• 物业管理公司管理人员参与物业开发全程

    The property managing company or management staff should take part in the whole course of the property development.


  • 此外一些物业管理公司参与二手房中介业务

    In addition, some property management companies also involved in second-hand housing intermediary business.


  • 物业管理公司加强服务意识正确处理服务管理关系

    Property management company shall emphasize service sense and deal with the relation between service and management rightly.


  • 虽然树山认为账单并不合理,但是物业管理公司认为开销合理的。

    While Shu does not believe that the bills are reasonable, the Management believes that they are.


  • 软件设计综合具有一定代表性物业管理公司业务模式需求

    The software design synthesized had certain representative many estate management company's service pattern and the demand.


  • 现在大多数中国消费者物业管理公司非常有容忍力因为他们缺少经验

    Right now most Chinese consumers and the property management firms are very tolerant because they lack sophistication.


  • 因此物业管理公司使用小区物业管理信息系统管理业务成为物业管理发展趋势

    Therefore the use of community property management company property management information systems management business has become the development trend of property management.


  • 第14住房管理区域设立的住房管理部门负责现在住宅物业管理公司

    Article 14 the housing management by pressing the regional established housing management department is responsible for, such as present residence small property management company.


  • 这家公司老板一样最初创业只用了3,000美元,现在四家物业管理公司

    The owner started out just like me, with just $3,000 — and he's now the owner of four property management franchises.


  • 第14住房管理区域设立的住房管理部门负责,如现在住宅小区物业管理公司

    Article 14 the housing management by pressing the regional established housing administration department responsible for now the residential property management company.


  • 物业管理公司要想达到使其管理的服务房屋能够保值增值必须加强房屋日常养护

    It is necessary for the property management company to strengthen the building's routine maintenance if they want to keep or increase the value.


  • 物业管理公司可以提升管理效率直接住户智能手机发送屋苑通告接受会所设施线上预订

    Property management can improve its managing efficiency by releasing notices directly to residents through smartphones, and recording their clubhouse online booking.


  • 感到惊奇的这个物业管理公司以为他们做了正确的而且他们第一管理放任自由。

    It amazes me that this management took something which was perhaps good and let it be destroyed in the first year of operation.


  • 美国他们已经物业管理公司签署协议允许住户使用信用卡支付租金按揭贷款、甚至房屋首付贷款。

    In America they have signed deals with property-management companies to allow residents to use credit CARDS for rent, mortgage instalments and even the down-payment on a house.


  • 乙方签署合同必须遵守临时管理规约》、物业管理公司所有业主租户的有关管理规定

    After the execution of this Contract, Party B shall comply with The Provisional Management Regulations and other regulations applied to all owners and lessees by the property management company.


  • 父亲另一个儿子已经找到里昂·里岑塞勒,已退休,此前曾是加州北部一家物业管理公司的老板。

    My father's another son was found, he named Lyons and retired. Lyons was a manager of one Property Management Company in the north of California.


  • 富士康深圳工业园生活区最近纳入了物业管理公司管理范围之内,因为他们处理员工需求经验更为丰富。

    The living quarters on the Shenzhen campus were recently handed off to property management companies that are more experienced at addressing the living needs of employees.


  • 我们小区物业管理公司位工作人员下午了一个电话,告诉我说,有四个女孩子那些交给保安

    One of the employees in the property management company of our residence community gave a call to me this afternoon. She told me that four girls hand the money to the security personnel.


  • 我国现行城市新建住宅小区管理办法》、《公司法》、《物业管理公司资质暂行规定》等法律、法规急待修订

    Our country current "Management method of urban residential districts", "rules and regulations", "Regulations of cerlificatirg inteuigence of property management company" will revise urgently.


  • 选择小区物业管理公司小区管理委会、会计师事务所作为物业管理区域维修资金账户日常管理

    Residential property management companies to choose the areas Management Service (or industry in, accountant's office) as the property management accounts daily regional maintenance funds managers;


  • 建立规范定量化物业管理评价体系物业管理公司进行住户满意管理绩效评价物业管理行业的重要问题

    It is a very important problem to quantify and establish standard evaluation system of property management, and to evaluate the effectiveness of company of property management satisfied by dweller.


  • 适用高尔夫球场、旅游景点园林小区公园房地产公司物业管理公司大学校区、大型酒店各种大型娱乐场所

    Apply to golf courses, tourist attractions, community gardens, parks, real estate companies, property management companies, university campuses, large hotels, all kinds of large-scale entertainment.


  • 随着物业管理行业的飞速发展以及市场竞争的加剧,人力资源问题特别是人员激励问题越来越众多物业管理公司所重视。

    With fast development and severe market competition the human resource problems especially the incentive problem has been concerned more and more for many property management companies.


  • 根据共管柏文物业管理标准法,物业管理公司责任公寓事故损失进行恰当维修并不雇请业主选择所选定承包商

    Under the standard condo bylaw, condo management is responsible for an appropriate repair job done but not required to hire a contractor of an owner's choice.


  • 美国地方法院法官批准了一项临时禁令允许一家物业管理公司不用雇员提供避孕费用,这家公司属于美乐批萨创始人

    US district judge granted a temporary restraining order, allowing a property management company owned by the founder of Domino's Pizza to avoid providing contraception to employees.


  • 年度住宅楼盘智能化应用运行情况,分析并找出智能化应用与现实距离,为产品研发商、系统集成商、网络运营商、房地产开发商和物业管理公司提供实用的参考资料。

    Based on the investigation of Real Estate and Management Companies in China, intelligent system's problem is realized. A reference document will be given in the following articles.


  • 项目包含酒店管理产权式酒店物业管理业主对酒店管理公司进行考察对比

    The project includes hotel management and property management of the property hotel. The owner will review different managements company.


  • 项目包含酒店管理产权式酒店物业管理业主对酒店管理公司进行考察对比

    The project includes hotel management and property management of the property hotel. The owner will review different managements company.


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