• 加州大学芭芭拉分校犹他大学随后加入

    UC Santa Barbara and University of Utah later join.


  • 犹他大学最新实验室研究支持弗吉尼亚理工大学研究所的研究结果

    The results of the Virginia Tech study are buttressed by new laboratory research from the University of Utah.


  • 犹他大学获得了组基因的专利权,把专利权转让麦利亚德公司

    The University of Utah has patented the genes and licenses them to Myriad.


  • Johnson2002犹他大学研究助理教授开始开发技术

    Johnson began developing the technology in 2002, when he was a research assistant professor at the University of Utah.


  • 马里奥•卡佩基生于1937年意大利,现在犹他大学研究员

    Mario Capecchi is a researcher at the University of Utah. He was born in Italy in nineteen thirty-seven.


  • 1968年,布什内尔犹他大学电气工程项目中得到了认可。

    Bushnell attended college at the University of Utah, where he earned an engineering degree in 1968.


  • 来自盐湖城犹他大学布莱恩曼森表示这些频率声音蕴藏了巨大信息

    Those high-frequency sounds convey a surprising amount of information, says Dr Brian Monson, from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City.


  • 然而,犹他大学研究人员,将这个理论带入了一个新的阶段。

    The researchers' efforts to commercialize their new technology reached a milestone recently when the University of Utah licensed the technology to Credibility Assessment Technologies (CAT).


  • 这个特色网站集中教授学习遗传学起源于犹他大学

    This month's featured site focuses on teaching and learning genetics, and it originates from the University of Utah.


  • 犹他大学生殖内分泌不孕症部门拥有绝佳医学教育网站

    The University of Utah Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility has an excellent medical education site.


  • 犹他大学研究者研究了超过300名结婚超过20中老年妇女。

    Researchers at the University of Utah studied more than 300 middle-aged and older couples who had been married more than 20 years.


  • 1982年,犹他大学,巴尼·克拉克成为首位接受永久人造心脏的人类。

    1982 - At the University of Utah, Barney Clark, becomes the first person to receive a permanent artificial heart.


  • 犹他大学研究者们指出这种现象是和人类能够握拳这一现象同时出现的。

    But researchers at the University of Utah point out that they developed around the same time as humans acquired the ability to curl their hand into a club-like fist.


  • 犹他大学研究者们指出这种现象是和人类能够握拳这一现象同时出现的。

    Butt researchers at the University of Utah point out that they developed around the same time as humans acquired the ability to curl their hand into a club-like fist.


  • 此次研究是由美国犹他大学发起,研究人员尝试寿命相对长的原子核存储数据

    Instead, the researchers stored data in the longer-lived nucleus of an atom. D.r..


  • 犹他大学一项研究表明减肥者中那些每餐前饮用杯水的人相较于其他人减掉了30%的体重

    In one University of Utah study, dieting participants who were instructed to drink two cups of water before each meal lost 30 percent more weight than their thirsty peers.


  • 三角研究所北卡罗来纳州大学以及犹他大学展开合作,以木质生物量中提取出合成气

    Research Triangle Institute, in partnership with North Carolina State University and the University of Utah, will generate syngas derived from woody biomass.


  • 杰拉德·舒斯特犹他大学同事们大学校园地下安置水管隧道里进行首次实验

    Gerard Schuster and his colleagues at the university of Utah first tested the idea in a tunnel that carries pipes three metres below the university campus.


  • 犹他大学研究小组带有极小的微电极的网格入置于一名患有严重癫痫志愿者大脑语言中枢

    The University of Utah research team placed grids of tiny microelectrodes over speech centers in the brain of a volunteer with severe epileptic seizures.


  • 现在犹他大学计算机科学家设计出了一种新的方法能简单快速地实施数据挖掘提取分析量数据。

    Now, a University of Utah computer scientist has devised a new method for simpler, faster "data mining," or extracting and analyzing massive amounts of such data.


  • 除了可以带来更多市场机会这个授权可以帮助犹他大学谎言识别领域保持他们的领先地位。

    In addition to bringing the technology closer to the marketplace, the licensing also helps maintain the university's leadership in lie-detection research.


  • 尼古拉斯茠尔芬格(犹他大学位社会学家)测算出婚姻最终破裂可能性33之后逐年增加

    Nicholas Wolfinger - a sociologist at the University of Utah - reckons the chances of your marriage ending in divorce increase with every year after the age of 33.


  • 公司知道,这个分子细节与毒性如何?” ,犹他大学专利法专家KennethChahine说道

    "A company wants to know, how specificand toxic is the molecule?" says Kenneth Chahine, an expert in patent lawat the University of Utah.


  • 根据握有全美五花八门名单犹他大学所说,今年232种药品短缺2006年只有70种。

    This year has seen a shortage of 232 medicines, up from 70 in 2006, according to the University of Utah, which keeps the country's most comprehensive list.


  • 来自犹他大学运动医学研究检测实验室科学家团队建立了一种联用仪来检测两种物质的方法。

    A team of scientists the Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory at the University of Utah have developed a test that makes use of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.


  • 毕竟盐湖城税率全美最低并且犹他大学(University of Utah)是美国最著名的成功创业者摇篮。

    The city's taxes are among the lowest in America and the University of Utah leads the nation's universities in creating successful start-ups.


  • 现在美国研究人员认为他们已经发现诊断自闭症的生物测试方法。来自哈佛大学犹他大学小组开发了测试。

    Now, researchers in the United States think they have found a biological test for autism. A team from Harvard University in Massachusetts and the University of Utah developed it.


  • Ramakrishnan,LMB稳定和长期资助使能够专注获得诺贝尔研究始于盐湖城犹他大学的研究。

    Ramakrishnan says LMB's secure, long-term funding allowed him to focus on his Nobel prize-winning research, which he began at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.


  • 盐湖城犹他大学James Ehleringer、ThureCerling及其同僚美国65个城镇理发店收集毛发

    James Ehleringer and Thure Cerling, at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and their colleagues collected human hair from barbers' shops in 65 American towns.


  • 盐湖城犹他大学James Ehleringer、ThureCerling及其同僚美国65个城镇理发店收集毛发

    James Ehleringer and Thure Cerling, at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and their colleagues collected human hair from barbers' shops in 65 American towns.


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