Modern science and postmodern science respectively embody two different modes of thinking, that is, reductionism and holism.
Modem science is based upon subject - object dualism, essentialist reductionism and causal determinism. Those are the source of "the crisis of modernity".
Modernist philosophy has four features: mechanism, reductionism, dichotomy of subject-object and expansive rationalism.
The Radix Astragli's modern pharmacology studies have reached to molecule level. But the study way of reduction analysis and holism of the traditional Chinese medicine both have obvious limitations.
Modern science, result from the enlightenment of the 17 th century, is characterized by mechanism and reductionism. In essence, it is a manifest of ideas of external relation in science.
Modern science, result from the enlightenment of the 17 th century, is characterized by mechanism and reductionism. In essence, it is a manifest of ideas of external relation in science.