• 从不断上升失业率可以看出这个国家激烈社会竞争

    Therising unemployment offered a glimpse of the severe social competition in this country.


  • 越来越激烈社会竞争面前俄罗斯大学生玩具的眷眷深情一直难以释怀

    Facing the increasingly competitive society, Russian college students are always in a keen love with toys.


  • 为了能够适应日益激烈社会竞争一直在为能够成为合格综合性人才努力

    In order to adapt to the society increasingly fierce competition, I have been to become qualified comprehensive talent efforts.


  • 由于住房价格激烈社会竞争一部分需要通过住房保障制度解决住房问题

    Because of the high housing prices and fierce competitions in society, there are always some people needing housing guarantee system to solve the housing problems.


  • 由于疯狂高校扩招激烈社会竞争大学生特别是毕业生发现工作特别是找到一份令人满意工作。

    With frenzied enrollment expansion as well as fierce social competition, college studentsparticularly graduates—find it hard to get jobs, especially satisfying ones in modern society.


  • 现代社会要求人们不仅有广博学识而且良好口语交际能力,多才而善说才能激烈社会竞争中立于不败之地。

    Living in modern society, we should have not only abundant knowledge, but also have better communicative ability, these will assure us successful in drastic social rival.


  • 收入稳定工作能提供一种安全感尤其是当今竞争激烈社会中。

    A stable job with a steady income offers one a sense of security, especially in today's highly competitive society.


  • 他们市场提供财富,要没有竞争激烈不断变化社会复杂处理问题城市中心主导地位;以及随之而来独立性丧失

    They wanted the wealth that the market offered without the competitive, changing society; the complex dealing; the dominance of urban centers; and the loss of independence that came with it.


  • 我们处在一个竞争激烈社会中,用户必须知道网站他们销售什么样服务或商品。

    It's a competitive world out there and users must and should know what the website is selling them.


  • 有些拥有更多社会生活,但这些激烈竞争给破坏了,或者自身所产生的恐惧望而却步

    Some people who’d like to have more of a social life are crushed by the rat race, or their own compounded fears which hold them back.


  • 清华大学社会教授孙立平(音译)表示大城市公众监督激烈市场竞争保证更加透明公平社会体系

    Sun Liping, a sociology professor in Tsinghua University says that public supervision and fierce market competition in the bigger cities ensure a more transparent and fair social system.


  • 社会节奏越来越快竞争越来越激烈背景下我们承受压力越来越大。

    Against the background of faster and more competitive society, we are suffering greater and greater pressure.


  • 竞争激烈当今社会我们已经无法拥有一种自然健康睡眠方式

    In our modern chaotic and rat race world, we are no longer sleeping in a naturally healthy manner.


  • 据悉,由于目前求职市场竞争日趋激烈公务员依靠稳定收入、较高的社会地位福利待遇成为众多大学生的工作首选。

    In a cut-throat employment market, the civil service has become one of the most popular professions for university students because it offers a stable income, social status and good welfare.


  • 但是认为这种手术仅仅为了发音,是韩国社会过于激烈的竞争引起一种误导

    But he calls the surgery, if it's only for pronunciation, misguided, and caused by the hyper-competitive drive in Korea.


  • 个让年轻成员拥有职业选择机会社会,在这样一个职业领域中出现竞争异常激烈状况,难道件奇怪的事情吗?

    Is it any wonder that such a field would be highly competitive in a society that affords its young members a choice of vocation?


  • 为了这个竞争激烈要求极高社会立于不败之地如今企业必须充满活力,做到及时响应

    Today's businesses need to be dynamic and responsive in order to survive in this fiercely competitive and demanding world.


  • 经过同样长的时间之后我们社会变得越来越竞争激烈自私冷酷激励着我们的就是为了追逐财富外在的东西,社会地位和所有物至上的文化观念。

    Over that same period our society has become increasingly competitive and selfish, with a culture that encourages us to pursue wealth, appearance, status and possessions above all else.


  • 竞争激烈现代社会,任何一个组织都会遭遇挫折危机

    In the face of fierce competition in modern society, an organization would have suffered setbacks and crises.


  • 集团面对日益激烈市场竞争态势,面向社会公众做出积极承诺

    This is the group facing increasingly fierce market competition situation, and make a positive commitment to the community.


  • 只有步入商海之中时你才能感受到当前社会存在激烈竞争

    Only when you go into business will you become conscious of the furious competition in present society.


  • 因为中国这样竞争激烈社会里,只有成绩才能保证前途光明

    Because in a highly competitive society like China, only high scores can guarantee kids a bright future.


  • 几乎每个人都自己的梦想然而容易找到了他们的位置这个竞争激烈社会

    Virtually everyone has their own dreams, however, it is not easy to find their place in this competitive society.


  • 为什么汉子如此流行心理咨询师沈梦(音译)认为,当前社会激烈竞争造成这种趋势原因之一

    Why are tough women gaining popularity? Shen Meng, a certified psychological counselor, believes the fierce competition in society is contributing to this trend.


  • 任何一个行业如今社会之中都存在激烈竞争如果我们能够面对激烈竞争时候足够好的态度那么最终可以更好的立足了

    Any industry in today's society there is a fierce competition, if we are able to face the fierce competition when there is good enough attitude, then we can finally have a better foothold.


  • 当下竞争激烈人心险恶社会中,人们很难静下心好好享受美丽景象

    Under the competitive and ruthless society, it is hard for people to calm down to learn to appreciate the beautiful sights.


  • 此外由于年轻人能力强,他们得到工作机会更大他们慢慢变老了,他们担心竞争日益激烈社会

    Besides, with the stronger ability of young people have, the larger chance they would get, when they become older, they would worry about the increasingly fierce competition of society.


  • 飞速旋转时代,在社会竞争日益激烈今天人们呼唤友情世间需要真情

    In the era of rapid rotation, in today's increasingly competitive society, people call friendship, this world needs the truth!


  • 努力创造机会总是必要的也是值得的。尤其是这个竞争激烈社会等到机会从天而降很大程度上会导致一种枯燥没有成就生活

    Fighting for opportunities are always necessary and rewarding, especially in this competitive world. Waiting for opportunities form heaven is mostly like to result in a dull and unproductive life.


  • 我们现在生活一个就业市场竞争激烈社会来自社会阶层毕业生求职者争夺高薪工作

    We now live in a society where competition in the job market rages, with graduates and job-hunters from all walks of life scrambling for highly-paid jobs.


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