• 对于玩家在线游戏一个游戏实例中的并发玩家数量主要取决于引擎使用技术

    For multiplayer online games, the number of concurrent players in an instance of the game is primarily determined by the technology used in the engine.


  • 这些因素使玩家在线游戏引擎可以利用并行数据库技术比如对称多处理器以及其他内存系统

    These factors allow a multiplayer online game engine to take advantage of the power of parallel database technology, such as symmetric multiprocessors, and other large memory systems.


  • Web技术最大好处是像游戏引擎一样可以跨平台重用客户端代码

    The big advantage of Web technologies, like game engines, is their ability to reuse client code across platforms.


  • TimBray解释游戏多用原生技术编写主要原因为了能够重用UnityUnreal之类现成游戏引擎

    He explains that the big reason why games are written in native technologies is the ability to reuse existing engins like Unity and Unreal.


  • 个性化人脸游戏人物造型技术中的地位变得越来越重要设计一种基于照片个性化人脸游戏引擎

    Since individual face becomes more and more important in Personage's model technology of game, an individual facial game engine based on photos is designed in this paper.


  • 另一方面移动平台3d图形引擎技术游戏动画GPS定位系统中的应用越来越广泛

    Meanwhile in the games, animations, GPS and other fields, the application of mobile 3d graphics engine technology is more and more wide.


  • 历经年时间成功研发了回合手机联网游戏引擎,在业界已经属于顶尖水平,公司拥有核心技术所有知识产权

    Over three years' effort, we have developed turn-based mobile game engine which is the best of its kind with our own core technology and intellectual property rights.


  • 通过我们引擎技术可以看到大约50公里物体,以提高游戏真实度

    The engine and technology we use allow you to see things up to 50 km away, enhancing the level of realism.


  • 本文研究课题初步探讨2D网络游戏引擎基本技术架构对于国内基于2d网络游戏系统开发具有一定的借鉴和参考价值

    This paper discusses the basic technical architecture of the 2d network game engine, which will be of reference value for the domestic development of 2d-based network game system.


  • 同样游戏引擎开发也是游戏开发过程中技术积累最佳方式设计游戏必要步骤,具有十分重要意义。

    At the same time, the game Engine develop is not only the best way to improve skills of game development, but also is the necessary steps to design the game, therefore it is of significance.


  • 基于以上背景,本文介绍了笔者参与开发个基于J2ME手机游戏引擎开发框架设计实现,并对面向对象的游戏开发中的技术进行了讨论。

    This article is an introduction to the design and implementation of the mobile game engine framework based on J2ME that author take part in.


  • 介绍纹理映射技术游戏引擎中的应用作用

    The paper also introduces the application and effect of texture mapping in 3D game engine.


  • 具有游戏软件制作经验包括了解技术标准限制条件,使用相关工具美工元素整合游戏引擎

    Experience in game production, including understanding of technical constraints and using tools to integrate art content into game engine.


  • 引擎设计目的先进技术武装引擎,它所提供框架使游戏开发测试移植得到简化

    The engine is designed to use the most advanced technology arm engine, it provides the framework to enable game development, testing, transplantation has been simplified.


  • 本文当前国内外3d游戏引擎研究现状基础,深入研究了3d游戏引擎开发过程所使用相关技术理论

    This article is based on the current research condition of both home and abroad 3d Game Engine, has deeply researched the relative skills and theories of the developing process of 3d Game Engine.


  • 本文当前国内外3d游戏引擎研究现状基础,深入研究了3d游戏引擎开发过程所使用相关技术理论

    This article is based on the current research condition of both home and abroad 3d Game Engine, has deeply researched the relative skills and theories of the developing process of 3d Game Engine.


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