• 这些方法系统适用各种用于对热处理例如剃刀刀片着色氧化工艺

    These methods and systems are suitable for use in various oxidation processes for the coloration of heat treated steel, for example razor blade steel.


  • 现在它生产强度结构弹簧工具、可热处理耐磨不锈

    It is currently used to produce high strength structural steel, spring steel, tool steel, heat treat steel, abrasion steel, silicon steel and stainless steel.


  • 模具生产中的使用寿命与模具用性能水平材质优劣使用合理与否以及热处理工艺等等有着密切联系。

    The used life of mould in production is closely relative to the feature level, material quality , fit use or not and the technics of heat treatment and so on .


  • 含碳量变化具有不同的临界温度因此需要特殊热处理

    A steel with varying carbon content and, consequently, different critical temperatures requires a special heat treatment.


  • 热处理工序包括硬化、回火、退火表面硬化。

    The procedures of heat treatment of steel include hardening tempering annealing and case hardening.


  • 热处理操作主要三种,即:淬火回火退火

    There are three main operations in the heat treatment of steel: hardening, tempering and annealing.


  • 热处理操作主要三种,即:淬火回火退火

    There are three main operations in the heat treatment of steel: hardening tempering and annealing.


  • 建议这种氮前先机加工热处理因为渗氮没有剥落并不需要更多的加工。

    It is recommended that these steels be machined and heat-treated before nitriding, because there is no scale or further work necessary after this process.


  • 焊接CCT图,正确选择焊接材料、确定最佳焊接工艺、消除焊接裂纹、制订焊后热处理规范的重要依据。

    Welding CCT diagrams of steels are the basic to select welding material, determine the optimum welding technology, relieve welding cracks and lay down standard of past heat treatment.


  • 本文结合内耗机理部分实践提出了弹性体材料处理热处理工艺传感器滞后误差影响分析

    This text analysed the influence of steel elastomer material, heat treatment craft to load cell lag error combining internal friction mechanism and practical experience.


  • 采用焊接模拟技术显微分析方法研究了回火焊热处理X80级管线焊接影响韧性影响规律。

    The effects of tempering weld-pass treatment on toughness of HAZ of X80 pipeline steel were studied by the technique of welding thermal simulation and the method of microscope analysis.


  • 本文介绍国产A508-3不同淬火回火退火条件下热处理实验某些结果

    This paper presents some results of heat treatment experiments of A508-3 steel at different quenching, tempering and annealing conditions.


  • 为了问题弄清楚,我们对硬质合金热处理理论上工艺上都进行了比较系统研究工作

    In order to make the problem clear, systematic work has been done to study the theoretical and technical specialities of heat treatment of steel-bonded carbide.


  • 研究不同热处理制度一种新型低层状析出气阀LF6性能影响

    This paper presents the effect of different heat treatments on performance of new low layer separation valve steel LF6.


  • 采用AGA—782热像仪实际测定激光热处理表面温度

    The actual surface temperature field during laser heat treatment has been measured by thermovision type AGA 782.


  • 利用冲击疲劳试验,研究稀土变质热处理抗冲击疲劳性能影响

    The effect of re modification and heat treatment on impact fatigue property of low chromium cast semi steel was studied by means of impact fatigue test.


  • 氮共热处理工艺具有共渗温度可直接淬火等特点

    The heat treatment technology of carbo - nitriding of steel has the characteristic of lower treatment temperature and direct quenching.


  • 由于渗氮合金比例,它们普通强,容易热处理

    Nitriding steels, by virtue of their alloying content, are stronger than ordinary steels and respond readily to heat treatment.


  • 通过调整合金成份改变热处理制度试验,有效地提高了低温低温韧性

    The low temperature toughness of low temperature steel can be improved effectively by means of adjusting alloy ingredients and modifying heat-treatment regime.


  • 通过热处理提高强度硬度接触疲劳强度随之提高

    Heat treatment can increase the tensile strength and the hardness of the rail steel, and the contact fatigue strength is also increased.


  • 研究热处理新型贝氏体组织力学性能影响

    Influence of different heat treatment process on microstructure and properties of bainite steel has been investigated.


  • 介绍了TRIP生产工艺性能,残余氏体、合金元素热处理TRIP效应影响和TRIP研究趋势

    The production process and properties of TRIP steels, the effect of retained austenite, alloy elements and heat treatment on TRIP effect and research trend of TRIP steel are presented in this paper.


  • 本文主要介绍合金结构整体塑性变形热处理后再进行表面变形工艺是提高材料疲劳强度有效途径

    This paper mainly presents that constructional mid-carbon alloy steel, after bulk moulding deformation, heat treatment and cold surface deformation can raise fatigue strength of materials effectively.


  • 高速采用特定热处理工艺处理,可充分发挥材料的潜在性能显著提高韧性

    Special heat treating process will bring latent properties of high speed steel with Co into full play and obviously improve its strength and toughness.


  • H 13毛坯调质热处理校正工序中发生断裂宏观断裂面出现萘状断口

    After quenching and tempering, material H13 steel core bar was broken during alignment There are naphthalene fractures on macroscopical fractures surface.


  • 主要化工造船机械工业焊接工艺作焊条预热、干燥不锈工作热处理之用。

    It is mainly for preheating, drying of welding process in the industries such as chemical industry, shipbuilding machinery etc, or the heat treatment of stainless steel work.


  • 制备表面抗菌不锈方法化学热处理磁控溅射、离子注入溶胶-凝胶化学沉积。

    There are various methods to obtain antibacterial surface on stainless steels, such as chemical heat treatment, magnetron sputtering, ion implantation, Sol-Gel, and chemical deposition.


  • 制备表面抗菌不锈方法化学热处理磁控溅射、离子注入溶胶-凝胶化学沉积。

    There are various methods to obtain antibacterial surface on stainless steels, such as chemical heat treatment, magnetron sputtering, ion implantation, Sol-Gel, and chemical deposition.


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