可是知道吗? 有时候在这些社交网上瞎暧昧的调情却有可能造成现实生活中真的婚姻破裂,因为社交网站经常导致婚姻不忠诚情况出现。
But flirtations on the social networking site are now becoming a factor in marriagebreakdowns.
While social networking sites are increasingly being used for social contact, people continue to be more interested in real-life partners, rather than online partners.
Toai is a great example of how a social network can add in location-based features to take networking beyond the virtual world and into the "real" world.
She argues that, under the illusion of allowing us to communicate better, technology is isolating us from real human interactions in a cyber-reality that is a poor imitation of the real world.
Social networking sites are real-life relationships in an extension of the network.
Social networking sites are real-life relationships in an extension of the network.