• 他们本世纪之前无人驾驶宇宙飞船到达那里,让今天活着人们及时看到

    They say it could be reached by an unmanned spaceship before the end of the century in time for people alive today to see it.


  • 消防员爬上梯子抢救一楼以上活着人们

    The firemen climbed ladders to rescue people living above the ground floor.


  • 基于种观点认为这些精神会持续影响活着人们

    It is based on the idea that these spirits continue to influence the lives of the living.


  • 活着的人们赞美甚至陷入迷途人们也能赞美你!

    But the living can praise thee, even those who stumble can laud thee.


  • 他们无能为力,只是说他们无力圆满回答历史活着人们提出的种种新问题

    They are powerless only to give the full answer to the new questions posed for the living by history.


  • 活着人们却是充满着新生智慧不断逝去的“现在组成未来

    But the people live, live is filled with wisdom, and the new passing by constantly "now" is composed of the future.


  • 他们过于匆忙火化尸体时有时他们烧毁还在活着的人们!……他们应当等一等

    When they're in too much of a hurry to burn them, sometimes they burn them alive! … They should wait.


  • 1990年,居住附近人们每天下午可以听到演奏钢琴的声音,由此知道活着

    In 1990, people living in her neighborhood could hear her playing her piano in the afternoon, and that is how they knew that she was still alive.


  • 仅此一个事实便可解释为什么成功创意人们一直以不停地创作来度过时日他们必须这样他们创造是因为就是使他们活着的部分原因

    That one fact alone explains why successful creative people keep creating well past the time in which it's necessary for them to do so; they create because it's a part of what makes them come alive.


  • 那些渴望提升进入一步,掌握有意识梦想编织人们另一个项目叫做掌握活着梦想。

    For those that desire to take the dance of ascension one step further and master conscious dream weaving, there is another program known as Mastering the Living dream.


  • 相反活着应该献身于那些在此作战人们英勇推动而尚未完成工作

    It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.


  • 布道祷告安慰困境中的人们还有重要——心里虔诚信仰着上帝,四十年来一直这么活着

    For forty years he lived so, preaching to the people, praying for them, comforting them in trouble, and, most of all, worshiping in his heart.


  • 部分取决于完全活着怎样看待植物人心智能力人们领域研究的还不多

    It depends in part, though, on how the fully alive view the mental capacities of the vegetative-an area that has not been investigated much.


  • 相反我们活着应该献身那些曾在作战人们英勇推动而尚未完成工作

    It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.


  • 许许多多拥有母爱人们依然拥有活着的母亲你们幸福的!

    I want to tell many people who possessing mother love; still possessing mother on earth, so you have felicity!


  • 活下来了,好好活着只是那些孤儿还有所有有幸存活下来人们

    Live, on a good living, not just those orphans, and all have survived the people survive.


  • 但是最后却被信了,我并不是欺骗,因为船上人们认识的,表示着非常快乐见到依旧活着

    But at length he was persuaded that Iwas no cheat, fo there came people from his ship who knew me, and expressed much joy at seeing me alive.


  • 继续上垒直到里面工作肩膀那么。出门走走,看看生活在别处的人们这样或那样的活着

    Continue to work upward so that the top of the igloo is about shoulder height with the person working inside.


  • 有意识梦想时间为了那些选择有意识学习意愿编织梦想随之活着体验人们

    Conscious dream time is for those who are choosing to consciously learn to intend and weave their dreams and then live to experience them.


  • 古希腊古罗马人们上帝祭品活着以色列君主焚烧祭品之献身者也是白色

    When people in ancient Greece and Rome made offerings to the celestial gods, or when Israel burnt offerings to the Lord, the victims that they dedicated were always white.


  • 中国西南一角,这里的人们阔别那片喧嚣安详活着

    Life in the country's south-west glides along rather sedately.


  • 是的活着来说标签很重要的,它们告诉人们如何看待自己就象朋友Lynette

    Yes, labels are important to the living, they dictate how people see themselves, like my friend Lynette.


  • 然而Cadillo人们生活一个星期,我才第一理解有人这样

    After living for a week with a family in Cadillo, however, I understood for the first time that it was real people leading these lives.


  • 一大早人们便把死者摆放食品河中海里因为人们认为活着了这些东西不吉利的。

    In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it.


  • 一大早人们便把死者摆放食品河中海里因为人们认为活着了这些东西不吉利的。

    In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it.


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