• 蓝色外套,有着连衣领的帽子银色拉链

    It's a light blue coat. It's got a hood and a big silver zipper.


  • 爸爸眼睛成了蓝色的细缝疑神疑鬼老毛病又犯了。

    Pa's eyes narrowed down to pale-blue slits. All the usual paranoia had settled in.


  • 女人蓝色眼睛充满泪水,叽里咕噜地讲故事

    The woman's large eyes, a weak blue, filled with tears, and her story came in a phlegmy rush.


  • 男孩在地上,塑料铲把沙装一个蓝色桶里

    A little boy is on his knees scooping and packing the sand with plastic shovels into a bright blue bucket.


  • 清单1展示如何使用convert命令制作一张蓝色的572x100画布

    Listing 1 shows how to make a light blue 572x100 canvas using the convert command.


  • 青色的,蓝色的:青色的一部分蓝色或青色的,云杉蓝鲸

    Bluish or having parts that are blue or bluish, as the blue spruce and the blue whale.


  • 蓝色丝巾无疑整个造型的亮点经典搭配增添了一抹淡雅之感。

    Her look's highlight was in her light-blue scarf, adding a light style to her classic look.


  • 蓝色的网站搭配橙色可以创造沉静特质可以网站得更加令人兴奋和喜悦

    Pair a soft blue site that creates calming qualities with a bright orange, and you could change your site to be more exciting and joyful.


  • 蓝色的外墙白色古典的园使成为大概圣彼得堡优雅建筑物

    Its light blue sides and white classical columns make it perhaps St. Petersburg's most graceful building.


  • 科学家发现深颜色鲸鱼,比如长须鲸抹香鲸不会蓝色的鲸鱼那样遭受同等程度的灼伤

    The scientists also found that darker whales, in this case sperm and fin whales, tended to not get sunburned as much as lighter blue whales.


  • 色彩词汇中运动跳跃穿仿佛画布那些枝丫光影赭黄色、蓝色漩涡颤栗

    It moves in the color vocabulary, leaps, penetrates a fork, as if those branches tremble on canvas in the shadow whirlpool with the reddish brown yellow, Cambridge blue.


  • 雪白墙壁安静肃穆的感觉蓝色灯光更为整个室内环境增添几分理性精准色彩

    White wall gives a person a kind of quiet, solemn feeling, light blue light is more on the rationality and accuracy of whole and indoor environment colour.


  • 因此如果你要找到另一颗在黄色恒星附近蓝色这种蓝色行星化学分析将会我们生命强烈暗示

    So if you found another star with a pale-blue dot tooling around that yellow star, that blue color and chemical analysis of the planet might give us a strong suggestion of life.


  • 他们船启航了爱德蒙蓝色大海破浪前进了,大海是青年时代活动的天地,狱中常常梦到

    They sailed; Edmond was again cleaving the azure sea which had been the first horizon of his youth, and which he had so often dreamed of in prison.


  • 根据课程来定,”纽约大学的维多利娅·阿得所巴同学谈到,站在学校书店外面肩上着个蓝色的书包

    "It depends on the course," said Victoria Adesoba, a pre-med student at New York University who was standing outside that school's bookstore, a powder-blue book bag slung over her shoulder.


  • 因为打网球高尔夫球远足滑雪脸上一年到头长着雀斑如果仔细,甚至能看出蓝色的虹膜都染上了黑色

    Tennis, golf, hiking, and skiing kept her freckled the year round. Even her delft-blue irises were dotted, if you looked, with tan specks of melanin.


  • 一个左延伸穿过幅图片浅蓝色可能超新星喷发出的气体的集结体。

    A bluish ribbon of light stretching from left to right across the picture might be a knot of gas ejected by the supernova.


  • 经过三个周末辛勤工作莎莉设计变成了一真正的、能够运行卡丁车成了蓝色

    Over three weekends of hard work, Sally turned her design into a real, working go kart and painted it light blue.


  • 研究小组推测随着时间的过去,丽鱼科鱼的眼睛适应周围浅蓝色或者淡红色光线,随它们到什么位置而定

    The team speculated that, over time, cichlid eyes adapted to either the bluish or the reddish ambient light, depending on where they lived.


  • 不远处一种叫做呋喃丹浅蓝色农药母牛尸体

    Nearby were two cow carcasses that had been laced with a bluish pesticide called carbofuran.


  • 班芙酒店蓝色光镜强调冬天寒冷单一

    Banff Springs Hotel with light blue filter emphasizes the coldness of winter (Monochromatic color).


  • 中沿海岸线附近海水呈现明亮的蓝色——这里是水区,到了离岛较水深更深的地方,海水则变成了蓝色

    Water color in the image changes from light blue along the coastline-indicating shallow water-to the dark blue of deeper water away from the island.


  • 身上穿脏兮兮裤子蓝色衬衫让人群中很不显眼,人任何气势,连自己似乎也认定任何人都对他不感兴趣。

    He was too slight for his somewhat dirty slacks and pale blue dress shirt-and carried himself with so little swagger he seemed resigned to the fact that he interested no one.


  • 雷蒙曾经血样,所以知道针头,她体贴地将医疗器具杂志之下,杂志封面是一改建厨房蓝色图案。

    Ramona had taken my blood before. She knew about my fear of needles, and she kindly hid the paraphernalia under a magazine with a bright blue picture of a kitchen being remodeled.


  • 岛屿西部西南部区(图岛屿侧)呈现出蓝色岛屿方向的深海水域颜色对比明显。

    Shallow water to the west-southwest (below the island in this view) appears bright blue, in contrast to the deeper ocean waters to the north, east, and south.


  • 海沟明显的界限东部靠大陆的地方:海水深度突然两三百蓝色迅速降低数千米(蓝色)。

    The trench is most sharply defined on the eastern (continental) side: depth plunges rapidly from a few hundred meters (light blue) to several thousand meters (deep blue).


  • 海沟明显的界限东部靠大陆的地方:海水深度突然两三百蓝色迅速降低数千米(蓝色)。

    The trench is most sharply defined on the eastern (continental) side: depth plunges rapidly from a few hundred meters (light blue) to several thousand meters (deep blue).


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