Furthermore, it is difficult to optimize the test script decomposition without a clear strategy in mind.
Try to clear your mind and observe while you are driving, and you will soon realize that you are indeed driving along the potentially largest roundabout in the world.
It helps to keep a clear and focused mind, and to recognize opportunities that others might not see.
In order to maximize effectiveness, this "in the zone" state may require you to exist solely in the present moment, taking instantaneous action while your mind is clear.
James Joseph, Ph.D., a physiologist from the USDA's Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, recommends that you stick with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to maintain a healthy, clear mind.
So now, when we buy things, we need to be increasingly clear, on target, to choose the best art.
In fact, he was a highly diligent free-thinker, who freed his mind from the many dogmas of his time, to think for himself, and to forge a clear way out of the thicket of delusions.
This object is something created from a natural substance for a particular purpose, and in a particular way, with a notion in the maker's mind of what he needed it for.
But my brother will never know what it feels like to have a mind that isn't an ocean whose depths are clear to the very bottom, but a bog in which I wander, lost and lonely.
Bill Venners: What you've described reminds me a bit of brainstorming. You gather some people together to flesh out something you can't clearly see.
What makes me happy is that they are independent thinkers, insightful and perceptive, clear-headed; that they are kind; that they care about the world and its people.
It's also extremely important to develop a good understanding of the repository's capabilities, and to form a clear mental image of the repository's internals and externals.
Any behavioral psychologist will tell you that you are more likely to achieve change in your life if you have a specific picture in your mind of how you want to change.
First, one has to make a clear-eyed assessment of management's willingness and ability to change, at every level.
In a world besotted with gadgetry, few consumer products have generated as much excitement - and head-scratching - as high-definition television.
They're not like cleaning out the garage - you have to have a certain amount of inspiration and mental clarity in order to get going.
Whenever I met one of them who seemed to me at all clear-sighted, I tried the experiment of showing him my Drawing Number One, which I have always kept.
I think maybe it is because people can gain enough energy and clearing their mind after relaxing.
This memorization overhead takes away from having a clear head to solve problems and muddles communication between team members.
I'm clear enough in the head, he thought. Too clear. I am as clear as the stars that are my brothers. Still I must sleep.
In confrontations especially, emotions can run high. Remember to be respectful and keep a cool head.
Always remember: God helps those who help themselves, and China's clear mind and a great competitive edge is you!
Your step is firm, your brain is clear and you have carefully thought out just WHAT you will do and HOW you will accomplish big things in your business.
The very perception of all this is intelligence - not the intelligence of a clever, cunning mind, not the intelligence of book knowledge, but the intelligence which comes out of clear observation.
The problem is that as we mature, we lose the clear-headed thinking that is natural for children.
Stay positive, give yourself a quick pep talk, and before you know it, your brain will be clear.
It worked. When it came time to make the big decision, I felt clear-minded. The stress and chaos seemed more manageable. The solution was actually really obvious.
It worked. When it came time to make the big decision, I felt clear-minded. The stress and chaos seemed more manageable. The solution was actually really obvious.