• 温水温水可以打开毛孔,清除污垢

    Lukewarm water: Start with a warm water flush to open pores and loosen dirt.


  • 早上皮肤醒目温水脸。

    To refresh skin in the morning, splash with lukewarm water.


  • 然后温水多余的水分轻轻挤掉

    Then wash it with clean water that is a little warm. Gently squeeze out the extra water.


  • 然后温水净,接下来再涂抹面膜或者使用爽肤水。

    Rinse off with warm water and either follow with a mask or finish off with your toner.


  • 温水头发毛囊更好,还有个好处就是水电费

    Washing the hair in tepid water is better for the follicles with the added bonus of saving money on your bills.


  • 有效的减排餐具节约热水

    Hence the most effective way to cut emissions is simply to be sparing with hot water when washing up and to use low temperature cycles for laundry.


  • 首先要温水方便面然后搅拌倒掉含有涂层

    Wash the instant noodles with warm water first, then stir it and pour away the water containing the wax coating.


  • 用法适量产品轻轻打圈按摩清洁后,用温水洗即可

    Usage: Take appropriate amount of this product, massage the face in circles gently, and then rinse it off with warm water.


  • 水洗——如果不得不的话,保持水温30度左右

    Keep it Cool - If you must use a washing machine, keep it to 30 degrees.


  • 取适量涂抹脸部轻轻按摩卸除彩妆之后温水即可。

    Apply it evenly to your face and massage softly until the make up dissolves. Wipe it away with tissue or wash it away using lukewarm water.


  • 使用方法早晚适量加水涂于面部颈部按摩温水

    How to use: sooner or later take adequate water Tuyu face and neck massage, and then warm water wash.


  • 因此方便面之前我们好用温水方便面,之后把倒掉

    So before cooking the noodles, we'd better wash the instant noodles with warm water and pour away the water.


  • 如果其它类型面条发现商店供应商通常首先温水面条。

    If you have eaten other type of noodles, you will notice that the store vendor will normally wash the noodles in warm water first to prevent the noodles from sticking together.


  • 本文介绍水洗含糖苏丹合理工艺及其存在问题并进行研讨。

    This paper deals mainly with the reasonable process of washing Sudan cotton containinghoneydew by means of the low temperature water, and the existing problems.


  • 根据需要取适量直接倒入水中,手中或者海绵上,轻轻按摩肌肤再用温水洗净。

    Apply to damp skin in bath or shower and gently massage into moisturizing lather and rinse clean.


  • 拒水剂石蜡组分中加入适量分子聚乙烯提高整理织物水洗性。

    The addition of some low molecular polyethylene wax to paraffin can increase the high temperature washing resistance of finished fabrics.


  • 拒水剂石蜡组分中加入适量分子聚乙烯提高整理织物耐高温水洗性。

    The addition of some low molecular polyethylene wax to paraffin can increase the hight…


  • 使用办法:取适量于手心里,加少量起泡,脸上轻揉打圈按摩,温水净。

    Usage: Apply proper amount and spreads on the face, gently massage, then wash with the warm water .


  • 大多数高档宾馆饭店都会客人提供选择,大家当然要看一眼西方风格的温水净便座。

    Most upmarket hotels and restaurant will offer their guests a choice, and it's certainly taking a peek at the Western-style Washlet.


  • 适量手心手指均匀延展于整个面部彩妆进行融合。而后清水温水净。

    Take proper amount of this product, put it on palm, evenly spread it on the entire face with fingers to make it integrated with the makeup, and then rinse it off with clean or warm water.


  • 目的观察体育疗法温水洗足疗法、腹部按摩三者联合治疗抗精神病所致便秘效果

    Objective: To study the effects of abdominal massage therapy combined with Physical exercise and hydropathy on treating constipation induced by antipsychotic drugs.


  • 适量手心加水泡沫均匀按摩面部温水洗净(配合本系列产品使用效果更佳)。

    Usage: Take appropriate in palm, add water, rub also bubble, uniform massage in the face, wash with warm water.


  • 大部分衣服温水,但是亚麻白色衣服好用热水,那样可以除掉细菌粘质泥土

    While warm water is fine for most clothes, linens and dirty white clothing are best washed in hot water to remove germs and heavy soil.


  • 燕麦牛奶:把燕麦牛奶调膏状,脸部10 - 15分钟温水,再用水漂清。

    Oaten milk: Move oatmeal into with milk cream shape, apply is in facial ministry, 10-15 goes with lukewarm bath after minute, rinse of reoccupy cold water.


  • 做法蛋黄橄榄油在一起直至起泡清洁颈部分钟后用温水净,每周使用

    Practice: will egg yolk and olive oil to mix play together, until fluffy, apply is in after cleaning in the neck, 10 minutes after rinse with warm water, and use a one to two times.


  • French戴了10年式劳最近误入衣机,经历、90华氏度温水涤、漂、热风烘干全过程。

    My ten-year-old Oyster was inadvertently placed in the washing machine recently and was duly prewashed, washed at 90 degrees, rinsed, spun and tumbled dry.


  • 使用方法面部经过清洁适度按摩后,取适量均匀涂抹于面部颈部肌肤停留15-20分钟后温水净即可。

    Usage: After facial cleaning and proper massage, evenly smear a proper amount of this product on face and neck skin, stay 15-20 minutes, and then wash clean with warm water.


  • 如果美国所有家庭都衣机热水涤模式,切换温水冷水清模式,可以节省相当于10万桶石油产生能量

    If all the households in the U.S. switched from hot-hot cycle to warm-cold, we could save the energy comparable to 100, 000 barrels of oil a day.


  • 如果美国所有家庭都衣机热水涤模式,切换温水冷水清模式,可以节省相当于10万桶石油产生能量

    If all the households in the U.S. switched from hot-hot cycle to warm-cold, we could save the energy comparable to 100, 000 barrels of oil a day.


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