• 时间可能浪费无目的会议中

    Time may also be wasted in purposeless meetings.


  • 这种训练没有效果,浪费稀有资源

    This kind of training is ineffective, and wasteful of scarce resources.


  • 测量包裹尺寸减少浪费

    The packets are measured to reduce waste.


  • 没有浪费时间自怜而是振作起来继续干。

    She didn't waste time feeling sorry for herselfshe just picked herself up and carried on.


  • 原因可能很多打算浪费时间猜测这些原因。

    There could be many reasons and he was not going to waste time speculating on them.


  • 同情心白白浪费的身上,咎由自取

    Don't waste your sympathy on himhe got what he deserved.


  • 认真思考美国生活中典型且非常严重的浪费问题。

    He ruminated on the terrible wastefulness that typified American life.


  • 手巧很好的感悟空间技能浪费日常事务中了。

    His manual dexterity and fine spatial skills were wasted on routine tasks.


  • 阿兰大声威吓我们不会浪费时间讨论这些没用的事情。

    In a loud, hectoring tone, Alan told us that he wasn't going to waste time discussing nonsense.


  • 团体他们希望政客停止团体认为无用的项目浪费公款

    The group says it wants politicians to stop wasting public money on what it believes are frivolous projects.


  • 如果我们被迫删减小时电影就会浪费非凡努力才华

    So much of his enormous effort and talent will go to waste if we are forced to drop one hour of the film.


  • 当时肯定认为值得他费心思,否则不会身上浪费时间了。

    He must have thought Jane was worth it or he wouldn't have wasted time on her, I suppose.


  • 投资高效工厂节余很多宝贵的信用额度,可以用来给那些富有、更浪费国家

    By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations.


  • 彼得浪费身上。

    O Peter, don't waste the fairy dust on me.


  • 我们浪费污染了许多资源

    We wasted and polluted many resources.


  • 我们可以浪费这个东西。

    We couldn't waste it.


  • 意味着应该浪费

    This means that money should not be wasted.


  • 最近网上发起了一项反对浪费食物的活动,这可能会重新审视自己浪费行为。

    Recently a campaign against food waste launched online might make you think twice about being so wasteful.


  • 烤糕饼时加一整块奶酪可能显得过于浪费

    Baking a whole cheese in pastry may seem extravagant.


  • 等待一次计算机重启浪费好几分钟的时间。

    Minutes are lost waiting for a reboot.


  • 鉴于今年降雨量居民告诫不得浪费用水

    Residents were warned not to be extravagant with water, in view of the low rainfall this year.


  • 需要有人阻止浪费时间精力太多不同事情

    He needs someone who can keep him from dissipating his time and energy on too many different things.


  • 解决不赤字问题浪费我们一整代人不曾遇到一个机会

    Failing to tackle the deficit would be throwing away an opportunity we haven't had for a generation.


  • 这个简单事实大多数人来说网上冲太高,无法经常进行。

    The simple fact is that, for most people, surfing is too expensive to do on a regular basis.


  • 浪费水!

    You are wasting water!


  • 少食物浪费任重而道远。

    To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time.


  • 不要浪费食物。

    Please don't waste food.


  • 食物也会产生温室气体。所以食物浪费也对环境不利。

    Wasting food also creates greenhouse gas. So food waste is bad for the environment, too.


  • 里的人从不浪费水。

    People there never waste water.


  • 们应该尽力避免浪费

    We should do our best to avoid waste.


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