• 介绍流域管理模式,并作简单评价

    The models of TCM were introduced and were simply evaluated.


  • 流域管理是以河流流域单位水资源统一管理

    Basin Management means to manage water resources and regard river basin as a unit.


  • 强化流域管理的行政执法增强流域执法的实效性

    Strengthening law enforcement in basin management and enhancing actual effect;


  • 流域信息资源管理平台流域管理数字化建设核心

    The information resource management platform is the core content of the basin management digitization constructing.


  • 本次研究运用模型计算流域管理的环境容量

    The one dimensional model was utilized in this research to calculate the water assimilative capacity for basin management.


  • 维护河流健康作为流域管理战略目标管理理念的重大突破

    It is a major breakthrough of defining sustaining health of rivers as the strategic target of river basin management.


  • 第十二国家水资源实行流域管理与行政区域管理结合管理体制

    Article 12 For water resources the State applies the system under which management of river basins is combined with management of administrative regions.


  • 第十二条国家水资源实行流域管理行政区域管理相结合管理体制

    Article 12 the state shall, with respect to water resources, adopt a system that organizes the administration by watersheds as well as by administrative areas.


  • 欧盟框架指令利益相关者喜好流域管理策略——它们是可协调的吗?

    The water framework directive: stakeholder preferences and catchment management strategies-are they reconcilable?


  • 其准流域管理机构主要职能就是都江堰灌区的涉水事务实行统一管理

    The main function of quasi-basin management unit is to carry out unified management of water affairs in the Dujiangyan Irrigation District.


  • 目前如何协调流域跨界污染问题成为我国流域管理亟待解决的现实问题

    It has recently become an urgent concern to coordinate such problems in the river basin management.


  • 分析了流域管理目标动态性以及流域管理措施管理效益评价之间的关系。

    The dynamic property of a watershed management purpose and the relationship between measures and its benefit are analyzed.


  • 新政中涌现机构包括工程振兴田纳西流域管理,极大地促进了就业

    Analphabet soup of new agencies, including the Works Progress Administration (wpa) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (tva), boosted employment.


  • 重视公众参与加大力度拓宽公众参与流域管理途径,提高公众的环境保护意识

    Valuing public participation, opening up more ways for public to participate in the basin management, enhancing environmental protection consciousness of the public.


  • 森林水文学研究对于了解流域物理生物化学过程以及实施流域管理具有重要意义

    Research on forest hydrology is the key to understand the physical, biological, and chemical processes in a watershed and has significance to watershed management.


  • 系统建立提高流域管理工作效率水平,使流域水资源管理工作进一步规范化

    The information system will make the water resources management more standardized, and it can improve the efficiency of management in Shiyang River Basin.


  • 概念性模型对于流域出口泥沙资料稀少地区具有很高的应用价值协助流域管理潜力。

    This conceptual model provides a new option for areas with sparse sediment data series at watershed outlets , and it has a great potential in assisting watershed management.


  • 澳大利亚kbh咨询公司主页提供有关水资源综合管理江河流域管理方面的信息

    This web page is a portal providing information on integrated water resources management and river basin management. It is designed and run by the consultancy KBH Consultants.


  • 今年他们已经美国签署合同他们在爱荷华的风力发电厂输送田纳西流域管理

    This year it signed contracts in the US to sell electricity from its wind farm in Iowa to the Tennessee Valley Authority.


  • 森林关系及其流域管理中的应用,国际水文学流域管理学界十分关注课题之一

    Forest water relations and their implications in watershed management, therefore, are one of the key themes of international hydrology and watershed management research.


  • 水资源统一管理成功模式流域管理中国水资源流域管理立法管理体制亟待完善

    The successful model of unified management of water resources is watershed management, and the legislation and management system of watershed management in China are urgently to be improved.


  • 应用博弈论方法,以流域管理机构征收水资源背景研究流域水资源开发利用冲突问题

    Against the background of the institution of river basin management levies water resources tax, the paper applies game theory to research the conflict in the basin water resources development.


  • 具体细化新《水法》提出流域管理行政管理结合原则开展长江水资源综合管理关键

    To follow the principle of the integration of river basin management with provincial management, as stated in the Water Laws, is a key point in the future for the IWRM.


  • 根据《水法》赋予流域管理机构职责,对相关几个问题进行了分析,并提出了相关的措施建议

    According to the obligations granted by Water Law to government departments of valleys, several relative issues are analyzed, some measures and proposals are put forward.


  • 实行流域管理委员会制度,为了建立流域管理决策中心使委员会享有流域最高权力负有全面责任

    Establishing river basin management committee is to form a decision-making center that the committee owns highest authority and takes overall responsibility.


  • 以此起点雄心勃勃开始进行其他公共事业包括接下来田纳西河流域管理建设29座水坝

    It became the launching pad for all his other ambitious public undertakings, including the 29 DAMS built by the Tennessee Valley Authority that were to follow.


  • 近几十年来,国内外流域管理取得了长足进展促进流域环境资源开发利用保护方面发挥巨大作用。

    Recent years, river basin management develops rapidly. It is becoming the tendency of the water management in the world to set up the mode of river basin management.


  • 灰渣含有多种危险物质包括硒等然而田纳西流域管理局起先矢口否认煤灰渣中含有健康有害的物质。

    Coal ash is known to contain dangerous elements including arsenic, lead, and selenium, yet the TVA refused at first to issue any health warnings about contamination from the spill.


  • 第一项措施默里-达令流域管理一个有权整个河流系统设置河水抽取量机构旨在终止流域四个争吵

    The first is the Murray-Darling basin Authority, a new body with power to set limits on water extraction across the entire river system, in a bid to end the four basin states' bickering.


  • 流域管理经费来源主要优惠政策以及流域管理监督等方面进行述评,旨在借鉴促进我国流域管理及水土保持事业进一步规范化法律化科学化

    The aim of the review is to draw lessons from foreign countries to promote the development of a standard, legal and scientific watershed management in our country.


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