• 人们生活极其恶劣环境中。

    People are living in appalling conditions.


  • 食物必须卫生环境制作

    Food must be prepared in hygienic conditions.


  • 我们富丽堂皇环境用餐

    We dined in sumptuous surroundings.


  • 树木大规模砍伐正在破坏环境

    The broadscale cutting down of trees is damaging the environment.


  • 工业化国家破坏环境真正元凶

    Industrialized nations are the real environmental villains.


  • 萨米环境问题鲜明的观点

    The Sami have strong views on environmental matters.


  • 欧洲工人劳动环境公认最好的。

    The workforce is generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe.


  • 年来工作环境了明显改变

    Working conditions have changed measurably in the last ten years.


  • 陌生环境感到局促不安

    She felt uneasy in the unfamiliar surroundings.


  • 防范诸如狂风烈日环境危害

    It protects against environmental hazards such as wind and sun.


  • 化肥滥用化正在损害环境

    The indiscriminate use of fertilizers is damaging to the environment.


  • 电视画面显示严寒环境

    TV pictures showed the arctic conditions.


  • 他们生活糟糕环境里。

    They were living in the most deplorable conditions.


  • 新楼周围环境协调

    The new building does not harmonize with its surroundings.


  • 修建大坝计划环境保护局否决

    Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency.


  • 舒马赫毫不费力地适应了环境

    Schumacher adapted effortlessly to his new surroundings.


  • 这种环境觉得一直克制

    Under the circumstances, he felt he'd been very restrained.


  • 政府环境问题顾问。

    She advises the government on environmental issues.


  • 通常环境方面的题材。

    She usually writes about environmental issues.


  • 环境压力使人们更加认可水上运输

    Environmental pressures are strengthening the case for waterborne freight.


  • 儿子彼得费力地就适应环境

    Her son Peter adapted effortlessly to his new surroundings.


  • 这些措施得到环境保护组织大力支持

    These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups.


  • 我们被迫户外天寒地冻环境工作

    We were forced to work outside in freezing conditions.


  • 环境问题深感担忧。

    She cares deeply about environmental issues.


  • 他们热衷于环境问题

    They are all passionately interested in environmental issues.


  • 成功繁殖需要安宁环境干扰越少越好

    Successful breeding requires quiet, peaceful conditions with as little disturbance as possible.


  • 探讨经济发展环境之间的关系。

    This chapter explores the linkage between economic development and the environment.


  • 员工改变工资工作环境建议普遍不满

    There is widespread discontent among the staff at the proposed changes to pay and conditions.


  • 劳资双方就工资福利工作环境争执不休。

    Management and labour are dickering over pay, benefits, and working conditions.


  • 这些动物尽量近似自然环境饲养的。

    The animals were reared in conditions which approximated the wild as closely as possible.


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