• 潜入他人屋内偷窃或者打碎黄油牛奶

    He would prowl into anyone's house and steal or break POTS of butter and milk.


  • 美国明尼阿波利斯市中心圆顶体育场内的巨型牛奶

    Larger than life milk jug spotted at the Metrodome stadium in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.


  • 烟火在此地之所以风行源自荷兰乡村习俗。他们牛奶庆祝新年

    Fireworks' popularity here originated with the rural Dutch custom of hailing the New Year with exploding milk canisters.


  • 虽然环保牛奶不是被全然接受,但零售商们因为优势并未因此而受挫

    Though the greener milk jug isn't widely welcomed, retailers are undeterred because it has advantages from their perspective.


  • 橱柜立面采用木板灯具牛奶改造而地下空间的天花板装饰利用了旧桌布

    Cabinet fronts are made from wooden planks, while lamps are formed using old milk cans, and ceiling coverings in the basement were once tablecloths.


  • 这次挪动唯一得到好处帽匠,爱丽丝的位子以前差多了,因为三月牛奶打翻位子上了。

    The Hatter was the only one who got any advantage from the change: and Alice was a good deal worse off than before, as the March Hare had just upset the milk jug into his plate.


  • 胡迪尼必须想出比巨大牛奶脱逃更具戏剧性的演出当做下一个表演节目,办到了

    For hisnextescape, Houdini had to come up with something even more dramatic thantheGiant Milk Can escape, and he did.


  • 把茶壶牛奶最喜欢茶杯,涂了橘子果酱的烤面包片,还有昨天吃剩的小蛋糕放进餐盘里

    She set it with a teapot, a milk jug, her favorite cup and saucer, a plate of marmalade toast and a leftover cake from yesterday.


  • 这次挪动唯一得到好处帽匠,爱丽丝的位子以前差多了,因为三月牛奶罐打翻在位子上了。

    The Hatter was the only one who got any advantage from the change: and Alice was a good deal worse off than before, as the March Hare had just upset the milk-jug into his plate.


  • 耶汉·达斯靠着帮邻居牛奶载运安特卫普来维持生计。工作这个跛脚的老先生来说很辛苦的。

    Old Jehan Daas made his living by carrying the milk cans of the neighbors away to the town of Antwerp. The work was hard for the lame old man.


  • 只需厨宝(KitchenAid,美国著名厨房用具品牌——译注)搅拌器,同时配液氮奶油,就能牛奶水果这类简单配料不到分钟的时间里变成按需定制的冰淇淋。

    Using KitchenAid mixers tricked out with liquid nitrogen tanks, creameries turn simple ingredients like milk, sugar and fruit into made-to-order ice cream in under a minute.


  • 举例说,没有哑铃,就牛奶

    For instance, don't have dumbbells? Use cans of soup, or a few old milk cartons filled with water.


  • 这场风暴来袭后的分钟,我们年轻聪明蒙古厨师兼翻译当时大学英语专业的德吉走进用作厨房帐篷出来时带着牛奶

    A few minutes into the big wind storm, our bright young Mongolian cook and translator, Degi, who was an English major in university at the time, went into the cook tent and emerged with a jug of milk.


  • 母亲曾经说过牛顿出生个儿很小可能放进能盛夸脱牛奶的小

    His mother had said that Newton was so tiny at birth that he might well have been placed in a quart-size pitcher.


  • 星期三那天,杰克外出了,养牛人干了一天活,养牛人牛奶作为报酬。

    On Wednesday, Jack went out again and hired himself to a cow-keeper, who gave him a jar of milk for his day's work.


  • 奶牛设备:牛奶制冷挤奶TMR饲料搅拌机

    Milking System: Milk tank cooler, Milking Machine, Feed mixer (TMR).


  • 有时候我会一瓶牛奶三明治另一些时候则会买一小包饼干和一可乐。

    Sometimess I buy a bottle of milk and a sandwich; other times I buy a small bag of cookies and a can of diet coke.


  • 工作金一牛奶作为报酬第二天早上找他,以便把阿金介绍给他弟弟。

    After a day's work, he gave Ah Kin a pot of milk as a reward and asked him to come again next morning, so that he could introduce him to his brother.


  • 份乳品相当于品脱牛奶酪(150ml)或30干酪

    One portion is the equivalent of half a pint of milk or a small pot of yoghurt (150ml) or 30g of cheese.


  • 第二短片中,牛奶同样方式分给个人

    The second video showed a jug of milk being Shared between two people in a similar way.


  • 我们希望我们产品成为成功路上相信我们帮助然而消息使用我们的产品后,您需要购买更多的储储藏因奶牛增产带来的更多的新鲜牛奶

    We want to be a part of your success with our product, I know we can help youonly bad news with our product is … you may have to buy new milk tank to hold your fresh milk.


  • 道菜蔬菜牛奶蛋糊糕点,制成而且摆在

    A dish, as of vegetables, fish, custard, or pastry, that is cooked and served in a small mold.


  • 我们拥有经验各个领域陶瓷,工业制成品水泥砖工程造纸敏感产品牛奶瓶装保存

    We boast experience in various sectors: pottery, manufactured goods in cement, bricks-works, paper, jars and bottles, sacks, and heat sensitive products like milk and bottled or tinned preserves.


  • 牛奶采集后使用公司专用储藏运输平均每天采奶60000

    Milk is collected and transported in a fleet of company-owned tankers with an average daily farm gate pick-up of 60000 litres.


  • 现德乐斯国内产品以三片产品为主产品绿豆沙西米露、玉米露、牛奶花生木瓜八宝粥

    Our products is mainly products of three-pieces tin. We product green bean juice, coconut juice and sago, sweet corn juice, milk peanut , pawpaw coconut juice and mixed congee, etc.


  • 现德乐斯国内产品以三片产品为主产品绿豆沙西米露、玉米露、牛奶花生木瓜八宝粥

    Our products is mainly products of three-pieces tin. We product green bean juice, coconut juice and sago, sweet corn juice, milk peanut , pawpaw coconut juice and mixed congee, etc.


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