• 侦查活动规律分为侦查活动一般规律侦查活动特殊规律

    Law of investigative activities can be divided into general and special law of investigative activities.


  • 实验结果揭示了浸没多孔中的液体燃料燃烧特殊规律

    The results show the special combustion characteristics for the liquid fuel soaked in porous beds.


  • 究其原因,还是由于不能很掌握汽车专业英语特殊规律

    The main reason is believed that so many translators have not acquired the special rules of English for automotive engineering.


  • 探讨了城市雕塑环境密切相关艺术形式,有着自己特殊规律

    Being a kind of arts, city sculpture is related to environment closely and has its own special law.


  • 随着对于文学特殊规律认同,文学的本体论意义开始进入人们视界

    As the increasing agreement on the special meaning of literature, the significance of the literature ontology is coming into people's vision.


  • 针对文学接受特殊规律进一步阐释了文学接受中阐释的多元性与有界问题。

    As against to the specific rules in literary acceptance, this paper further interprets the multiplicity and limitation of literary acceptance.


  • 其三使用数据挖掘技术中的序列模式挖掘技术获得产品使用情况特殊规律信息。

    The third is finding the information of products use and special rules by using the sequence pattern mining in the Data mining technique.


  • 文章认为科学劳动具有二重性特征,注意研究现代科学劳动具体形式特殊规律

    The author holds that scientific labor bears the character of twoness, and people must pay attention to study the concrete form and special rule of scientific labor of modern times.


  • 作为从事竞技运动这特殊社会职业运动员,在社会化过程中又有其特殊规律要求

    It embodies special rules and requests during the socialization when the athletes take part in athletics as a special social profession.


  • 人工自然既有自然属性又有社会属性,遵循天然自然规律,又遵循其自身的特殊规律

    Artificial nature possesses both natural and social property, that is, it not only follows the laws of nature, but also follows its own special laws.


  • 在唯物史观的体系中,普遍规律一种科学抽象具体历史环境只能表现特殊规律

    According to the historical materialism, common principle is scientific abstract. It can only be manifested as special pattern under concrete historical environment.


  • 论述圆形结构设计方法总结普遍特殊规律拓展圆形裙款式与结构设计思维领域

    Describe the structure design method of the circular skirt, sum up its universal and special laws, expand the thought sphere of the circular skirt structure and style design.


  • 培养和造就中医临床大家必须在充分认识中医成才特殊规律基础上,研究中医的传承模式

    To cultivate Chinese medicine clinical great master, we must thoroughly understand the special law of herbalist doctor growing up and to study the model of succession of teachers of Chinese medicine.


  • 蔬菜经营企业由于经营产品特殊季节性供给集中性生产周期长,供需自己特殊规律

    Vegetables because of their business enterprises products are unique, seasonal, the concentration of supply and production cycle is longer, its supply and demand have their own special laws.


  • 研究这些特性有助于深入探讨把握医学计量管理特殊规律,也有利于进一步揭示医疗服务管理的思想内涵

    Studying these characteristics will help to discover the specific law of the metrological control of medicine and have a good grasp, to improve content of health service management.


  • 充分认识第二语言习得特殊规律发挥培养学习者学习兴趣优势使他们收到理想学习效果有促进作用

    Second Language Acquisition fully understand the special laws on the play and train learners interest in learning and advantages, so that they received the study results are ideal for the role.


  • 根据氧化还原滴定特殊规律运用化学反应的计量关系能斯特公式给出了氧化还原滴定终点误差的简单计算公式。

    In the paper, according to the specific law of redox titration, using stoichiometric relation and Nernst formula in the chemical reactions.


  • 城市价值决定城市总体房价,城市价值转移房价形成特殊规律,是科学分析判断房价水平及其趋势重要方法依据

    The urban value decides the price of the whole city, the transfer of urban value forms the price of real estate, which is an important method and basis to analysis the price level and trend.


  • 我们特殊规律出于我们观点,就旅行家看来,每当出一步,山峰轮廓就要变动一步,虽然绝对只有形态,却有着无其的侧页。

    The particular laws are as our points of view, as, to the traveller, a mountain outline varies with every step, and it has an infinite number of profiles, though absolutely but one form.


  • 论述美术人才知识结构形成,美术人才其它各行各业的人才知识结构上存在着一些共同规律。同时阐明了美术人才在知识结构上的特殊规律通过四个方面进行探索和研究。

    The passage mainly talks about the form of knowledge structure of persons with art ability, these people have many same regular with structure of all professions.


  • 印度现状却是这个规律特殊例外他们过去你的想象相比印度的各个收入阶层更少了,饮食质量低了。

    India is a peculiar exception to this rule: for reasons no one understands, Indians of all income levels now eat less food, and of a lower quality, than they used to, and than you would expect.


  • 接着开普勒提出他的定律他说行星基本上太阳椭圆运动它们椭圆上特殊的运动规律

    And then Kepler came with these laws that said basically that planets move in an ellipse around the sun, and that they move in a very specific way along that ellipse.


  • 食物作为核心武器保证存在但是必须一个规律变化特殊菜单可以让它的老顾客经常回来

    It has a core Arsenal of dishes that justify its existence, but it also must have a regularly changing specials menu that keeps its regular customers coming back for more.


  • 一个食物作为核心武器保证存在但是必须一个规律变化特殊菜单可以让它的老顾客经常回来

    It has acore arsenal of dishes that justify its existence, but it also must have aregularly changing specials menu that keeps its regular customers coming back formore.


  • 作为总的规律,我们将一个系统复杂产品开发归类特殊产品开发。

    As a general rule, the development of a new system or complex product is classified as a special product development.


  • 有关回水长度变化规律传统认识其合理性回水长度解析理论的一种特殊情况

    Traditional knowledge about the rule of backwater length variation is reasonable, which is a special case of analytic solution to backwater length.


  • 一个好的生活规律不管这种特殊情况(借口)什么

    That's always a good rule to live by, no matter what the special circumstances (i. e., excuses) are.


  • 刻画三条规律人工语言表达式具有特殊不同思维科学中应用不同的表达式刻画

    But the artificial language expression formula which portrays these three laws has particularity, apply different expression formulae in different thinking science to portray.


  • 刻画三条规律人工语言表达式具有特殊不同思维科学中应用不同的表达式刻画

    But the artificial language expression formula which portrays these three laws has particularity, apply different expression formulae in different thinking science to portray.


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