• 一旦进入清醒梦境请试着遵循以下方法自己梦中飞翔。

    Once you're lucid dreaming, try the following method for encouraging your dreaming self to fly: [5]


  • 发现清醒梦境普遍但是游戏者从来没有控制梦境本身以外东西

    It found that lucid dreams were common, but that the gamers never had dream control over anything beyond their dream selves.


  • 对于那些不能达到清醒梦境的人们,市场这样一种产品帮助进入期望梦境

    For those who can't achieve lucid dreaming on their own, there are products on the market designed to help you enter the desired dream state.


  • 研究者一旦他们掌握清醒梦境,他们就可以随心所欲改变中的场景行为角色结局

    Once they master lucid dreaming, practitioners say they can change the scene, the action, the characters and the outcome at will.


  • 关于清醒如果了解更多想要亲自尝试推荐你阅读StephenLaBerge博士的《清醒梦》探索清醒梦境》。

    If you want to learn more about lucid dreaming and try it for yourself, I recommend you read Dr. Stephen LaBerge’s Lucid Dreaming and Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming.


  • 在这之后,很多大学很多研究重现这个试验而且很多发烧友LaBerge博士清醒梦境中心的学术会议上经历了上百次清醒梦境

    Since then, dozens of studies at other universities have replicated the experiments, and enthusiasts have logged hundreds of lucid dreams at seminars held by Dr. LaBerge's Lucidity Institute.


  • 每当清醒的时候,在开始普通梦境无异,接着梦中意识清醒起来。

    Usually when I have a lucid dream, it starts out as a regular dream, and then I become conscious within the dream.


  • 现在梦境如此真实繁复,已经很难它们清醒现实区分了

    My dreams are so realistic and complex now that it's hard to tell them apart from waking reality.


  • 虽然幻想梦境中再常见不过,但绝大部分愿承认他们清醒的时候也产生错觉和幻想。

    While most people wouldn't want to admit experiencing delusions in their waking lives, delusions in dreams were very common.


  • 梦里清醒的,而且能够控制梦境情节

    Lucidity can be used not only to look at your dreams but also to control dream plots.


  • 梦境背离于清醒意识世界

    "He who dreams turns his back upon the world of waking consciousness" p.


  • 普遍的真理就是梦境就是那些我们回忆先于睡眠清醒的浅睡,不是完全接受一条真理。

    A common theory is that the dreams which we remember are those we have in the drowse which precedes sleeping and waking; but I do not altogether accept this theory.


  • 现在我们知道清醒可以做到的,清醒梦中的能够意识甚至改变自己梦境

    We now know that lucid dreaming is possible. During lucid dreaming people can be aware of and alter their dreams.


  • 如果这样不行,可以清醒状态下重访梦境这一过程梦境进行适当改变。

    If lucid dreaming doesn't work for you, you can also revisit your dream while you are awake, making appropriate edits during the process.


  • 清醒梦境中会自然地体验到这种意识,你也知道做梦中的一切都的意识活动下发生的。

    You naturally experience this level of consciousness when having a lucid dream - you know that you're the dreamer and everything in the dream is taking place within your consciousness.


  • 德国慕尼黑马普研究所精神病专家们认为大脑扫描仪已经证实可以观察清醒”——指能够控制自己梦境所做的

    Psychiatrists at the Max Planck Institute in Munich, Germany think have already demonstrated that brain scanners can see into the dreams of "lucid dreamers" - people who can control their dreams.


  • 我们所做噩梦可能会反映出我们清醒状态担心的事情,其中五种常见梦境跌落被人追赶感到无法动弹迟到以及亲友亡故。

    Our nightmares may reflect our waking concerns, with the five most common themes falling, being chased, feeling paralysed, being late, and the death of a loved one.


  • 我们大多数人会清醒状态转入预料中的周期深度非快速睡眠(non-REM),之后是充满梦境的快速动眼(REM)睡眠。

    Most of usdrift from our waking lives into predictable cycles of deep, non-REM sleep, followed by dream-filled rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep.


  • 浪费你们时间直接告诉你:什么可以清醒梦中,一切皆有可能想象丰富,梦境就有多丰富。

    I'm going to save you some time and get to the point: just about anything. You can do pretty much anything you can imagine in a lucid dream.


  • 这种巧妙进化理论认为做梦一种生物适应性功能因为梦境我们祖先可以模拟解决难题策略,来应对清醒时现实世界的威胁

    This clever evolutionary theory holds that dreaming serves a biologically adaptive function because it allowed our ancestors to simulate problem-solving strategies for genuine, waking life threats.


  • 通过脉轮提高能量控制能量梦境清醒体经验的性质改变

    By learning to raise energy and control the flow of power through the chakras, the nature of your dreams, lucid dreams and oobe 's will change.


  • 然而他们中的一个遭遇横死之后,他们很快意识梦境发生的一切都是真的,保住性命唯一办法就是保持清醒

    But when one of their number dies a violent death, they soon realize that what happens in their dreams happens for real, and the only way to stay alive is to stay awake.


  • 匹兹堡大学的埃里克博士,在梦境形象快速动眼睡眠大脑完全清醒一样活跃

    The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep-when most vivid dreams occur-as it is when fully awake, says Dr.


  • 德国慕尼黑马普研究所精神病专家认为大脑扫描仪已经证实可以观察到“清醒”——能够控制自己梦境人所做的梦。

    So far, the Planck institute scientists have reconstructed just two dreams. The number of scanners, and the difficulty of controlling dreams, has meant that the experiment was extremely difficult.


  • 这项研究也许可解释为什么REM睡眠状态清醒过来的人经常会谈到鲜活的梦境

    This research may explain why subjects waking from REM sleep often report vivid dream imagery.


  • 德国慕尼黑马普研究所的精神病专家们认为大脑扫描仪已经被证实可以观察到“清醒梦”——指能够控制自己梦境做的梦。

    The Planck institute scientists proved that scans of "lucid dreamers" dreams looked the same as scans of their brain when they do the same thing while conscious.


  • 德国慕尼黑马普研究所的精神病专家们认为大脑扫描仪已经被证实可以观察到“清醒梦”——指能够控制自己梦境做的梦。

    The Planck institute scientists proved that scans of "lucid dreamers" dreams looked the same as scans of their brain when they do the same thing while conscious.


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