• 过去两周内澳元兑美元汇率回升9%。

    Over the past fortnight, the Australian dollar has recovered 9 per cent against the greenback.


  • 澳元兑美元相比昨日小幅下跌,当仍维持0.9500水平上方

    AUDUSD pared some of its losses from yesterday, and was trading higher on the day above 0.9500 levels.


  • 加元处于上升趋势,澳元美元缺乏方向新西兰开始下降趋势。

    The Canadian dollar remains in an uptrend, the Australian dollar lacks direction and the New Zealand dollar has begun a downtrend.


  • 澳大利亚汽油价格出现下降不过由于澳元美元走软,所以澳大利亚汽油降价幅度有限

    In Australia, gasoline prices have retreated, although falls have been limited because of the weakness of the Australian dollar against its American counterpart.


  • 澳元兑美元继续昨日牛市势头,因为投资者一直认为经济增长加速必将促使澳洲联储上调利率

    AUDUSD carried yesterday's bullish momentum on expectations accelerating economic growth will prompt the RBA to raise interest rates.


  • 其“2011生活成本”调查称,澳元美元上升,生活成本增加澳大利亚感觉明显。

    The increase in cost of living was, however, most keenly felt in Australia due to a rise in the Aussie against the U. S. dollar, Mercer said in its 2011 cost of living survey.


  • 澳元兑美元交易作为高风险资产似乎没有内置一个潜在降息使货币投资者吸引力

    The Australian dollar is trading as a riskier asset, and does not seem to have built in a potential rate cut which would make the currency less attractive to investors.


  • 由于缺乏这样共识货币已经产生了显著反应澳元兑美元1.0530水平跌至1.0387的低点

    Given this lack of consensus, there has been an significant reaction in the currency, with AUDUSD tumbling from 1.0530 levels to 1.0387 lows.


  • 大宗商品生产大国货币美元走强,鉴于对中国乐观看法,澳元兑美元升值9.5%。中国是澳大利亚自然资源最大买家

    Currencies of big commodity-producing nations soared against the dollar, with Australia's currency rising 9.5% partly on optimism about China, a big buyer of its natural resources.


  • 纽元兑美元交易价格为0.7095,澳元兑美元的交易价格为0.9172,上涨了1.5%,增幅为216以来的最高。

    NZDUSD traded at 0.7095 while AUDUSD traded at 0.9172 rising 1.5% the most since Feb. 16.


  • 澳元美元1.0284微量上扬1.0304,美元日元先是从77.33下跌76.94,之后又重新赢得大多数失去领地。

    AUDUSD weakened marginally to 1.0284 to 1.0304 while USDJPY traded from 77.33 down to 76.94 before regaining most of its lost ground.


  • 本周中国工业生产9.5%降至8.6%,这个数据对于所有澳大利亚矿产商来说都是非常令人沮丧个数据,同时澳元兑美元当天上涨

    China industrial production fell from 9.5% to 8.6% early this week, a very depressing figure for all the commodity miners in Australia, and AUDUSD ended up on the day.


  • 澳大利亚澳洲联储史蒂文斯经济发表讲话相对乐观支持澳元兑美元1.0821(通过1.0880阻力位)反弹至1.0941。

    In Australia, RBA Stevens' speech was relatively optimistic on the economy, which supported the AUDUSD rally to 1.0941 from 1.0821 (pushing through 1.0880 resistance).


  • 面临欧洲美国再次陷入衰退可能性与日俱增澳大利亚央行几乎肯定结束紧缩政策周期澳元兑美元汇率长期平价上方波动的趋势将结束。

    But faced with the growing likelihood of recession in Europe and the U. S., the RBA's cycle of tightening policy is almost certainly over, and with it the Aussie dollar's long run above parity.


  • 欧元兑美元上扬触及1.4967高点,澳元兑美元似乎已经突破上行阻力,收于0.9225,美元瑞郎继续平稳行动(目前收于1.0120)。

    EURUSD has since hit highs of 1.4967, AUDUSD looks to have broken upwards from its rising wedge to 0.9225, and USDCHF continues its march towards parity (1.0120 currently).


  • 尽管薄弱交易条件较高波动性显示美元可能不会继续升值,但欧元兑美元1.3073?1.3152的区间内交投,美元日元82.76?82.98的区间内交投,而澳元兑美元在0.9988?1.0047的区间内交投。

    EURUSD traded in a range of 1.3073 ? 1.3152, USDJPY traded 82.76 ? 82.98 and AUDUSD 0.9988 ? 1.0047 although thin trading conditions and higher volatility may not show USD strength to continue.


  • 尽管薄弱交易条件较高波动性显示美元可能不会继续升值,但欧元兑美元1.3073?1.3152的区间内交投,美元日元82.76?82.98的区间内交投,而澳元兑美元在0.9988?1.0047的区间内交投。

    EURUSD traded in a range of 1.3073 ? 1.3152, USDJPY traded 82.76 ? 82.98 and AUDUSD 0.9988 ? 1.0047 although thin trading conditions and higher volatility may not show USD strength to continue.


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