To consider and place the machines inside of the workshop, this method analysis with flow process chart and flow circuitry chart.
We've taken our sample code and created a sequence diagram in order to show you a bit of the execution flow of the Access program.
流程和应用程序间的流用WSFL 流引擎来处理更好,最好用 BPEL 来处理,尽量不要用状态图处理。
The flow between processes and applications is better handled with a WSFL flow engine and even best with BPEL, not with a state diagram.
There are simple protocols and flowcharts, providing a guidance process for diagnosis and descriptions of psychosocial interventions including those for caregivers.
Figure 8 shows how the J2EE application is deployed with the BPEL process.
Figure 1 shows the assembly diagram of the process application.
Figure 8 shows the business application services that use the business process and policy management component to provide business security services to the business applications of the enterprise.
Figure 7 Outlines the entire process and shows not only the flow of the application from a sockets API perspective but also the relationships from a client and server perspective.
动态应用程序的流程依赖于应用程序的具体情况,但是一般情况下与图2 相似。
The flow of a dynamic application depends on the application, but generally looks like Figure 2.
Figure 4 shows how a network of Process Brokers may interact to provide connectivity between clients and service providers.
Part 2 focuses on using the tooling available for developing rich-client applications and finishing the rest of the plug-in development workflow presented in Figure 1.
Figure 2 shows how exporting individual activities within WSFL allows you to build a WSDL interface for the business process through which other applications can interact.
Figure 6 shows two game clients and a game server interacting via a Process Broker.
Figure 14 shows the interface for the process that contains the handler.
You can create sequence diagrams that show expected application flow (modeling the application you are working on), as well as real-time application flow.
Figure 5 demonstrates how the use flow works with the NC and its hypervisor.
In the To-Be version of the process (Figure 44), we replace the drawing tool and document processor with Modeler.
Figure 1 illustrates the major functions of the DynamicCharts application, and Figure 2 depicts the application's overall structure and flow.
Using sequence diagrams to model application execution flow.
Figure 1 presents the basic flow of the SystemTap process, involving three interacting utilities over five phases.
Note that the conversion and validation processes outlined in Figure 2 represent the application flow when the UIInput component's immediate attribute is set to false.
要使 BPEL4WS流程与内部应用程序及Web服务进行交互,您必须构造图2描述的其余6个组件。
You have to construct the remaining six components described in Figure 2, to enable BPEL4WS processes to interact with internal applications and Web services.
We will use the application model in Figure 3 to illustrate the development and deployment process for the pushdown capable CMP bean, the steps for which will be described in following sections.
As evident from the Solution Overview Diagram in Figure 1, you need Process Integration patterns (a subset of the Application Integration pattern) for the links from OTMPS to the
In larger systems, such as those employing long transfer lines or piping, check the flow charts and piping diagrams for the identification of valves and written cleaning procedures.
图3展示了在工作流程应用程序中结合使用WS-BPEL和 IoC 的架构
Figure 3 shows an architecture that uses WS-BPEL and IoC together in a workflow application
A sample scenario (Figure 1) is created to help you integrate the process portlet application with ease.
Emphasis is put on the structural flow-chart of the program and its main functions.
您可以使用图1所示的流程图来确定某个应用程序在RHEL orSLES中是否具备二进制兼容性。
You can use the flowchart in Figure 1 to determine if an application is binary compatible on RHEL or SLES.
图39显示了包含BPEL流程模块、中介模块和JAX - WSweb服务应用程序(客户机和服务器)的已部署应用程序组。
Figure 39 shows the deployed applications set consisting of the BPEL process module, the mediation module, and the JAX-WS web service applications (client and server).