• 产品条形码激光读取的。

    The bar codes on the products are read by lasers.


  • 激光磁盘能够贮存大量信息

    Laser discs can store prodigious amounts of information.


  • 他们的视力激光只要分钟就矫正

    Their eyesight can be corrected in just a few minutes by the use of a laser.


  • 眼科医生现在采用激光手术矫正近视

    Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia.


  • 联系一个懂得修理激光复印机

    He made contact with someone with an idea for reconditioning laser copiers.


  • 两个竞争的激光手术系统正在美国进行临床试验

    Two rival laser surgery systems are undergoing clinical trials in the U.S.


  • 骗子最新型激光影印机制作出了上百万假钞

    Crooks are using the latest laser photocopiers to produce millions of fake banknotes.


  • 欧文小组他们合作者们正在测试是否激光更好

    The Irvine group and their collaborators are testing whether lasers do the job better.


  • 奥尔教授已经研发出了现有实验室激光化学分子贴标签有趣方法

    Professor Orr has developed interesting ways of tagging chemical molecules using existing laboratory lasers.


  • 这份计划从科学角度看让人兴奋部分军事上却可能无用。是新型激光开发

    The parts of the enterprise which are scientifically the most exciting are unlikely to be militarily useful. I am thinking here of the development of new kinds of lasers.


  • 激光多少光子有了一点概念

    This gives you a little bit of an idea of just how many individual photons there are in a laser beam of light.


  • 激光多少光子有了一点概念

    This gives you a little bit of an idea of just how many individual photons there are in a laser beam of light.


  • 为了阻止激光本身击中不会直接指向云层

    To stop the laser itself being struck, it would not be pointed straight at the clouds.


  • 采用激光这些小岩石块切分成毫米薄的薄片

    These sections of rocks are dissected, using a laser, into slices a millimeter or less thick.


  • 激光并不小巧便携可以占据整个房间庞然大物

    The laser is no nifty portable: it's a monster that takes up a whole room.


  • 一个可以任何桌面其他表面投射激光虚拟键盘

    This is a virtual keyboard with laser impressions on any table or other surface.


  • 汽车以为激光挡住了于是减速改变方向

    The car mistakenly thought that the laser beam was in its way and slowed down or changed the direction.


  • 由于许诺关注激光一样关注经济,我就那样开始了。

    Since I had promised to focus on the economy like a laser beam, I began with that.


  • 埃尔斯试图缩小尺寸,他一种桌子大小激光即将问世

    Diels is trying to cut down the size and says that a laser around the size of a small table is in the offing.


  • 比基尼线激光脱毛手术,意识其他人并不这样。

    I had laser hair removal for my bikini line and realised that not everyone might be like me.


  • 专家列举激光浓缩商业化可能带来危害时,他们常常指向伊朗

    When experts cite possible harm from the commercialization of laser enrichment, they often point to Iran.


  • 随着红色白色激光颜色加深激光耗能也攀升就成为一个劣势

    As the color of red and white lasers deepens, so does laser energy consumption rise, which becomes a disadvantage.


  • 几天测试中,指示器跟踪器跟踪一个红外光源引导激光击中目标。

    During tests over several days, the pointer or tracker tracked an IR source and directed a laser beam at that source.


  • 这种天使般的激光慢慢地开始一个渐进过程,将贞洁人体转化为灵魂的精髓

    This angelic laser begins slowly the gradual process of transforming the virginal human body to the essence of the soul itself.


  • 激光雷击工厂可以中的水分出来也许可以阻止威胁农作物巨型冰雹形成

    A laser thunder factory could shake the moisture out of clouds, perhaps preventing the formation of the giant hailstones that threaten crops.


  • 巴氏涂片可以检测异常细胞这些细胞癌症前兆可以使用激光技术摧毁它们

    Pap smears work by detecting abnormal cells that are cancer precursors and that can be destroyed using techniques like lasers.


  • 激光强烈光束可以钻石而且可以好地控制用于精密的眼部手术

    The laser, with its beam of strong light, can drill a hole in a diamond, and yet can be so well controlled that it can be used in delicate eye operations.


  • 如果方式转动,它变成一支控笔,换一种方式转动,它就变成一支激光

    If you do it the other way, it becomes a stylus tip and in another way, it becomes a laser pointer.


  • 其他机器问题杂草农作物区分出来,然后高能激光照射农药微粒消灭它们

    Other machines would distinguish problem weeds from crops and eliminate them with shots from high-power lasers or a microdot of pesticide.


  • 激光瞄准安装鹈鹕下面光伏电池,给直升机电池充电使在空中飞行12小时27分钟

    The laser at photovoltaic cells mounted on the pelican's underside, charged the chopper's battery, keeping it aloft for 12 hours and 27 minutes.


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