• 狮子座王者之轩辕十四红色行星火星地平线上繁星闪耀的天空中交相辉映

    Leo's royal star Regulus and red planet Mars appear in a colorful pairing just above the horizon in this starry skyscape.


  • 骄傲狮子座性格特征之一特征可能会演变成夸耀势利

    One of Leo's most characteristic traits is pride, and there is a tendency, too, towards pomposity and snobbery.


  • 对照图标出了狮子座恒星行星火星土星,和早为人知后发座星团。

    Sliding your cursor over the picture will identify the planets, the stars of Leo, and a long-recognized star cluster in Coma Berenices.


  • 活力四射的太阳掌管着狮子座天性因此个性完全充满活力魅力的。

    The solar fire of the Sun rules your nature, so your whole personality is dynamic and attractive to others.


  • 火星位于狮子座的时期,可以任何方面想法去努力的最佳时期

    Your Mars in Leo period will be the perfect time for you to launch a new endeavor on almost any front.


  • 火星位于狮子座的时期,可以任何方面想法去努力的最佳时期

    Your Mars in Leo period will be the perfect time for you to launch a new endeavor on almost any front. Mars will make you courageous energetic and very determined to overcome obstacles.


  • 位于狮子座巨大行星GJ 436b正在丢失一些东西这些东西就是沼气

    Giant planet GJ 436b in the constellation Leo is missing something — and that something is swamp gas.


  • 狮子座金星企图放大恶,所以某些喜爱,又某些人极反感

    Venus in Leo does tend to magnify your likes and dislikes so you'll be passionately for some people and just as passionately against others.


  • 梦想有一狮子座星空中,昔日的天际能够今日狮子座坐在一起

    I have a dream that one day in the starry sky of Leo, Skyline and Today's Leo will be able to sit down together.


  • 女人——狮子座的女人虽然一点专横安排好了一切,而且一定最好

    Woman - although she a bit overbearing, but she arranged everything for you, must be the best.


  • 本月财政一点骚动因为停留水瓶座行星正与停留在狮子座的火星刑。

    There's a bit of a dust-up in your financial houses this month, as planets in Aquarius face off against Mars in Leo.


  • 舞台好莱坞电影出现狮子座的明星,因为这个星座的人从不镁光灯前展示自己

    It's quite common to see a Leo on stage or in Hollywood, since these folks never shy away from the limelight.


  • 大卫弗勒克int0007根底数学狮子座出勤曾经有点片状最近能够是损伤做好时机。

    David Flook INT0007 Foundation Maths Leo's attendance has been a bit patchy lately and this could be hurting his chances of doing well.


  • 有关狮子座肠胃射手座的胳膊偶尔受损的可能低于5%,因此假说符合效应关系成立一般标准

    The hypotheses about Leos' intestines and Sagittarians' arms were less than 5% likely to have come about by chance, satisfying the usual standards of proof of a relationship.


  • 一方面狮子座有着敏感自尊心一方面,双子座则比较随意而且狮子座的大惊小怪见怪不怪。

    While the Leo has a very sensitive ego, the Gemini is more flexible and may appear teasing when they ignore the small issues of the Leo signs.


  • 太阳狮子座守护星,因此心脏后背脊髓有着紧密的联系影响脾脏和人整个生命力

    Leos are noted for their longevity. Leo's ruler, the Sun, has always been associated with the heart, back, and spinal column. It also influences the spleen and the entire body's vitality.


  • 恋爱关系中,双子座男性需要一定自由空间狮子座女性做好接受双子座男性天生风流轻佻准备。

    The Gemini men needs to be given his freedom and the Leo woman has to be ready to accept a bit of his flirtatious nature.


  • 狮子座宠物用来炫耀动物,也很好喂养它们需要大量阳光有时候会觉得它们就是自己的孩子

    Leo pets are show animals and good for breeding. They need lots of sun. Sometimes you think they're your children.


  • 问题离开聚会不是担心他会结束你的聚会,这种深爱是值得被尊敬的,父亲节也是为狮子座的爸爸。

    The problem is getting him to leave your party rather than worrying about him putting an end to your party.


  • 因此狮子座交点也具有同样时间周期我们可以说作为我们每一个个体将会一些特殊的事物进行分享

    Therefore, with the South Node in Leo for the same period of time, we can say that each of us individually has something special ready to share.


  • 狮子联想狮子座特性容易就可以想到很多高贵同情心王者之风,但是忘了狮子才是出外狩猎

    Lenovo from the Lions to the characteristics of the Lions Block, it is easy to think of many noble, compassionate, king of the wind, but do not forget, the mother lion is to go out hunting.


  • 月亮天蝎座,与位于狮子座土星相刑,与位于金牛座两端附近的土星相,那么盘主独身、没有孩子的可能性很大。

    When the Moon is in Scorpio in Square of Saturn in Leo, or in Opposition to him when he is partially in Taurus, the Native rarely has either wife or children.


  • 狮子座符号象征狮子尾巴高高扬起的尾巴,充分显示了狮子的个性;狮子座的神话可以联想到,狮子的勇敢善战。

    Leo Lions at the symbols lion's tail, hoisted on high by the tail, fully shows the lion's personality, from the myth of the Lions Block can think of, the lion's courage and the beginning.


  • 狮子座符号象征狮子尾巴高高扬起的尾巴,充分显示了狮子的个性;狮子座的神话可以联想到,狮子的勇敢善战。

    Leo Lions at the symbols lion's tail, hoisted on high by the tail, fully shows the lion's personality, from the myth of the Lions Block can think of, the lion's courage and the beginning.


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