I never understood why some people would work late into the night and sleep most of their mornings away, but now that I am sitting here, at 1am, listening to the same song on repeat, I get it.
That same feeling I felt again, as I stood there seeing them all lying as they used to sit, in those two long rows.
In fact while I've been in here I must have farted at least 20 times.
Now, sitting there alone at my first book signing, I wondered if my entire life wasn't just a big joke.
现在我正坐在这里,已经晚上6点钟多了。 我现在才意识到我有多累!
Now I’m sitting here, it’s past 6 pm, and I realized just how tired I am! I’m also exhilarated by the last couple of days.
I sit here now, watching businesses close and people wondering if they'll lose their houses.
If I were just sitting here listening to other people should not come back tell me, then I certainly will not be here.
I'm here to tell you, I want to completely recovered and returned to the stadium.
I'm proud that I fought for my country, but I'm still here, drinking beer.
I'm proud that I fought for my country, but I'm still here, drinking beer.