• 父亲一个少言寡语的人,但是外表之下内心深处的某个地方保留着关爱他人品格

    My father is a man of few words, but somewhere deep beneath the surface of him lies a caring character.


  • 虽然父亲从来不会抱怨看得出来强烈地感到自己缺乏地位真切地因为缺少父亲的个人关爱痛苦

    Although my father was never one to complain, it is believed that he keenly felt his lack of status, genuinely suffering from his father's lack of personal love and care.


  • 最好的哲学哲学,因此为父之道进行思考对于父亲他们关爱孩子可能都事情。

    And philosophy at its best is the love of wisdom. Given this, philosophical reflection on fatherhood can be a good thing for dads and the kids they love.


  • 父亲到了,为人之父的人们应当爸爸捐赠者报告得到启示,给孩子以尽可能多关爱满足

    On this father's Day, men who have managed to be good flesh-and-blood fathers to their children should take some satisfaction from the findings found in "My Daddy's Name is Donor."


  • 我们知道如今我们生活一个父亲母亲那般关爱孩子社会中。

    As far as we know, we now live in a society where fathers are similar to mothers in providing care to their children.


  • 影片通过生活之中种种片段一个即将步入天堂父亲对于儿子牵挂关爱表现得细微平淡令人感动观众从中看到父爱的伟大

    The film through the life various clips, will be the father of heaven for son into the care and love, are doing fine dull but moving, let the audience to see the great father.


  • 比如说,《釜山行》的主角一个工作狂父亲。 平日里,一直没有给予女儿足够关爱最终却甘愿生命危险

    For example, the central character is a workaholic father who doesn't pay enough attention to his daughter but ends up putting his life at stake for her.


  • 其他了枪林弹雨近身肉搏静心场面以外细腻每一个细节表现父亲伟大关爱

    More than any other American piece, a barrage in close combat meditation car chase scene, he is more exquisite than from every detail performance a father's great love.


  • 因为关爱尔兰共和军戏剧为名”饰演丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯父亲得到了唯一奥斯卡最佳配角提名

    It was for his role as Daniel Day-Lewis's father in the IRA drama "in the Name of the father" that he got his only Oscar nomination, for best supporting actor.


  • 我们孩子需要不只是柔情母爱同时也需要一位亲切关爱他们父亲谆谆教诲,致令他们混乱世代文化中能够健康地成长

    Our children need more than the motherly tenderness; they also need the stern teachings of a loving and caring father, so that they may grow healthily in this confusing culture.


  • 我们孩子需要不只是柔情母爱同时也需要一位亲切关爱他们父亲谆谆教诲,致令他们混乱世代文化中能够健康地成长

    Our children need more than the motherly tenderness; they also need the stern teachings of a loving and caring father, so that they may grow healthily in this confusing culture.


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