• 沃伦·巴菲特我们一样对此感到乐观,我们深感荣幸决定自己很大财产赠予我们这个基金会

    Warren Buffett shares our sense of optimism, and we are deeply humbled by his decision to give a significant portion of his resources to the foundation.


  • 邀请这么来自五湖四海的汉学家深感荣幸愉快。

    It's my great pleasure and privilege to have invited so many Sinologists and Chinese enthusiasts from all over the world.


  • 今天能够西点军校这个演讲,深感荣幸。这里有这么男女学员已经随时准备我们安全挺身而出展现我们国家优秀的品质。

    It's an extraordinary honor for me to do so here at West Point — where so many men and women have prepared to stand up for our security, and to represent what is finest about our country.


  • 自己受到贵方的友好邀请中国优秀汽车专家合作共事深感愉快荣幸

    It is my great pleasure and privilege to have received your gracious invitation and work with a distinguished group of China’s automobile specialists.


  • 尊敬的新西兰贵宾女士们先生们在此新西兰贵宾主持隆重欢迎仪式深感荣幸愉快

    Distinguished guests from New Zealand, ladies and gentlemen, I feel honored and pleased to be here to preside over this grand welcome ceremony for the honorable New Zealand guests.


  • 这个重要时刻能以校长身份,大家共同见证你们成长仪式倍感自豪深感荣幸

    At such significant moment, I, as your headmaster, to be a part of you, feel really proud and honored of you for witnessing the rite of your graduation.


  • 在这里华南美国商会诸位好友共聚一堂,深感荣幸

    I am honored to be here today with all my good friends at The American Chamber of Commerce in South China.


  • 邀请这么来自五湖四海的汉学家深感荣幸愉快。

    It's my great pleasure and privilege to have invited so many Sinologists from all over the world.


  • 当天早些时候中国商业伙伴肯德基复习台词,“看看台词怎么写,‘尊敬的各位领导早上,能参与这项计划我深感荣幸。’”

    Earlier that morning he went over his script with his Chinese "business partners" at a Kentucky Fried Chicken. "it says, 'Good morning distinguished leaders."


  • 你们11月中给予信赖深感荣幸维持早些时候所作的一项承诺我会不辞辛劳地工作

    I was deeply honoured by the trust you placed in me in November and have kept one of my earliest promises: I am working tirelessly!


  • 马勒博士Henderson博士其他许多光临同样深感荣幸,他们成就发挥关键作用

    I am likewise honoured by the presence of people who played such a key role in this success story, Dr Mahler, Dr Henderson, and many others.


  • 今天小编根据自己经验分析一下这个现象观点各位同仁引起共鸣,小编深感荣幸

    Today Xiaobian based on their own experience to analyze this phenomenon, if the views can resonate with your colleagues, Xiaobian feel honored!


  • 能够遇到Nothemba其它孩子深感荣幸尽管我们各自文化背景不同,但是我们足球的有同样的热爱

    I felt privileged to meet Nothemba and the other children and despite the fact we come from different backgrounds, we share a love for the game of football.


  • 与温布尔登网球的冠军球手比赛,深感荣幸

    I felt deeply honoured to be playing against the former Wimbledon Champion.


  • 今晚我们请到了伦敦远道而来贵宾与我们一起共度中秋佳节为此而深感自豪荣幸

    I feel very proud and honored tonight to have the attendance of the distinguished guests, who came here all the way from London to join us in our celebration of the Mid-Automn festival.


  • 做什么工作?)你对这个问题的答案,将决定对方接下来的反应。对方可能表示深感荣幸认识你,或是开始看然后想个借口离开

    (What do you do?) And according to how you answer that question, people are either incredibly delighted to see you, or look at their watch and make their excuses.


  • 应邀平陶艺工作这次重大文化交流起到作用深感荣幸

    I am sincerely honoured to have been invited to work at the Fuping Pottery Village and to have played a role in this significant cultural exchange.


  • 他们作为参议院成员而深感荣幸

    They feel deeply the honour of belonging to the Senate.


  • 能够机会上海你们大家交谈深感荣幸。我要感谢复旦大学杨校长,感谢他的款待热情的欢迎。

    It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you.


  • 代表庞巴迪来到这样特殊场合机会致辞,本人深感荣幸

    It is a privilege to represent Bombardier to this very special event and to have the opportunity to say a few words.


  • 猪年使全球华人社区庆祝他们传统节日参与一难忘庆会深感荣幸

    The start of the Year of the Pig offers Chinese communities worldwide the opportunity to rejoice in their heritage , and I am honored to join you in this fantastic event.


  • 邀请这么来自五湖四海的汉学家深感荣幸愉快。

    It's my great pleasure and privilege to have invited so many Sinologists and Chinese enthusiasts from all over the world.


  • 如果星期六参加我们欢送会我们深感荣幸

    We should be delighted if you were able to come to our farewell party this Saturday.


  • 所以能够机会诸位当今全球化时代美中关系交换意见深感荣幸

    So I am privileged to have the opportunity to share ideas about US-China relations in the modern era of globalization with you.


  • 所以能够机会诸位当今全球化时代美中关系交换意见深感荣幸

    So I am privileged to have the opportunity to share ideas about US-China relations in the modern era of globalization with you.


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