• 然而德国坚持波兰煤炭进口限制

    Germany, however, insists on restrictions on the import of Polish coal.


  • 炽热煤炭炉子里发光

    Red-hot coals glowed in the fire.


  • 近年来,我们接触有关全球煤炭石油储备即将枯竭可怕媒体报道

    In recent years, we have all been exposed to dire media reports concerning the impending demise of global coal and oil reserves.


  • Tribnia煤炭工业证明应用技术可以提高现有煤矿生产率

    That the application of new technology can increase the productivity of existing coal mines is demonstrated by the case of Tribnia's coal industry.


  • 尽管没有煤矿投产,但Tribnia每个矿工煤炭产量年前的两

    Coal output per miner in Tribnia is double what it was five years ago, even though no new mines have opened.


  • 煤炭石油行业情况类似这种情况加剧这个国家目前大部分政治不满情绪。

    This is similar to what's happening in the coal and oil industries, a situation that fuels much of the current political discontent in this country.


  • 一国财富很大程度上受其自然资源影响,比如煤炭黄金其他矿物质水源等等

    Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country's natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on.


  • 台发动机帮助解决煤矿地下水排放问题增加了其他地方蒸汽机所需煤炭产量

    The engine helped solve the problem of draining coal mines of groundwater and increased the production of coal needed to power steam engines elsewhere.


  • 修建运河运输煤炭公司需要测量员帮助他们找到值得开采煤矿,并确定运河的最佳路线

    The companies building the canals to transport coal needed surveyors to help them find the coal deposits worth mining as well as to determine the best courses for the canals.


  • 世界有些地区煤炭矿产供应充足土壤肥沃,气候宜人;而其他地区则不具备这些条件。

    Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a fertile soil and a favourable climate; other regions possess none of them.


  • 煤炭天然气主要用于发电石油主要用于运输提供能量所有这些能源价格相互关联的。

    Coal and natural gas are mainly used for electricity generation, whereas oil is used mostly to power transportation, yet the prices of all these energy sources are linked.


  • 不幸的是,目前石油天然气煤炭价格可能无法激励研究人员寻找便宜的那些燃料替代品

    Unfortunately, the current low prices for oil, gas, and coal may provide little incentive for research to find even cheaper substitutes for those fuels.


  • 后来又自学地质学;24时候,他开始那家挖掘英格兰南部萨默塞特煤炭运河的公司工作

    He then proceeded to teach himself geology, and when he was twenty-four, he went to work for the company that was excavating the Somerset Coal Canal in the south of England.


  • 威廉·默多克18世纪90年代受到煤炭易得性启发,发明了1500里的第一新的夜间照明方式

    The ready availability of coal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s to develop the first new form of nighttime illumination to be discovered in a millennium and a half.


  • 剩余的百分之六十五(最近进行了城市化处理新兴产业中工作,这些产业包括烟草木材煤炭制造以及铁路

    The remaining sixty-five percent, more recently urbanized, worked in newly developed industries—tobacco, lumber, coal and iron manufacture, and railroads.


  • 可再生能源全球主要能源消耗一小部分化石能源仍然主导地位——煤炭石油占30%,天然气占25%。

    Renewables account for only a small share of global primary energy consumption, which is still dominated by fossil fuels—30% each for coal and oil, 25% for natural gas.


  • 如果潮汐能风能波浪得到发展英国可以关闭天然气煤炭核能发电厂欧洲其他地区出口可再生能源。

    If tide, wind and wave power are all developed, Britain would be able to close gas, coal and nuclear power plants and export renewable power to other parts of Europe.


  • 许多发货抱怨对于长途运输的煤炭化工产品粮食这样大宗商品来说,使用卡车运输成本太高因此铁路公司就会制约他们发展

    Many shippers complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances, such as coal, chemicals, and grain, trucking is too cost1y and the rai1roads therefore have them by the throat.


  • 虽然化石燃料——煤炭石油天然气——世界能源供应大约85%,以往任何时候都更清楚是,未来属于可再生能源风能太阳能

    While fossil fuelscoal, oil, gasstill generate roughly 85 percent of the world's energy supply, it's clearer than ever that future belongs to renewable sources such as wind and solar.


  • 烧可燃气体、石油和煤炭会产生空气污染。

    Burning gas, oil and coal creates air pollution.


  • 力涡轮机不烧石油和煤炭,也不会对空气产生污染。

    Wind turbines do not burn oil or coal and do not pollute the air.


  • 使用潮汐能源发电比使用煤炭或天然气等传统能源便宜得多。

    Using tidal energy to produce electricity is much cheaper than using the traditional energy, like coal or gas.


  • 化“反映”了全球温度的上升,这是由煤炭、石油和天然气的消耗造成的。

    The melting "mirrors" the worldwide increase in temperature and is from the burning of coal, oil and gas.


  • 是非常危险的,因为木材和煤炭产生的烟雾中都含有有害的化学物质,会严重污染家里的空气。

    This can be really dangerous because there are harmful chemicals in the smoke from both wood and coal and they can seriously pollute the air in your home.


  • 天然气煤炭还有化石燃料出现了类似的价格下跌,而且看起来持续很长时间

    Natural gas and coal—also fossil fuelshave similarly seen price declines that look to be long-lived.


  • 因为供应过剩需求下降,煤炭价格尤其是消耗全球一半煤炭中国的需求下降。

    Coal prices also are low, owing to over-supply and the scaling-down of demand, especially from China, which burns half of the world's coal.


  • 煤炭价格,原因是供应过剩需求下降,尤其是来自中国需求,中国消耗全球一半煤炭

    Coal prices also are low, owing to oversupply and the scaling-down of demand, especially from China, which bums half of the world's coal.


  • 超过一半美国煤炭发电机缺乏二次燃烧氮氧化物污染控制

    More than half of U.S. coal generators lack postcombustion NOx pollution controls.


  • 超过一半美国煤炭发电机缺乏二次燃烧氮氧化物污染控制

    More than half of U.S. coal generators lack postcombustion NOx pollution controls.


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