on a daily basis.


  • 我们许多信念来源于我们所处的环境,来源于我们每天活着世界

    Many of our beliefs come from our environment, the world we live in on a daily basis.


  • 写道,“我们这一时代-,正如我们世界-,让人费解。”

    He says, "Poetry in our own time — — such is the complexity of the world we live in — must be difficult."


  • 至今去过三十三国家,然而我感觉未曾开始观看到这个我们活着世界

    I have been to 33 countries now and feel like I haven't even started to see this World we live in.


  • 估计,现今世界活着的被割除了阴蒂妇女数量大约为9000万至1亿。

    An estimated number of 90 to 100 million women around the world living today have been circumcised.


  • 这个世界唯一活着理由,”柳条丈夫深情地妻子

    'You are the only reason that I live and breathe,' the wicker husband said to his wife.


  • 这个世界怂恿我们脱离眼下现实,我们失望,让我们那些现实之外的东西活着

    Our world encourages us to detach from the moment, put ourselves down, and live for something other than where we are right now.


  • HankWilliams1952年发行的“不会活着离开这个世界”(Ill NeverGet OutOf This World Alive)生前最后一张单曲

    Released in 1952, "I'll Never Get Out Of This World Alive" was the last single Hank Williams released in his lifetime.


  • 我们世界进入另一几乎完全相同的世界马上忘了我们是从哪儿的,也不在乎我们要往哪儿,只想到现在活着一刻

    We went from one world into another that was almost exactly like it, forgetting right away where we had come from, not caring where we were headed, living for the moment.


  • 可以个令人激动数据关联世界活着,未来的一天我们可以将自己巨大音乐资源连接你们社区

    I could go on about the exciting world of Linked data and how it may be possible some day to share our vast music resources as data sets that can be connected to your community.


  • 因为这意味着我们一个都是孤单活着我们自身意义世界

    It means that each of us lives alone, in our own world of meaning.


  • 没有决定岛上第三世界国家一个苦行的祭司一样活着——喜欢城市享受物质

    Not deciding to move to an island or Third World country to live as an ascetic priestess - I like urban cities, and I enjoy having stuff.


  • 量子力学亚原子的层面上描述一个朦胧世界,在这个世界可以同时活着死去,这可是出了名的难以把握

    Quantum mechanics, which describes in subatomic detail a shadowy world in which cats can be simultaneously alive and dead, is notoriously difficult to grasp.


  • 基督教世界可能很多的偶像因为尼古拉斯存在而不是其他圣人的存在而活着

    There may be more ICONS surviving for Nicholas alone than for all the other saints of Christendom put together.


  • 珊瑚礁活着世界种类丰富鱼类

    The reef also features the highest diversity of coral reef fishes in the world.


  • 在澳大利亚片国土上生近百动物,其中包括世界上80%哺乳动物90%的爬行动物。

    Australia is home to nearly one million animal species, including 80 percent of the world's mammals and 90 percent of its reptiles.


  • 英国谢菲尔德大学生育专家英国生育学会秘书艾伦,佩西:“胚胎着喊着要活着见到这个世界。”

    Dr Allan Pacey, fertility expert at Sheffield University and secretary of the British fertility Society, said: 'I think embryology is crying out for something like this'.


  • 沉醉一个故事里时,我就想在我笔下的世界活着,我真的知道接着发生什么

    When I'm deep inside a story, -living it as I write, I honestly don't know what will happen.


  • 据称世界有100个物种已经灭绝,这项于上个月正式开始考察总的目的验证是否这些物种实际上依然活着

    The expeditions, formally launched last month, collectively aim to find out whether 100 species thought extinct are in fact still alive.


  • 根据陈水华计算这种世界珍贵数量可能已经有32只,活着鸟和地球密集的人类毗邻。

    By Mr Chen's calculation, that brings the population of what is possibly the world's rarest bird up to 32, surviving in colonies near some of the densest human populations on earth.


  • 他们研究了半个世纪以来世界上所有渔场,其研究方法并不是为了试图估算特定区域海洋实际生物总数(活着生物总数),而是研究单位面积中海洋生物数量发生的变化

    Their methods de not attempt to estimate the actual biomass (the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time.


  • 支持反对因为每个这个世界就是为了自己更好活着只要自己幸福远离成绩有何不可

    I don't support will not oppose, because each person to live in this world, is to let oneself live better, as long as their happiness, away from the result and why not?


  • 非洲地区大约十亿人口,占据世界总人口六分之一以上,但是只有世界产电量的百分之四。

    With nearly 1 billion people, Africa accounts for over a sixth of the world's population, but generates only 4% of global electricity.


  • 缺水情况正在气候变化而加剧特别是世界干旱地区,那里生活着20亿人和全部贫困人口一半

    The water scarcity situation is being exacerbated by climate change, especially in the driest areas of the world, which are home to more than 2 billion people and to half of all poor people.


  • 仍然天然方式活着,仍然世界没有地位他自己分赐你里面。

    If you are still alive in a natural way, still living in sin and in the world, God has no position to dispense Himself into you.


  • 活着时候我们总是很富有因为我们这个世界时我们可以得到我们需要我们想要所有东西

    We're always wealthy when we're alive, because we can make everything we need and everything we want when we're living in the world.


  • 活着时候我们总是很富有因为我们这个世界时我们可以得到我们需要我们想要所有东西

    We're always wealthy when we're alive, because we can make everything we need and everything we want when we're living in the world.


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