• 七号信令系统消息传递部分设计一个联合传送系统,可传送不同用户信息

    The Message Transfer Part (MTP) of Signalling System No. 7 (SS No. 7) is designed as a joint transport system for the messages of different users.


  • 满足每个用户各个要求消息传递部分设计出发点满足制定规程时了解到的严格的用户部分要求。

    In order to satisfy the individual requirements of each user, the MTP is designed in such a way that it meets the most stringent User Part requirements envisaged at the time of specification.


  • 文章系列第3部分中,我们实现了一个简单JMS客户机传递确认消息发送目的地

    In Part 3 of this series of articles, we implemented a simple JMS client that sends a package delivery confirmation message to a destination.


  • 使得设计应用时候,可以只关注组件部分消息传递通信递送

    This allows the design of an application to focus on the component parts, and hand off messages to the communication layer for delivery.


  • 部分指出继续传递消息

    Section notes that new messages will continue to be delivered.


  • Brokermessageselection指示消息传递系统哪个部分实现消息选择器

    Broker message selection Indicates what part of the messaging system implements message selectors.


  • 它们可以是非事务这样一来,传递消息属于任何事务的部分

    They can be non-transacted, so that messages passing through the flow are not part of any transaction.


  • 任务消息传递》系列的这个部分一起完成使用自签名证书配置基本ssl通道任务我们构建两个脚本

    In this installment of Mission: Messaging, I will walk you through the tasks to configure basic SSL channels with self-signed certificates, building two scripts as we go.


  • 消息接收者同时负责消息进行相应处理部分时候都会将消息传递服务实现进行处理

    The message receiver also is responsible for dealing with the message accordingly, and most of the time will hand this message to a service implementation class for processing.


  • 话说,消息传递引擎每个实例控制整个队列一个部分之协作。

    In other words, each instance of the messaging engine controls and works with a portion of the entire queue.


  • 部分描述了一些常见场景,以介绍如何企业消息传递基础结构使用这些节点

    This section describes some common scenarios that show how you can use these nodes in your enterprise messaging infrastructure.


  • 消息传递引擎实现消息传递基础结构本身逻辑应用服务器进程中的组成部分

    The messaging engine is the component in the application server process that implements the logic of the messaging infrastructure itself.


  • 下面讨论将会回答其中的部分问题提供了使用SOA消息传递处理这些问题提示技巧

    The following discussion will answer some of those questions, and give you tips and tricks for tackling the problems with SOA messaging.


  • 响应路由器生成作为输入消息邮件传递部分

    The response is generated by a router as part of the mail delivery of the incoming message.


  • 通过阅读系列第2部分中的对象请求代理(orb)异步消息传递可以了解种技术都提供基于内容上下文某种形式基本路由

    In reading about object request brokers (ORBs) and asynchronous messaging in Part 2 of this series, you saw that both of these provide some form of basic routing based on content or context.


  • 我们定义了JMS消息传递支持,并将其作为第3部分中的ESB解决方案核心需求之一

    We defined support for JMS messaging as one of the core requirements toward our ESB solution in Part 3.


  • 集群消息传递基础结构也许整个关于集群的讨论中复杂部分

    Clustering the messaging infrastructure is perhaps the most complex aspect of the overall clustering discussion.


  • 第3部分论述监控JVM外部资源方法包括主机及其操作系统以及数据库消息传递系统远程服务

    Part 3 will address methods for monitoring resources outside the JVM, including hosts and their operating systems and remote services such as databases and messaging systems.


  • 第3部分中,我们展示如何创建一个简单对点的基于JMS消息传递应用程序

    In Part 3, we will show you how to create a simple, point-to-point, JMS-based messaging application.


  • 消息第2部分http节点作为逻辑部分传递WSDL文档提取模式

    Section 2 of the message flow extracts the schema from the WSDL document that is passed as part of the logical tree from the HTTP node.


  • 接下来各个部分列出中间件环境四个步骤一些关键点这些环境中使用不同数据库消息传递产品作为资源管理器

    The next sections list some key highlights for these four steps in middleware environments using different database or messaging products as a resource manager.


  • 第二也是重要如果指定事务属性Required那么传递MDB消息作为消息部分接收

    Second, and more important, if you specified a transaction attribute of Required, then the message delivered to the MDB was received as part of that transaction.


  • Erlang中的消息传递系统Erlang执行环境另一个内置部分,它进程系统协同工作支持有效地交换数据消息

    The messaging system in Erlang is another built-in part of the Erlang execution environment and works in combination with the process system to allow for the efficient exchange of data and messages.


  • 所有MQ消息传递提供程序管理命令都是WMQAdminCommands命令部分可以使用JythonJACL运行它们

    All the MQ messaging provider administrative commands are part of the WMQAdminCommands command group, and can be run using either Jython or JACL.


  • 使用AJAX浏览器中嵌入实时数据,此举为使用DHTMLWeb浏览器提供了Web数据流支持同时也使浏览器成为消息传递构成部分

    Embedding real time data in a browser by using Ajax, which provides Web streaming support to Web browsers using pure DHTML, enabling browsers to be part of the messaging fabric.


  • XMLWeb服务代表Internet Web服务很小部分,它必须使用W3C所采用很有限的传输协议之上的基于XML消息传递协议

    XML web services represent the very small subset of Internet web services that MUST use the W3C's adopted XML-based messaging protocol over a narrow range of transport protocols.


  • 本文其余部分向您展示一个使用WebSphereMQ作为外部消息传递总线可用BusinessEvents基础设施

    The rest of this article will show a highly available Business Events infrastructure using WebSphere MQ as the external messaging bus.


  • 系列第1部分介绍了JMS消息传递示范了如何配置BlazeDSJMS队列进行通信

    Part 1 of this series introduced JMS messaging and demonstrated how to configure BlazeDS to communicate with JMS queues.


  • 消息传递提供者依赖项添加geronimo - web . xml文件如清单6粗体部分

    Add the dependency of the messaging provider to the geronimo-web.xml file, shown in bold type in Listing 6.


  • 之所以有效是因为缺省消息传递提供程序应用服务器部分可以理解通过应用服务器身份验证的Subject格式

    This works because the default messaging provider is part of the application server and can understand the format of a Subject authenticated by the application server.


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