First, data cleansing and repository building are almost always carried out on a project by project basis.
In this case, you need to be sure you don't have to clean up data, or that you are actually getting the data you are looking for.
We are cleaning up the data and we have discovered the name column is full of similar names that represent the same company.
By cleaning up your data and ignoring data submitted improperly, you have made excellent first steps in securing your application.
Drupal 5.0现在实现了卸载模块的方法,从而能够清理数据库。
Drupal 5.0 now implements methods to uninstall modules so that the database can be cleaned up.
MGE contains tools for building and maintaining topologically clean data without the processing and storage overhead of building and maintaining topology.
下面的代码片段检查' postmsg '响应,向数据库添加数据,以及清理数据库。
Here's the snippet that checks for the 'postmsg' action, inserts the message into the database, and cleans it out on the fly as well.
As you might imagine, design is the most critical and complex phase in the data cleansing process.
The potential revenue benefits and customer experience are realized by deploying data cleansing as a service.
The SOA context for data cleansing allows for standardization and matching of individual request strings.
Viewed in this context, the data cleansing pattern allows an enterprise to extend its capabilities for validation and matching to the point of creation.
The development costs depend largely on the complexity of the data cleansing task.
Figure 1 illustrates the high-level architecture of applying the data cleansing pattern in the traditional context.
They also surface information processing capabilities such as the results of analytical and scoring algorithms, data cleansing rules, etc.
The more complex and varied the transformation requirements, the more sophisticated the run-time transformation or the data cleansing server must be.
An important aspect of the data cleansing pattern is its focus on reusability at an enterprise level.
When applying the data cleansing pattern, it is important to understand how it impacts the following nonfunctional requirements.
This server is then able to process and cleanse extremely large data volumes in batch mode as well as single records in a real-time invocation environment.
Listing 1 shows some samples after some cleanup and data scrubbing.
It is important to note that the data cleansing pattern is often applied together with other patterns; the green boxes in Figure 3 are such an example.
Many implementations of the data cleansing pattern provide sophisticated tools to develop, test, and deploy the cleansing rules.
The transformation capabilities of the data cleansing pattern are specialized and focus upon improving data quality and integrity by standardizing and matching data.
After briefly describing the value of this approach, you'll learn the context in which the data cleansing pattern should be applied.
A computer algorithm for data cleansing, no matter how cleverly constructed, can only address a very small subset of data problems.
Since these transformation rules may be numerous and complex, many implementations of the data cleansing pattern deploy the cleansing rules as transformation operations using a data cleansing server.
The data cleansing pattern specifies a recommended practice for how to improve the data quality of persistent data either at entry or later.
The data cleansing service receives data with an undetermined level of data quality as input.
The traditional context of the data cleansing pattern is the database layer, which is where it is most often applied.
For the developer or designer to specify cleansing rules, a sufficient understanding of the data sources against which the data cleansing pattern shall be applied is necessary.