• 两种关于SSRIs通常是一种浪费药品观点批评

    There are two sorts of criticism of the idea that SSRIs are mostly a waste of money.


  • 直到现在,仍然好地纠正了人们普遍认为租房浪费观点。

    Still, it is a useful corrective to the widely held belief that renting is a waste of money.


  • 开始还愿意在里面,因为来自不要浪费压力促使前进

    At first, I liked paying for it because the pressure not to waste my money pushed me to go. But only begrudgingly.


  • 父母从来不旅游他们觉得浪费方式,他们觉得应该恰当的地方,他们把存起来只是为了应急

    My parents never travel, they think it is a way of wasting money, they consider the money should be used in a suitable way; they save it just in case the emergency.


  • 扔掉那些即使从不穿衣服对我来说也往往很难因为我会浪费罪恶感,我也有一天我可能穿或者需要它们

    I tend to have a hard time getting rid of clothes even if I never wear them, because of guilt that I spent money on them or because I'm afraid I might want or need them at some point.


  • 认为只有人才会去用衣机,而且那玩意儿还挺浪费。总之,她就是喜欢衣服晾在晾衣绳上散发那种清新的气味。

    She thought dryers were for lazy people and a waste of money, and anyway, she liked how the laundry smelled so fresh hanging out on the line.


  • 需要注意一个自我报告式调查,这意味着这个调查不是关于人们实际上浪费什么地方了,而是他们认为做什么是浪费钱的

    It's important to note that this is a self-reported survey, meaning that it's not about what people are actually wasting their money on, but rather what they perceive as a waste of money.


  • 只是不要人们觉得就是浪费确定知道如何更好的使用来得到你想要得到的。

    But don't let anyone tell you they are a waste of money... just make sure you know what you're getting and use it right.


  • 如果本能反应,请注意,还有一你一开始明白这一点耗时,更浪费

    If this is your instinctive reaction, note that the only thing more boring and time - and money-consuming than getting this right at the start is the nasty mess you'll find if you get it wrong.


  • 那种一遍就是浪费财。

    Buying books you'll likely only read once is a money-waster.


  • 其实根本不看星相图马克认为完全浪费

    'I don't even read my horoscope and Mark thought it was a complete waste of money.


  • 比较讨厌浪费并且阻止过于极简任务

    I was a tad annoyed at wasting money, and it is my job to keep him from being TOO minimal.


  • 公司创立早期聘用一个全职CFO浪费,”康普顿,“将这笔投到工程师和销售人员身上会收到更好的效果。”

    'To hire a CFO in the early-going is a waste of money,' Mr. Compton says.


  • 读者AMBROOKECHO:”为什么要浪费价格更贵的汽油呢?

    Reader AMBROOK ECHO says: "Why waste money on higher priced gas?


  • 同样地如果有人东西有何看法时,你必要告诉认为是在浪费,因为这样实话只有东西之前帮助

    Similarly, if someone buys something and then asks for your opinion, there is no need to tell him that you think he wasted his money. The truth would only have been helpful before the purchase.


  • 调查报告显示,我们资助一个项目纯粹浪费钱

    An investigative reporter discovered that one of the projects we funded was a boondoggle.


  • 如果每隔3 - 5年久一个牌子,你该省省了,这纯粹浪费

    If you are buying a brand new car every 3-5 years, stop! You are wasting your money.


  • 这种简单检查可以防止错误投票浪费或者拒绝一个忠诚朋友

    This simple check could save you voting for the wrong person, wasting your money or rejecting someone who would be a loyal friend.


  • 喜欢信封系统,它能确定自己不会在一些乱七八糟的花销浪费

    I like the envelope system for making sure I don't spend too much on variable expenses.


  • 我们所创建的这个模型不能告诉我们任何信息,并且如果我们使用,我们可能会做出错误决策浪费

    The model we created tells us absolutely nothing, and if we used it, we might make bad decisions and waste money.


  • 如果曾经品牌药,它其实是一个更加便宜而且相似的非专利替代品时,那么,你就是浪费

    If you ever buy a name brand when there's a cheaper and identical generic substitute available, you're wasting cash.


  • 但是,在选定一个健身房之前一些调查确保每个不会浪费重要的。

    But, before you commit to a gym, it's important to do your research and make sure you won't be throwing your money away every month.


  • 如果可以别人不用沙发椅子桌子其他可能需要东西,那你没有理由浪费新的家具

    There is no reason to buy new furniture for your place when you can save money by taking advantage of other people's unwanted couches, chairs, tables, or whatever else you may need.


  • 维护公共图书馆博物馆浪费因为计算机技术目前取代他们角色在多大程度上同意同意

    Maintaining public libraries and museums is a waste of money because computer technology is now replacing their roles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  • 如果疼痛心脏病发作前兆,进行重症监护将是最好的预防治疗方法;如果不是心脏病,重症监护只浪费钱使病人受到危险感染

    If a heart attack is imminent, intensive care is best; if not, it wastes money and exposes patients to dangerous infections.


  • 如果疼痛心脏病发作前兆,进行重症监护将是最好的预防治疗方法;如果不是心脏病,重症监护只浪费钱使病人受到危险感染

    If a heart attack is imminent, intensive care is best; if not, it wastes money and exposes patients to dangerous infections.


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