• 以色列准备释放更多黎巴嫩犯人

    Israel is set to free more Lebanese prisoners.


  • 委员会关心共用牢房大量犯人

    The committee is concerned about the large number of prisoners sharing cells.


  • 监狱看守犯人身上唾沫。

    The prisoners were spat on by their guards.


  • 这些犯人行刑队枪决。

    The prisoners were executed by firing squad.


  • 他们犯人慈悲为怀。

    They asked her to be merciful to the prisoners.


  • 犯人一杯最差维持生活。

    The prisoners subsisted on one mug of the worst quality porridge three times a day.


  • 特长刑期犯人自杀得不成比例。

    There is a disproportionately high suicide rate among prisoners facing very long sentences.


  • 这些残酷的刑具设计限制犯人的。

    These cruel devices are designed to stop prisoners from bending their legs.


  • 犯人冲直撞,捣毁一切妨碍他们的东西。

    The prisoners went on a rampage destroying everything in their way.


  • 其他十位犯人一个拥挤牢房中。

    He is cooped up in a cramped cell with 10 other inmates.


  • 指控虐待犯人

    He is alleged to have mistreated the prisoners.


  • 犯人士兵看守

    The prisoners were guarded by soldiers.


  • 据称虐待犯人

    It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.


  • 犯人逃走了

    Two prisoners have escaped.


  • 匆匆离去犯人留在戟兵手里

    He hurried away, leaving the prisoner in the grip of the halberdiers.


  • 5狱警看守着犯人

    Five prison officers guarded the prisoners.


  • 犯人供认珠宝

    The prisoner confressel to stealing the jewels.


  • 狱卒带着几个部下进来了,命令犯人带到监狱院子里

    The jailer came in with some subordinates, and commanded that the prisoners be conducted to the jail-yard.


  • 我会是强行闯进来,武力手里犯人抢走的。

    I will say thou didst break in and wrest the prisoner from my hands by force.


  • 当然,不能对犯人作无罪假定,因为根本就没有这种情况。

    Without, of course, giving the prisoner the benefit of any doubt, because there isn't any.


  • 犯人身罪可判处最高的监禁

    Assault carries a maximum penalty of seven years' imprisonment.


  • 权出现报告中的显要位置。

    Human rights violations figured prominently in the report.


  • 约有百分之四监狱犯人患有慢性精神疾病

    About 4% of the prison population have chronic psychiatric illnesses.


  • 游行组织者犯人暴乱性非法集会

    The organizers of the march were charged with assault and riotous assembly.


  • 我们要是问到种族宗教问题,就很可能犯人

    We'd be on dangerous ground if we asked about race or religion.


  • 如果政治上对自己有利,政府经常忽视其他国家权的行为。

    Governments frequently ignore human rights abuses in other countries if it is politically expedient to do so.


  • 过去年里Barraland监狱的囚犯人数每年都在增加

    In each of the past five years, Barraland's prison population has increased.


  • 这种被奴役非洲裔美国人模式种族隔离延续一个世纪

    This pattern of human rights violations against enslaved African-Americans continued under racial segregation for nearly another century.


  • 两个犯人跑了。

    Two of the prisoners have escaped.


  • 不犯, 我犯人; 人犯我, 我犯人

    We will not attack unless we are attacked; if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack.


- 来自原声例句

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