Car sales staff at traditional independent dealers would likely be unwilling to spend the time to educate the customer about Tesla cars, said Maron.
特斯拉汽车和SpaceX 这两家科技公司的创始人正在将电动汽车推向大众市场,并使人类能够在其它行星上生活。
The founder of two tech companies, Tesla Motors and SpaceX, is bringing electric vehicles to mass market and enabling humans to live on other planets.
The company targets the niche consumers who want luxury electric vehicles.
Tesla's main strength has been stellar technology for electric car batteries and powertrains-the portion of the car that actually transfers energy from the engine and transmission to the wheels.
It's a slick, fast automobile, in line with Tesla's (TSLA) strategy to tap into a niche market-luxury electric vehicles.
And unlike the Detroit and foreign companies entering the EV market, Tesla will have some manufacturing disadvantages.
Tesla has huge symbolic significance because it is the first company to make people believe a business model solely around electric vehicles is possible.
Leading the way is Tesla, a maker of upmarket electric vehicles set up by Elon Musk, a successful tech entrepreneur.
Further expanding its EV options, Daimler is holding on to its 10% stake in Tesla Motors (TSLA).
However, Li explained that Tesla is a product of the last generation of electric vehicles, while NextEV represents the new generation.
Tesla, led by superstar CEO Elon Musk, is the top electric carmaker, but it's still is a small niche player compared to the major automakers.
Electric cars are new technology, and Tesla stores need to be both education centers and conveniently located, he said.
Nissan's initial move to sell electric cars carried some modest element of risk, but Tesla still operates like a startup, and is willing to pile on risk after risk.
The mysterious electric automaker has captivated the industry for being what some call a true rival to Tesla Motors.
Google is developing self-driving cars, Tesla Motors is making an all-electric car with a cult-like following, and everyone including Fields expects Apple to make a car of some kind.
Tesla already packages batteries to power its electric cars, but last year Tesla launched a division that packages similar batteries to be used for buildings, homes and the power grid.
Tesla already packages batteries to power its electric cars, but last year Tesla launched a division that packages similar batteries to be used for buildings, homes and the power grid.