Alberta tar sands: Referred to as the most damaging project on the planet.
Canada is making desperate moves to prop up its tar sands and logging industries.
Tar sands take lots of energy to process, and therefore entail copious emissions of greenhouse gases.
THE latest print issue of The Economist features a comprehensive briefing on Canada's oil-producing tar sands.
True, alternative sources, like oil from Canada’s tar sands, have continued to grow.
The Earth holds other, less-accessible fuels, such as tar sands, and a more exotic possibility in the form of icy methane hydrates.
Our known fossil fuel reserves are soaring. New finds of coal, natural gas, oil, tar sands, and oil shale keep growing, not declining.
The upgrading and refining facilities required to turn tar to oil cost billions of dollars, but the technology is tried and tested.
Greenhouse gas emissions of tar sands crude are 40% higher than conventional oil, and the open-pit mining has devastated Alberta's boreal forest.
Environmentalists dislike the project chiefly because it would increase America's imports of oil from the tar sands of Alberta.
Keystone XL would not only take more Canadian oil to America; via terminals on the Gulf of Mexico it could connect the tar sands with international markets as well.
A coalition of green groups has launched a campaign, "Rethink Alberta", to dissuade tourists from visiting the province until expansion of the tar sands stops.
Its latest energy outlook, released last month, says only that conventional oil (as opposed to hard-to-extract sources like Canada's tar sands) is "projected to reach a plateau sometime before" 2030.
According to Greenpeace, emissions from tar sands extraction could growto between 127 and 140m tonnes by 2020, exceeding the current emissionsof Austria, Portugal, Ireland and Denmark.
According to Greenpeace, emissions from tar sands extraction could growto between 127 and 140m tonnes by 2020, exceeding the current emissionsof Austria, Portugal, Ireland and Denmark.