In spite of this, once inside the bus he cannot resist the temptation to light up a cheap, heavy cigar that clogs up his windpipe and makes him cough.
Before she reached the house, Gouvernail had lighted a fresh cigar and ended his apostrophe to the night.
"That 's unfortunate," was his brief reply, as he lit a cigar and began to smoke and contemplate the stars.
As soon as he had re-lit a cigar and walked away the Trantridge people began to collect themselves from amid those who had come in from other farms, and prepared to leave in a body.
It was too late to call the landlord. Anderson went to the window and lit a cigarette.
He was inspired by the customer's admiration of the new cigar-lighter.
He lit the dining-room lamp, got out a cigar, and began pacing the room, ejaculating.
Jones, apparently feeling rather opulent that day, lit up a second cigar as soon as he had finished the first.
In the doorway of a store stood a man with an unlighted cigar in his mouth.
In the doorway of a darkened hardware store a man leaned, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth. the policeman walked up to him the man spoke up quickly.
In the doorway of a darkened hardware store a man leaned, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth.
In the newsroom of the Denver Post, reporters and editors cope with a company ban on smoking by gnawing on licorice roots and chewing on unlit cigars.
After they had eaten their lunch, Hank lit a cigar and got up. "I'm just going down to the dining car to get a coffee."
After they had eaten their lunch, Hank lit a cigar and got up. "I'm just going down to the dining car to get a coffee."