• 介绍了猪油主要组成性质

    The main components and property oft he lard were introduced.


  • 大个松果带走,然后将混合猪油鸟饵放到松果上。

    What she did was to take the really large pinecones and fill them with a mixture of lard and birdseeds.


  • 集市猪肉价钱很便宜锋利的刀子切成猪油样子。

    The raw pig fat is bought cheap in the bazaar, and a sharp knife slices through it like, well, lard.


  • O SI测定了补骨原药材补骨脂提取物猪油氧化作用。

    Antioxidative effects of Psoralea corylifolia L. and the extracts on lard were measured by OSI method.


  • 酸解产物清除DPPH自由基能力猪油氧化作用均有明显提高

    The scavenging capacities on DPPH radical and antioxidative activities to lard oil of the acidolysis products were improved obviously.


  • 隐囊蕨黄酮提取液自由基、超自由基有良好清除作用,有效阻断猪油氧化

    The flavonoids extract can scavenge Oxygen and Hydroxy free radicals, and can stop the oxidation of the lard effectively.


  • 以75%乙醇溶剂提取迎春花叶中的黄酮类化合物,研究了黄酮提取物猪油氧化性能。

    Flavonids in Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl were extracted by 75% ethanol as solvent. The antioxidative activity of the extraction to lard oil was researched.


  • 此外动物性猪油花生油自动氧化明显抑制作用猪油的氧化效果花生油好。

    In addition it also has the obvious inhibitory action to the animalistic lard and the peanut oil auto oxidation, but is better than to the lard anti - oxidized effect the peanut oil.


  • 方法利用含20%猪油饲料普通饲料分别喂养sd20只和108建立饮食性肥胖的动物模型

    Methods 20 SD rats and 10 SD rats were feed with lipid rich food (20% lard) and normal food for 8 weeks to make alimentary obesity model respectively.


  • 结果表明黄草提取物具有一定猪油自动氧化能力,且作用强于抗坏血酸,95%乙醇石油提取物猪油的抗氧化作用明显

    The results showed that the antioxidative activity of the extract by water was stronger than that of Vc, while the extracts by 95 % ethanol and petroleum ether had no obvious antioxidation for lard.


  • 结果表明,自由基的清除猪油氧化能力较强随加入增加清除能力抗氧化能力增强,因此,燕麦麸油开发抗氧化剂良好的原料。

    The study indicated that the antioxidant activities and scavenging free radicals by bran oil were better, and increased with their dosages. The bran oil was a good natural antioxidant.


  • 我们餐桌一端女人猪油大块一个大锅里。

    At the far end of our table, a woman chops pork fat into big chunks and tosses them into a huge wok.


  • 硬脂猪油人造黄油、奶油因为它们含有太多饱和脂肪酸而对人体无益。另外一些含有椰子油棕榈油混合植物油也是一样。

    Hard fats such as lard, margarine and butter are not good as they are high in saturated fats, as are many blended vegetable oils which contain coconut or palm oil.


  • 我们回家后,母亲准备好法式土司我们吃,就是炸过面包

    When we got home Mum would have "French Toast" ready for us. This was bread deep-fried in lard.


  • 我们回家后,母亲准备好法式土司我们吃,就是炸过面包

    When we got home, Mum would have "French Toast" ready for us. This was bread deep-fried in lard.


  • 事情糟的是,他们日常食用的食品猪油炸过。

    To make matters worse, they subsist on a diet heavy in foods Fried in lard.


  • 位于亚利桑那州餐厅巨型汉堡奶昔猪油炸薯条不健康菜单这位带有传奇色彩的人物提倡胆大包天的餐厅而闻名

    The larger-than-life character is famous for promoting the gut-busting restaurant in Arizona with its unhealthy menu of huge hamburgers, milkshakes and fries cooked in lard.


  • 工厂利用原料就是泰森的牛油猪油每年可生产7500万加仑生物柴油航空燃油

    That plant will use the fat from Tyson’s beef, chicken and pork operations to create 75 million gallons of biodiesel and jet fuel annually.


  • 猪油可以和植物油一起转变生物柴油,该厂生产能力预计可达到用3000万猪油生产出3000万加仑生物柴油的水平。

    The plant is expected to turn 30 million pounds of lard into 30 million gallons of biodiesel a year.


  • 传统月饼制作使用猪油但是现在为了身体健康,已经改为使用植物油

    Traditional moon cakes are made with melted lard, but today vegetable oil is more often used in the interests of health.


  • 而对于我来说糖果不仅仅透明猪油而是一种童年的回忆

    For me, this candy is not just fast and transparent blocks of lard, but a childhood memory.


  • 但是上史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩的项上人头后,我会猪油大人的。

    But after I deliver you the head of Stannis Baratheon, I mean to finish hacking off Lord Lard's.


  • 浴缸里盛着凝固猪油,埋住一只里面的小猪标本条腿

    A piglet specimen standing in a bathtub, whose four legs are covered by the caky lard in it.


  • 偶尔妈妈说起奶奶以前很喜欢猪油奶奶面孔还是岁月模糊似乎越来越了。

    Occasionally heard her mother talking about her grandmother, liked to eat lard, rice, but the grandmother's face was blurred in the years to come, it seems farther and farther away from me.


  • 猪油状的东西。

    He showed me a lardaceous mass.


  • 猪油中加2.5%脱色芝麻香油、菜子色拉油中加5%未脱色芝麻香油均可获得最佳效果

    The best results can be gained with decolour sesameseed oil of 2.5% added into lard oil and sesameseed oil of 5 % into rapeseed salad oil.


  • 中国国家新闻媒体周一透露东部地区一家工厂的经理逮捕,原因是从泔水,下水道污水杀虫剂再生工业用油中提取油脂生产食用猪油

    A factory manager in eastern China has been arrested for using grease from swill, sewage, pesticides and recycled industrial oil to make lard for human consumption, the state news media said Monday.


  • 中国国家新闻媒体周一透露东部地区一家工厂的经理逮捕,原因是从泔水,下水道污水杀虫剂再生工业用油中提取油脂生产食用猪油

    A factory manager in eastern China has been arrested for using grease from swill, sewage, pesticides and recycled industrial oil to make lard for human consumption, the state news media said Monday.


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