My love, it will glorify my life most to serve you faithfully till the end of time!
My very best is what you get, now and forever, so what you see is allI have in those moments of being in Labour.
To this day I still have no idea what followed me home but I was terrified and I'd rather not find out.
I will now turn this city household by household, until the flame of life has been snuffed out... forever.
She sent me a New Year card written "To the one looking for the plum blossom in the snow". What a larruping card among hundreds of others! I did remember her, now and maybe for ever.
Maybe she cannot keep it forever, but in your heart, she will be that beautiful as long as you live. Just like some persons, they died in combats, but they live in hearts, as long as we live.
Maybe she cannot keep it forever, but in your heart, she will be that beautiful as long as you live. Just like some persons, they died in combats, but they live in hearts, as long as we live.