How to add a component into a JComponent with absolute positioning?
To add an instance to the application, drag this component to the right of the two existing browser container components on the application panel.
If a global transaction is present on invocation the component will be added to this global transaction scope.
The membership interface defines callback methods to listen to events associated with access control such as adding or removing access to the component for one or more users.
Add a pane, so that the select component can be placed in the right position.
Intents add a layer of indirection that enables sophisticated component reuse and substitution.
A new view has been added for server logs, enabling you to view logs, exceptions, and cross component traces.
Plug-ins are best used when you need to add features to a component.
Add an id attribute and replace the content of each button component as shown in Listing 4.
For this exercise, you will create one component named PetStore, where you will add new plug-in projects.
Databases like keys, so add a record key to each address_rec component, as in Listing 4.
To implement this feature you could create a new Wicket panel component and add its instance to the desired web page.
First, you need to add a ProgressBar component, using the code that you see in Listing 13.
将使用component元素将所创建的sca组件添加到sca .module文件,该元素具有一个name属性,指定组件的名称。
Created sca components are added to the sca.module file using the component element, which has a name attribute, and specifies the name of the component.
In the final sca composite file for the application, notice that the addition of JScript and Groovy components is a Tuscany-specific extension to the sca specification.
This enables CAI to create a business component instance as soon as the portlet is added to an application.
To distinguish the two components, the component added last should be renamed to a different name such as WorldClimate2.
In this case, the custom component has already added the onfocus and onblur attributes to the nested components during the processing of a previous request.
As with the Lotus Notes implementation, when complete, you can add this component to your palette, and then create a unit test for it.
Selenium RC is a component that you can use to add features to and automate your tests.
DB 2 V8.2中还添加了一个跟踪组件,从而使得提供者中的错误诊断起来更加容易。
A tracing component has also been added to make it easier to diagnose errors in the provider.
Linux is also a dynamic kernel, supporting the addition and removal of software components on the fly.
Listing 13 shows you how to add a roll-over effect to your component, so that the component shows a "focus" selection whenever a user rolls over the component.
As the first additional component, place a TSQLDataSet component on the form, next to the TSQLConnection component.
That may not look particularly difficult, but it gets harder when you need to add the next component, either to the right of the first or below it.
Instead of adding a component to a fixed rectangle on the screen, you can add it on top of another component.
You must now add a link to the user interface (UI) so that users can add the component to a place.
Finally, a tooltip component is drawn and added as a child of a tooltip for a component.
A component is a reusable feature that can be selected from a palette and added to a page.