• 海滩男孩曾一度与世界受欢迎披头士乐队媲美

    At one point, the Beach Boys even rivaled the Beatles for the most popular band in the world.


  • 请听詹森艾米解释迫不及待参加海滩男孩演唱会原因

    Hear Jason explain to Amy why he can't wait to attend a Beach Boys concert.


  • 万斯早已滑板海滩男孩标准装备这些他们可以找到几乎任何地方

    Vans Shoes have long been standard gear for skateboarders and beach boys, but these days they can be found almost anywhere.


  • 海滩男孩家族朋友里卡妮温蒂·威尔逊姐妹姑姑黛安娜高兴的表示很有才华高兴叁加这次盛会。

    Diana, aunt of the sister singers carnie and Wendy Wilson from the beach boys family and friends, happily talked with our reporter. "she is so talented. I am very happy to be here."


  • 实际上这个电脑根本,对黑莓危机以及iPod不停播放海滩男孩Kokome”的未能为力压根不感冒。

    In fact, the computer has no interest whatsoever in me, my BlackBerry crisis or my inability to make the iPod stop playing "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys all the time.


  • 加州夏季时间很长对于海滩男孩”而言,那一年四季夏天他们有关他们喜爱运动的歌曲,冲浪

    It is summer almost all year long in California. And it was summer all the time for the Beach Boys. They sang about their favorite activities, like riding the ocean waves on surfboards.


  • 冲浪马利布加州骑手海滩-考虑这个神奇地方随时访问今年丰富多彩的船员帐户包括dogging长期寄宿生复古海滩男孩

    Surf rider beach of Malibu, California - You would consider visiting this amazing place anytime of the year on account of its colorful crew, including hot-dogging long boarders and retro beach boys.


  • 一张照片展示了男孩海滩旁边是成堆树叶,一辆自卸卡车一大堆树叶运走。

    One photo showed a young boy crouched on a beach beside piles of the leaves as a dump truck carried off a large load of them.


  • 前,有一个男孩和他的朋友一起在海滩上玩耍。

    Once upon a time, there was a boy who was out playing on the beach with his friends.


  • 上个夏天,当地海滩水边休闲时。一个年轻男孩全速身边穿过,窜入浅湾冲浪

    This past Sunday I was relaxing at the water's edge of a local beach when a young boy ran full speed right by me and into the shallow surf.


  • 船长非常热情,简直就是那种“生活海滩男孩”,整整一天眉来眼去

    The captain of the boat was this totally hot, complete 'beach guy for life' type, and I spent the whole day flirting with him.


  • 男孩马群腾跃在炽热的日落海滩位于印尼东帝汶

    Boys cavort with horses during a fiery sunset on a beach in Timor Indonesia.


  • 很快那个男孩最后海滩

    He swam fast to the little boy, and took him back to the beach at last.


  • 男孩拍照摄影永远不会拒绝次旅行湖边标签海滩我。

    A boy who will take pictures in photo booths with me, someone who will never turn down a trip to the lake and who will play tag on the beach with me.


  • 需要星期件事海滩新泽西南部部分教子[双胞胎男孩]他们母亲

    It is one thing taking a week to go to the beach in the southern pa of New Jersey with my godchildren [twin boys] and their mother.


  • 件事需要星期海滩新泽西南部部分教子[双胞胎男孩]并且他们母亲

    It is one thing taking a week to go to the beach in the southern pa of New Jersey with my godchildren [twin boys] and their mother.


  • 幻想着来到了海滩一个男孩走出海滨小屋,给递上饮料

    I was fantasizing about being on a beach with a cabana boy serving me drinks.


  • 一个星期天早晨男孩女孩们正在Lumley海滩玩耍首都弗里敦居民放松地方

    On a Sunday morning, Lumley Beach is packed with boys and girls playing on it - it's where the residents of the capital, Freetown, come to relax.


  • 一个星期天早晨男孩女孩们正在Lumley海滩玩耍首都弗里敦居民放松地方

    On a Sunday morning, Lumley Beach is packed with boys and girls playing on it - it's where the residents of the capital, Freetown, come to relax.


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